4 сыныбына арналған «SNOW AND ICE» тақырыбына ашық сабақ


Unit:5 Hot and cold
Teacher’s name: Kenesova Erkezhan Dauletovna
Date: 13.02.2023
Grade: 4 Number  present:                                                      Absent:
Theme of the lesson: Snow and ice
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: 4.R6   understand with some support, some specific

information and detail in short, simple texts on a growing  range of general and some curricular topics

4.L3   understand the main points of short supported  talk on an increasing  range of general and some curricular topics

Lesson objectives: Revise weather and camping to talk about season.

Pronounce topical words correctly and express specific information with some support.

Express the main points of the theme correctly.


Part of the lesson/Time Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources
Beginning of the lesson


2 min.










3 min.









2 min.

Organization moment :


Hello dear students!

How are you today?

Let’s start out lesson.

What date is it today?

-Psychological training «Choose one picture and repeat this action with teacher»

Checking home task:

«Magic box» method: the music is turned on during the game, the children need to give each other a quick box while the melody is turned on. When the music stops, which child will have the box, the child takes the word on the weather theme from the box and translates it into Kazakh.



·         Brainstorming.

Setting the theme of the lesson: Look at the picture.  What do you think? Is it cold ar hot there? Are these animals dolphins(point to penguins)? Can you say the names of these animals? Where penguins live?What is our today’s  lesson’s topic?


Students greet the teacher.



Сhoose one picture and repeat this action by the teacher.



Students need to listen to music during the game and give each other a quick box. When the music stopped, he took the word weather from the box and translated it into English.



The students look at the picture and answer the teacher’s questions. And suggest a new topic.



At the organization moment T supports method  to motivate Ss. like:

“Good job!

Well done!”






Students will have «Smart watches» on their hands. And for each correct answer, the student moves the clock by 1 point.




Teacher supports method  to motivate Ss. like:

“Good job!

Well done!”












Magic box

Worksheets — 1










Pupil’s book.

Page- 77,

Worksheets — 2





Individual work

4 min.


Exercise 1.

The «Laptop» method: Students are given a laptop with a task.. The laptop contains words with translation and they have to write in the laptop those words that are related to snow and ice. At the end of the task, a igloo will hang on the blackboard and students must write those words that relate to snow and ice.

Ss write answers in the notebook

Scarf, snowflake, penguin, winter, ice crystal

Aim: define the characteristics of winter correctly and pronounce intelligibly.

Efficiency: help to define the types weather.

«Smart watches» on their hands. And for each correct answer, the student moves the clock by 1 point.





Pupil’s book.

Page- 78,

Exercise 26


Worksheet – 3

Middle of the lesson

Individual work.

2 min.









6 min

Presentation new words.

New words are distributed to students. The paper contains the English reading of new words and the translation of the same words. New words students learn together with the teacher.

Exercise 2. Listen and read the text.

Get read the text about Antarctica. Using the  «Classroomscreen» platform, you can randomly determine which students will read the text.


This task differentiated by the Ss reading skills. More able Ss pronounce the new words perfectly and less able Ss pronounce the topical words by teacher’s little support.

Students read the English reading of new words on paper and the translation of the same words together with the teacher.










Ss read the text and discuss each other.

Aim: develop reading skills and ensure with the characteristics of weather in other world.

Efficiency:  concern Ss for the task and learn to attract the audience with their meanings while reading task.

The teacher says phrases to the students for motivation:












-read the text

-define the main points.

-translate the text


Handouts with the new words list

Worksheets — 4













Pupil’s book

Smiles 4.

Page 78

Ex 26.

Individual work.

 “Thinking cap

5 min.













   5 min.

Exercise 3.

To summarize the text, use the «Wordwall» platform to compose the correct sentence from confused sentences.




Exercise 4.

Using the «Сhips» method, ask questions related to the text, answer questions and repeat the new text.

Students read the text again and use the «Wordwall» platform to compose the correct sentence from confused sentences.

Aim: revise the previous lessons to remember better.

Efficiency: analyze the meaning of the sentences and choose the correct answer.



Students answer questions related to the text using the «Chips» method and repeat the new text


-read the text

-correct the sentences

«Smart watches» on their hands. And for each correct answer, the student moves the clock by 1 point.






-correct the answer question

«Smart watches» on their hands. And for each correct answer, the student moves the clock by 1 point.





Pupil’s book

Smiles 4.

Page 78










Pupil’s book

Smiles 4.

Page 78



    2 min.


The music will turn on and the teacher will have a bottle in his hands. How the bottle  the same way the students repeat the same action. Later, the students sit down and repeat the action told by the teacher. 

Sun — students raise their hands on top,

a rock-close their hands

when he says rain-he draws the sound of rain with his hands.

Students repeat the activity indicated by the teacher The teacher says phrases to the students








Instructions teacher for children

Individual work

5 min

Exercise 5.

method «POTATO FRIES»:

repeating the text, then translating the sentence given by the teacher from Kazakh to English.


Ss read the sentences and words , choose  and translate the sentences.



Aim: understand the meaning of the sentences and develop logical thinking skills.






Efficiency: Ss improve thinking skills and develop  vocabulary.

«Smart watches» on their hands. And for each correct answer, the student moves the clock by 1 point.










-read the sentences

-translate the sentences correctly.

Pupil’s book

Smiles 4.

Page 78

Ex. 26.



Individual work

4 min








Exercise 6

«Google» method: give time to repeat new words and then translate the words given by the teacher from Kazakh to English.

Ss read the new words and translate the words.

Aim: understand the meaning of the words and develop logical thinking skills.

Efficiency: Ss improve thinking skills and develop  vocabulary.



«Smart watches» on their hands. And for each correct answer, the student moves the clock by 1 point.


-read the given Kazakh words

— then translate the words correctly.



Worksheets — 4







End of the lesson.

Home task

2 min.







1 min.




Individual work:

2 min.


The teacher gives the students homework.

Allow the pupils some time to read the text again silently and correct the sentences.


Evaluation: Teacher pronounces FM.



Students close their notebooks. The teacher hands out a letter template. And the teacher asks the students to write in the letter:

— two things they remember about Antarctica.

— two things that they liked in class.

After the students have written down their letter, they can send these letters to Kazpost.

Pupils read the text again silently and correct the sentences








Students show their smart watches to the teacher. And the teacher gives grades for the lesson


Suggested answer key

Antarctica is bigger than the USA. There’s a lot of ice in Antarctica.

Aim: check Ss general comprehension of the new theme.

Efficiency: revise the new theme and will form them in the further life.

Feedback: “Phrase for motivation”

Very good








Smart watches




«Thumbs up, thumbs down»

 method  to motivate Ss. like:

“Good job!

Well done!”


Pupil’s book











PPP -6

Worksheets – 7


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