Job description

Кудьярова Жанар Мухамбетказыевна

The aim of the lesson: is to give pupils information about jobs and proffessions and also to help them to consider or to choose their future proffessions after ninth form.Accessories: a textbook,aboard,apresentation,pictures,posters.

The plan of the lesson

1.Org moment.

2.Speech drill.

3.A guessing game.

4.Group work.

5.Checking the home task.

6.Working on textbook.7.Reading.8.Grammar.Conditional sentences.



1.Org moment.     Greeting.Pupils,as you know we have been describing the theme about part time job and the most important things in a job.Today we are going to conclude this lesson.First of all lets play a guessing game.

Questions to groups: Builders:You don’t walk.You don’t talk to the people in your cabin.You are in the air.What job is it?- a pilot.

You look after sick people in hospital.You sometimes work day and night.What job is it?- a nurse.

You build houses and buildings. What job is it?- a builder.

Lawyers: You mend cars.What job is it?- a mechanic.

You interview people.You write articles for newspapers and magazines.What job is it?- a journalist.

You teach pupils and students. Your job is difficult,but you have a long holiday. What job is it?- a teacher.


Pilots:Designers and draws plans for new buildings.What job is it?- an architect.

Decides cases in a court law.What job is it?- a judge.

Teacher: Thanks,it was well done. Lets associate the word job. They are:


Thanks,it was well done. Lets do the next task.

Now I am going to put questions according to the theme and you will answer with the   picture.

Builders: What are you going to be after leaving school?

Lawyers:Whatproffessions do you consider the most important in your life?

Pilots:What did you want to be when you were a child? Did you change your mind?


Thanks,that is enough with this task,lets go on.

What was your home task? Pupils: Our task was to read the text” Kids at work.”

And to write a similar story about Jennifer. Ex3,6 pages 93-95.

The next task is:to look at the board and say if they are done by men or women and say the reasons.

Example: A doctor-usually done by both and it is a physical and cultural work.

A mechanic-usually done by men and it is a physical work.

A journalist-usually done by women and men and it is a cultural work.

A builder-usually done by men and it is a physical work.

A writer-usually done by both and it is a cultural work.

Do you remember the text Crucialage.Now look through please and lets fill in this Venn diagramme.

That is to say the differencies and similiarities of KZ and Great Britain about part time jobs among teenagers.

They are:  to vote,to have a part time job,to go to pubs,to drive a car.

The next task is to revise 1st and 2nd conditionals. Open the brackets and  read these sentences.

If it rains,I will stay at home.

If I had much time,I would waste it.

If I were rich,I would travel around the world.

If she goes abroad,she will spend a lot of money.

If I stay at home,I will watch tv.

If I had enough money, I would buy a car.

Conclusion: pupils,this is the end of our todays lesson,the end of our theme job.


Nowadays,you are pupils of the 9th form.

Some of you are going to leave schools and consider your future proffessions studying at colleges.

Thanks to guests for an attention.

I will give you good marks,but I dont give you home task,because you will have winter holidays and New Year party.

Happy New Year and have a rest.Good bye!


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