Beysenbaeva Zh.A., master student,
№ 80 school-lyceum, Shymkent, Kazakhstan

This article is devoted to interactive methods of English language teaching. The author considers various interpretations of the concept “interactive methods”, analyses their effectiveness and develops own system of foreign language teaching, that is focused on the participation of all students in the speech process and chooses “team-building technology” as a core element of this system and as a
type of interactive methods. This technology includes the complex of games in English. The results of the study prove that implementation of such games efficiently improves language level and develops professional skills of engineers.
Keywords: engineering education, teaching system, foreign language, psychodrama approach, frame approach, “team-building” technology, games in English, corporate culture.

Nowadays due to political, economical and social changes that take place in Kazakhstan cultural and business interaction with other countries has considerably developed and as a result, it influenced construction engineering and engineering education in general. Many enterprises and joint venture companies demand high technology developments that have commercial value and meet the requirements of overseas customers. Study of English and international requirements to the training of a qualified engineer show that professional competence of an engineer is determined not only by high professional level of a team specialists. Consequently, the modernization of education at technical universities becomes urgent. English language teaching plays a great role in this as it increases the competitiveness of graduates. Much research was conducted, concerning methods of teaching: learning and teaching styles in engineering education new teaching strategies of engineering education were identified. The analysis of these works proves that teaching and educational modern technical university has become interactive and innovative. The aim of this paper is to show basic characteristics of interactive education and its effectiveness at English lessons.
A wide variety of foreign language teaching methods developed in the 20th century. This fact strongly influenced the process of second language teaching and learning. Teachers choose the method that seems to them the most convenient and appropriate. However, it is a quite subjective and individual process. Basic teaching methods can be classified into the following categories: 1) structural methods: the grammar-translation and the audio-lingual method; 2) functional methods: situational language teaching; 3) interactive methods (communicative language teaching, direct method, language immersion, natural approach, silent way, storytelling, teaching proficiency through reading, total physical response etc.) Kevin Yee, the author of interactive techniques, considers interactive methods to be the most effective ones. They involve a collection of more than 100 teaching strategies that aim to engage students in studying process. Most of them encourage the natural acquisition of language, not learning. There is an important distinction between language acquisition and language learning. Children acquire language through a subconscious process during which they do not study grammatical rules. The same as they acquire their first language. Acquiring language, the learner needs a source of natural communication. Language learning, on the other hand, is not communicative. In language learning, students have just knowledge of the language and can operate it. Research has shown, however, that knowledge of grammar rules does not necessarily result in good speaking or writing. A student who understands the rules of the language may be able to succeed in a standardized test of English language but may not be able to speak or write correctly [3]
English language as a discipline in technical universities influences the personal and professional potential of students. English language studying, like studying of any other language, develops integrative thinking of an engineer. Engineer students don’t study only master English language, but also develop professional skills that are necessary in engineering business. The atmosphere and communicative approach of this discipline imply the introduction of interactive methods. “The foreign language lesson is characterized by the formation of creative personality as teaching communication can’t take place in spiritless atmosphere” [3]. Interactive methods replaced the communicative methods of education, as they increase the students’ motivation, purposefulness and allow to organize a lesson in such a way that all students are involved into English language speaking. Lesson management with the help of interactive methods form culture speech, which is essential in their future profession. It is important to determine the concept “interactivness”. It defines “interactiveness” as speech interaction of two or more people [4].
There can be various examples of interactive exercises: 1)think in pairs and share;
2) Buzz group; 3) Case Study; 4) Asking questions; 5) Note review; 6) Role playing; 7) Short writing exercises; 8) Demonstration; 9) Discussion; 10)Brainstorming; 11)Debate (between students and Teacher); 12)Simulation.
These techniques have multiple benefits: the instructor can easily and quickly assess if students have really mastered the material (and plan to dedicate more time to it, if necessary), and the process of measuring student understanding in many cases is also practice for the material—often students do not actually learn the material until asked to make use of it in assessments such as these. Finally, the very nature of these assessments drives interactivity and brings several benefits. Students are revived from their passivity of merely listening to a lecture and instead become attentive and engaged, two prerequisites for effective learning. These techniques are often perceived as “fun”, yet they are frequently more effective than lectures at enabling student learning. At the chair of linguistics and cross cultural communication such type of interactive methods as “team building technology ” is used. Before choosing this technique detailed analysis of scientific literature was made, that allowed to reveal the specific features of engineering profession.
The developed system consists of content element which is based on frame approach and is represented by the discipline “Foreign language”, and organizational element, based on methodological assumptions of psychodrama and contextual approaches. The core part of content element is a discipline “Foreign language”, aimed at teaching foreign language with the help of frame approach. Frames help students to master professional terminology. The frames that constitute the system are not only lexico – semantical units, but also terminology of certain professional activities context, thus they become
part of behavior and professional style. These games will help to imitate the professional activity, the professional roles are acted, the professional
reality is performed due to the context that resemble the sphere of engineering business. The “team building technology” includes situations of true to life communication in the managerial process of engineering. These situation help students to motivate, persuade and support the members of a professional team. We select the following types of games: 1) 1)battling: games that teach healthy competition; 2) support: activities to appreciate and help each other; 3)teamwork: challenges that require cooperation; 4) creativity: challenges that encourage out of the box thinking [1]
Games that are selected according to the principles of psychodrama and context approaches enabled the formation of corporate culture components. Activities to appreciate and help each other enable the formation cognitive component as students obtain knowledge of psychological peculiarities of a person in management. Games that teach healthy competition formed communicative component of corporate culture as the skill of emotional support is formed. Challenges that require cooperation from the motivational component as a certain management style is formed. Games for stimulating critical thinking (out of the box thinking) form the reflexive component.
1.Armstrong, M.(2008). Human resource management practice. Kogan page: London and Philadelphia, 565M566.
2. Baidenko V.I., Belov E.B. (2005) Designing state educational standards of professional education of a new generation.
3. Kashina, E.G. (2012) Communicative=theatrical method of teaching English: multiple intelligence formation. Samara:
Samara University, 122M123.
4.Nikishina, V.O. (2013). Interactive methods of teaching English, Students scientific forum, 56=62.
5.Obskov A.V. Problems of organization of interactive English teaching, Scientific journal of TGPU. Section “Pedagogics”,
11(126), 120M124

В статье рассматриваются различные способы реализации интерактивных форм обучения в преподавании иностранного языка. Описаны интерактивные технологии применяемые на занятиях по иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе.
Бұл мақалада шетел тілін оқытудың интерактивті әдістерін қолдану барысында кездесетін түрлі тәсілдерді талқылайды. Тілдік емес жоғары оқу орнында шет тілі сабақтарында қолданылатын интерактивті технологиялар сипатталған.

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