Read fiction aLESSON: Unit 6. Reading for Pleasure School: №112 school named by N.A.Ahmadeeva Data: 16.11.2019 Teacher name: Omar Altynai The Theme: Read fiction and non-fiction books in Kazand non-fiction books in Kazakh, English, Russian languages.

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LESSON: Unit 6.

Reading for Pleasure

School: №112 school named by N.A.Ahmadeeva

Data: 16.11.2019

Teacher name: Omar Altynai

The Theme:

 Read fiction and  non-fiction  books in Kazakh, English, Russian languages.


Number present: 16


Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is
contributing to

5. R4 read with some support a limited range of short fiction and non-fiction texts

5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a  range of general and curricular  topics

5.W3  write with  support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge, understand and high level

Assessment criteria


  • Define the difference between fiction and non-fiction books in Kazakh, Russian, English languages.

·         Act out the story by listening to the story.

  • Write to make a piece of creative work of art on their own descriptions  at text level which describe people, places and objects.


Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:
·   Read and understand the main events in the story

·         Collaborate with other learners

Most learners will be able to:

  • Connect story with the younger generations who enjoyed them before

Some learners will be able to:

·understand how story inspire others to create pieces of artwork


Language objectives

Learners can: understand the main idea of the story, speak on dialogues, make communication with each other

Key words and phrases: calm, catch, fool, grant a wish, land, let, poor, rich, shout, stormy, surprised, swim away, turn.

Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:

Discussion points: Do you like to read a book?

                              What is your favorite story?

                              Who is your favorite author?

Can you say why…?

Why is reading important in our life?

Writing prompts: pictures, worksheets, cards

Value links

Common history culture and language

Cross curricular links

Kazakh, Russian, English Literature

Previous learning

Listen to the song and fill in the missing verbs. A part of History



Planned activities (replace the notes below with yourplanned activities)




15 min


I. Organization moment: a) Greetings;

                                           b) Duties’ report

  II. Brainstorming strategy: Answer the questions

Do you like to read a book?

What is your favorite story?

Who is your favorite author?

What types of literature do you know?

III. Divided pupils into two groups with the help of cards.

1st group – Fiction literature

2nd group – Non-fiction literature

IV. Explain new theme: To show them video.

 Pupils watch the video and say what are speaking?

-What about is this video?

 -How do you think what are we going to talk today?

fiction – көркем әдебиет

non-fiction – публистикалық

a) Look at the pictures. Which types of literature are fiction and non-fiction?

Action and adventure is fiction.

Articles in newspapers are non-fiction






















15 min























V. Active vocabulary: To present vocabulary for a story

calm -салмақты

catch – ұстау

fool   ақымақ

grant a wish  тілек білдіру

land – жер

let – рұқсат беру

poor – кедей

rich – бай

shout – айқайлау

stormy – тасқынды, дауылды

surprised – күтпеген, кенеттен

swim away – жүзіп кетті

turn – бұрылу


Alexander Pushkin (6th June 1799 – 10th

February 1837) was a Russian poet, novelist

and playwright. His most famous works are the

novel Eugene Onegin and the play Boris

Godunov. Pushkin wrote The Fisherman and the

Fish in 1833. It is a fairy tale in verse.








Описание: Похожее изображение

Look at the pictures. Who is in the picture? Who was Alexander Pushkin? Where was he from? (Alexander Pushkin was a poet, novelist and playwright.

He was from Russia)


1. Task: working with group. Strategy Images: What’s happening?(W)

с) Look at the pictures. What do you see? Tell me which one shows:


a beautiful house – 1F                              an angry woman with a bucket – 4B

a fisherman catching a fish – 2D              a queen and her servants – 5E

dark sea and rain – 3A                             as a servant – 6C

Descriptor: A learner

  • Matches the pictures

Reading skills:

 Play the recording. Listen and read the text.


 A fairy tale The Fisherman and the Fish.

An old fisherman and his wife lived in a small house near the sea. They were very poor. One day, the fisherman caught a golden fish. “Please let me go,” said the fish, “and you can have anything you wish!” The fisherman was very

surprised. The fish could speak! “Dear little fish,” said the old man, “I don’t want

anything!” He let the fish go and walked home. He told his wife

about the fish. “You fool!” she shouted. “We need a new bucket! Go back and ask for a bucket!” So the fisherman went back to the sea. It was calm. He called the golden fish and it swam up to him. “What do you want, good man?” it asked.

“My wife wants a new bucket,” said the fisherman. “You can have your wish. Go home now,” said the fish and swam away. The fisherman went home and saw a new bucket, but his wife was still angry. She wanted a new house. So the fisherman went back to the sea and called the golden fish again. This time the sea was not so calm.


Tasks for more able learners :

Read the story again and complete the sentences.

1 One day, the fisherman caught a golden fish

but he …………………………………………….. .

2 The golden fish offered the fisherman a

wish, but the old man didn’t …………………

…………………………………………………… .

3 When the fisherman told his wife about the

fish, she called him a …………………………. .

4 The fisherman‘s wife asked for a …………….

………………………….. with her second wish.

5 The fisherman‘s wife wished to be the

Queen of the ……………………………………. .

6 At the end of the story, the fisherman and

his wife only had ………………………………..


Tasks for less able learners: Put the pictures in the correct order.

D – B – F – C – E – A

Descriptor:  A learner

·         Reads the text

·         Completes the sentences

·         Puts  the pictures in the correct order

Names of members





Reads the text

Completes the sentences

Puts  the pictures in the correct order



Assessment :

13-15 stars

9-12 stars

5-8 stars


2. Writing; Use the adjectives to complete the

summary of The Fisherman and the Fish.(G)


3. Answer the questions (I)

1. What happened in the beginning of the story that surprised the fisherman?
2. Why did the wife get mad at her husband when he told her about the talking fish?
3. Why did she keep asking her husband to go back to the fish?
4. What happened at the end of the story?



































































10 min

Conclusion: Strategy: Freeze frame

Work in groups. Three people take the roles and act out the story.

Giving homework: Imagine you met the golden fish. What would you wish for?

Feedback: Teacher asks learners to use  two stars and one wish to write about the lesson.




Additional information

Differentiation – how do youplan to give more support?

How do you plan to challenge
the more able learners?


Assessment – how are you
planning to check learners’

Teacher assesses learners after each task through support, encourages and oral comments

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links


Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn
today? What was the learning
atmosphere like?
Did my planned differentiation work well?


I think  my objectives were realistic. Because I see the results.

The learners learned  some new words to fairy tale “The Fisherman and the Fish”. Learners took part in different tasks and activities, to collaborate working in small groups, shared ideas.
In future practice I will continue to learn about innovative technologies to implement into professional activity.

Summary evaluation



What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

1:  I think watching video about literature and video about fairy went really interesting.

2:  Using strategy “Freeze frame” which work with group role play went well.

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

1: I should take some grammar and video lesson.

2: Giving individual tasks according to the levels of learners knowledge.


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