Free-time activities

Быжыбаева Назкеш

Short term plan


Unit 1 of a long term plan:  Communication and


Date: Teacher name:  
Grade: 7 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Free-time activities
Learning objectives


7.6.12,1 use an increased variety  of adverbs, including adverbs of degree  too, not enough, quite , rather on a growing range of  familiar general and curricular topics understand with limited support the main points of extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics write with some support about personal feelings and opinions on a limited range of  familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:

• Learn verbs about free-time activities.

• Listen to a podcast about metal detecting.

• Listen for general meaning and specific details.

• Write personal sentences about free time using adverbs of frequency

Stages / Time Teachers actions Students actions Assessment criteria Resources















Organization moment :



• Ask students what they understand by these words, then ask them to say what their favourite activities are.

• Ask students if they have a lot of free time, or not enough. Elicit some ideas

Lead – In

I ride a bike.

She watches TV.

He has a lunch.

He goes fishing.

He plays chess



Divided into groups with picture



Students say different words from the picture 


Which of these activities are sports and which are hobbies?

Gardening, golf, painting, football, archery, fishing, skydiving, martial arts, snowboarding, tennis, aerobics, board games, white-water rafting, knitting, ice hockey, skiing, motor racing, pottery, weightlifting, photography, stamp collecting, .


At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

“Good job!

Well done!”



Formative Assessment
























Main part












Ex:1 P:12

• Tell students to read through the options and try to guess as many as they can, before they listen and check.

• Check the answers and ask around the class to find out how many activities the students guessed correctly.


Ex: 2 P: 12

• Look at the photo with the class and ask students to identify the activity (metal detecting). They can answer in their own language.

Differentiation: Support;  learners are arranged to interact in mixed groups.  Topic vocabulary is used while responding to the given questions

Read the information about the

Money Matters podcast. Then listen and

choose the correct answers.

1 Justine goes metal detecting with …

a her friends. b her dad. c her mum.

2 Justine goes metal detecting …

a at the weekends.

b when she goes on holiday.

c when she isn’t at school.

3 Justine usually goes metal detecting …

a near the sea. c in the park.

b at school.

4 Justine …

a has got €183 from metal detecting.

b pays €183 a year to go metal


c bought her metal detector for €183.


Ex: 2 P.12

Remind students to use a variety of adverbs when writing their sentences



Ex: 4 P. 12

Write true sentences using the present simple

and adverbs of frequency.

I / meet / my friends after school

I often meet my friends after school.

1 we / play / computer games

2 I / go / swimming

3 my friends and I / watch / DVDs

4 I / have got / a mobile phone with me

5 I / be / late for class

6 my friends and I / go / cycling


































Group work

Match 1–11 with a–k.

1 play a the cinema

2 go b computer games

3 listen to c comics

4 meet d friends in town

5 play in e photos of people

6 wear f shopping with friends

7 collect g a band

8 take h expensive sunglasses

9 surf i DVDs

10 watch j the internet

11 go to k mp3s


Students choose the correct words


1 TV 8 shopping

2 music 9 the internet 3 computer games 10 swimming 4 friends 11 in a band 5 sport 12 cycling 6 things 13 to the cinema 7 photos 14 magazines and books


Students read the information about the Money Matters podcast.


1 b

2 c

3 c

4 a

Students write the sentences using present simple and adverb of frequency


1 We … play computer games.

2 I … go swimming.

3 My friends and I … watch DVDs.

4 I have … got a mobile phone with me.

5 I am … late for class.

6 My friends and I … go cycling.



Never    ешқашан

Hardly ever  бір кездері

Sometimes  кей кезде

Often    үнемі

Usually  әдетте

Always   әрқашан


Exercise for level A students

Choose the correct words.

I ’ve sometimes got / ’ve got sometimes my

laptop with me.

1 She’s hardly ever / hardly is ever late for


2 We go sometimes / sometimes go shopping

on Saturdays.

3 They often are / ’re often tired in the


4 It’s usually / usually is very hot here in


5 You never have got / ’ve never got any

money with you.

6 Batyr doesn’t often play / plays not often



Exercise for level B students

Cross out the bold adverb that is in the wrong


I sometimes listen sometimes to reggae.

1 We often play often volleyball in the summer.

2 They never are never late for class.

3 She’s usually got usually make-up in her bag.

4 He doesn’t often watch often TV.

5 He always is always at the sports centre.

6 Hardly ever I hardly ever listen to hip hop.

7 They sometimes go to sometimes the cinema.

8 Occasionally she occasionally reads magazines.


Exercise for level C students

Rewrite the sentences with the adverbs of


We go to the park on Saturdays. (usually)

We usually go to the park on Saturdays.

1 He takes his mobile phone to work. (often)

2 The traffic is bad in the morning. (occasionally)

3 I ride my bike to school. (not often)

4 I’m late for school. (hardly ever)

5 I’ve got a lot of money. (never)



Assessment criteria

– Learn verbs about free-time activities



– read and try to find many activities



Assessment criteria:

-Write personal sentences about free time using adverbs of frequency


– write the sentences using present simple and adverb of frequency




-Make CCQ questions



CD 1





































































































Home task:

EX: 5  P: 12 SB

  Poster Success  TV



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