Essay ”Reforming School Education”
“Growing welfare of Kazakh Citizens: Reforming School Education ”
“Kazakhstan should be seen in the world as highly educated country”
To enter the world education space, the Republic of Kazakhstan has reformed the education system. Consequently, conditions for implementation of the 12-year education model have been created, the country will gradually shirt to trilingual education.
To begin with, Kazakhstan needed modernization of its education sector: significant and steady increase in education and improvement of its quality. According to this the common goal of education reforms in Kazakhstan is to adapt the education system to a new socio-economic environment. Competitive skills of any developed country associated with the development of its education system. For example: a few years Nazarbaev intellectual schools are successfully study on the basis of international standards, their experiences are extending and involving to all schools. In this way, the use of knowledge allows pupils to acquire a wide range of competences, which is called “The Skills of the 21st century.”Firstly, the development and implementation of trilingual education, which is aimed to the development of three languages. Furthermore, the priority of the learning the Kazakh language was is and remains. As the result, it is expected that current reforms will improve the quality of Kazakh language. Secondly, to prepare teachers, as required by the new educational reform, teachers study English language to teach their subject in English. Therefore, the government is already implementing teacher training for the trilingual education. In the same way, the lack of teachers who can teach through English in rural areas also faces, as the result, the distant places are being provided internet access by distance learning technology.
To conclude, our country is changing its educational system towards corresponding to global trends, implementing to improve knowledge of pupils to become competitive in modern world. In my opinion the modernization of the Kazakhstani system of education access for every person to acquire new skills, as well as development of creative competencies.