The XXI century English teacher

Annotation:  the study of foreign language in demand as a means of intercultural, business and personal communication. The importance of multilingualism.  The opportunity to use the language as a means of communication.

New socio-economic conditions for the development of society in Kazakhstan, the processes of economic globalization, integration in various spheres of life make the study of foreign language in demand as a means of intercultural, business and personal communication. In this regard, the modern school, as well as the processes of conducting a foreign language, are going through a stage of their qualitative transformation and renewal.

The need for multilingualism was repeatedly emphasized by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the state level. In his address to the people, the First President Nazarbayev N.A. noted that «the most important task of education is to provide school graduates with international qualifications, development from linguistic consciousness, which is based on mastering the state, native and foreign languages. They are faced with the question of the effectiveness of teaching languages ​​and increasing the level of language training of students» [1].

«Multilingual education, being a consequence of the socio-cultural transformation of the modern language situation in Kazakhstan, appears as an innovative process that requires a special system to ensure the full-fledged activity of educational subjects in the changed new conditions» [2].

In modern methodological science, the term «language education» is used more and more often, which has a multifaceted nature and «presupposes the consideration of education in the field of foreign languages as a value, process, result and system» [3].

According to V.S. Shupletsova, a lesson of a foreign language, to a greater extent than a lesson of any other academic subject, is the leading means of teaching, since only within the walls of the school and, above all, in the classroom, the student gets the opportunity to use the language as a means of communication [4].

It is quite natural that foreign language lessons are qualitatively different from lessons in other school disciplines, they have their own characteristics that stand out from the specifics of the subject itself, and this specifics cannot be ignored by a teacher of a foreign language.

As stated above, a foreign language is not only a learning goal. It is also a teaching tool. Currently, the global goal of mastering a foreign language is familiarizing with another culture and participating in the dialogue of cultures. This goal is achieved through the formation of the ability for intercultural communication. It is teaching, which will be organized on the basis of communicative tasks, teaching foreign language communication, using all the tasks and techniques necessary for this, as well as teaching aids, that is a distinctive feature of a foreign language lesson.

What features associated with professional activities should be inherent in the external and internal culture of a foreign language teacher? In answering this question, it is necessary first of all to point out the following:

  1. The teacher of this subject should be an expert not only in the field of methods of teaching a foreign language, but also in the field of culture of one or several foreign countries, the peoples of which speak one or another language studied by the students.
  2. A teacher of this subject should, in the educational process, fulfill the function of a carrier of not only domestic but also foreign culture, show students various aspects of the culture of other countries, promote their understanding and introduction to the valuable aspects of this culture.
  3. As a bearer of the culture of the country of the target language, the teacher of this subject must, in particular, possess the norms of behavior accepted in the country, that is, he must not only know a foreign language, but also master the culture of speech in this language, expressed in the culture of speech behavior, in wealth, accuracy and expressiveness of speech, in observance of speech etiquette.

It can be concluded that a teacher of a foreign language, a modern teacher, must be able to understand not only the grammatical and lexical structure of the language, but also tell students about the politics, history, literature and national culture of the country of the target language.

In addition, it is a modern foreign language teacher who should present the language in such a way, conduct his lesson in such a way in order to develop an interest in cognition, so that children become terribly curious to know what will happen next, what else we will learn in the next lesson. To do this, the teacher must build the lesson in such a way that everyone is fascinated, so that no one gets bored in the lesson and does not think to himself that this is the most boring occupation in his life. And it’s not in vain, a lot of modern teachers use games in the classroom, build lessons in the form of travels or fairy tales, it is such entertaining teaching methods that make it possible to achieve a high-quality result in terms of acquiring knowledge by almost 100 percent of the group of students.

A modern teacher can fully realize himself as a person, achieve effective fulfillment of learning goals, organize effective educational cooperation and pedagogical communication, only realizing his professional and personal qualities and wanting to improve them. Naturally, all this can be done on the basis of a personality-activity approach to learning that meets the requirements that the modern stage of education development makes for the learning process, for the teacher.

LN Tolstoy said that “if a teacher has only love for work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for a student, like a father, a mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love either for the work or for the students. If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher. »


  1. Назарбаев Н.А. — Message from the President to the people of Kazakhstan // New Kazakhstan in a new world.- 2007
  2. Жетписбаева Б.А.- Multilingual education: theory and methodology. — Almaty: «Bilim». — 2008 — P.343.
  3. Гальскова Н. Д., Никитенко З.Н Theory and practice of teaching foreign languages. elementary School Н.Д. Гальскова, З.Н. Никитенко: Toolkit. / – М. : Айрис Пресс, 2004. – 240с
  4. Шуплецова В.С Theory and methodology of teaching a foreign language: Student’s methodological bag/ В. С. Шуплецова – Шадринск: Изд-во ПО «Исеть», 2005. – 183 с.

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