The importance of Higher Education

After graduating from the university, I was faced with the question of choosing an educational institution for admission to the magistracy in order to continue my education. After I was completely satisfied with my bachelor’s degree,I did not analyze educational institutions for a long time,and my attention immediately stopped at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

This institution is rich in many years of educational and scientific work experience. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is the leader of the general rating of universities in Kazakhstan. For the first time in the history of the country, the laureate of the prize of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan “for achievements in the field of quality”, the diploma holder of the prize of the Commonwealth of Independent States for achievements in the quality of services received a certificate from the largest world Certification Centers of the international certification system IQNET. KazNU has Educational, Scientific, spiritual-educational, innovative and industrial potential aimed at training highly qualified specialists, integration into the world educational space, development of fundamental and applied research, their implementation in production.

The university has 16 faculties, 32 research institutes and centers, a Technopark and a military department. The university employs more than 2 thousand professors, doctors, candidates of Sciences and doctors of philosophy, academicians of more than 100 major academies, more than 40 honored figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan, about 40 laureates of state and nominal prizes and about 40 laureates of young scientists prizes. More than 25 thousand students and undergraduates study at Al-Farabi kaznu in the multi-level system of higher professional education. My university cooperates with 418 major international universities in the world on the implementation of joint international training programs, student exchanges and internships. According to the results of a study by the international rating agency QS World University Rankings, kaznu took the 220th place among the 800 best universities in the world in the 2018 academic year. In the QS University Rankings, kaznu ranked 11th out of 200 in the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It received the highest rating among all universities in Kazakhstan in two ratings of KazNU.

In addition, kaznu provides its students with the opportunity to study abroad. Currently, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has more than 200 agreements on cooperation with universities and organizations of the following countries: Russia, Korea, Japan, Turkey, China, USA, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, India, Great Britain, Poland, Egypt, Malaysia, Austria, Hungary, Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Portugal, Brazil, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Greece, Israel, Cyprus, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Republic Of Belarus.As undergraduates,with the support of our university,we plan to go to Italy for a 2-week exchange of experience in the spring semester.

Nogaibekova Nazym,

Speciality “Economics”

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