How long have you known the «Teacher of the Nation» Akhmet Baitursynuly?

The legacy of A. Baitursynuly is truly inexhaustible. The circle of literature associated with the name of the outstanding reformer includes his literary heritage, studies of his life and work, and creative studies of his scientific works. How long have you known the «Teacher of the Nation» Akhmet Baitursynulu? For our people, I consider it «ungrateful» not to know about the people who formed the basis of the national code. And it is our duty to analyze their heritage, the duty of the lovers of our country. Yes, they study it, analyze it, teach it to the younger generation, make films… We are proud of it. In his speech, Baitursynuly said: “And what is the use of your art and knowledge, if there was no such application?”…
While studying at the Faculty of Philology of the National Kazakh University named after al-Farvbi, I did an internship to study the heritage of Akhmet Baitursynuly. Then, not just with curiosity, but as a literary critic and sitting with the leading Akhmet scholars of our time, we looked at the works of the scientist differently and with our own eyes. In this way, the knowledge of Akhmet Baitursynuly did not end; we had an internship at the «Til-Kural Institute named of Ahmed Baitursynuly» where one of the main goals was to study the legacy of the scientist. We had a study.
Personally, I researched how scientists conducted their research and what news they discovered, how their research was useful, and what bright opinions were. Let’s just say there was a lot of research. but given that the scientist was multifaceted, foreign fresh minds, new ideas for research are still needed.
Nurzhankyzy Aruzhan

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