Giving directions


L.O: to understand students’ level of knowledge by the topics “Giving directions 

To identify city places and give them directions 

To use prepositions of place properly 

Where is the police station? 


Where is the hotel? 


Where is the school? 


  1. Write the correct prepositions. 

The Korean restaurant is _____________________________the bank and public library. 

The park is _______________________the park. 

The phone box is __________________to the town hall. 

The supermarket is ______________________the theater. 

The school is ___________________the theater.  

The pub is _____________________________of the Lane Street. 

Create the map using the directions.


HospitalSchoolBus stop 

Chemist, Restaurant 

Park, Cinema, Supermarket 


The Oak Street  

The Main Street 

The Queen avenue 

 The hospital is between the school and cinema.  

The park is on the Queen Avenue. 

The restaurant is at the corner of the Oak Street and Queen Avenue. 

The chemist is next to the supermarket. 

The bus stop is on the Main street and opposite the cinema. 

Criteria/Levels  C  D  E  B 
City Places  Uses correct spelling  Uses correct spelling  Uses correct spelling  Uses correct spelling 
Giving directions  Creates all directions properly  Creates all directions properly  Creates all directions properly  Creates all directions properly 
Prepositions of place  Writes all prepositions correctly  Writes all prepositions correctly  Writes all prepositions correctly  Writes all prepositions correctly 
Map of the city  Draws all places and signs all budlings on it  Draws 5 places and signs 5 buildings on it  Draws 4 places and signs 4 buildings on it 


Draws 4 places and signs 4 buildings on it 


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