My ideal class
Lesson plan
Unit:1 Our Class School: № 29
Date: Teacher name: Nuralieva Nazira
CLASS: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title My ideal class
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme) 6.L.1.1 – understаnd a longer sеquеnce of suрported classroom instructions;
6.S.1.1- provide basic infоrmation about themselves and others at discourse level on a range of general topics;
Lesson objectives All students will be able to
1. pronounce all words correctly
2. answer the questions
3. understand other’s learners speech
Most learners will be able to
1. translate new words through matching pictures and words
2. say 6-7 sentences to describe their poster
3. understand lesson’s theme and make a conclusion
Some learners will be able to
1. use correctly new words in making up their own sentences
2. compose 8-10 sentences to describe their poster
3. recognize and speak out their opinion about the ideal class
Assessment criteria – understand the main idea of the text
– match the words and pictures
– answer the questions;
– compose sentences
-express their opinion and ideas;
Language objective Listening and speaking practice
Values links Creative and critical thinking
Cross-curricular links Art
Previous learning Unit revision
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities) Resources
5 min
5 min
Greeting: Teacher greets the learners; learners respond to greeting of the teacher and take their places. Warming up: The poem about school.
To introduce the topic, to create interest
Look at the blackboard
1. What can you see?
2. What are they doing?
What is the theme of our lesson?
Brainstorming activity.
Task 1
Association on the theme “My ideal class”
A learner
– knows topic vocabulary
– writes down associations
Assessment criteria:
1 correct word -1 point
Excellent job! – 5 right answers
Good job! – 3-4 right answers
Try again! – 1-2 right answers
PPT slide 1
Picture of classroom
PP slide 2
5 min
3 min
12 min
2 min
3 min
Task2. There are rules for a classroom. Put the words in the correct order.
1. E.g. must quietly. You speak -You must speak quietly.
2. eat You drink. or mustn’t ______________________________
3. phone. your mustn’t You use – _________________________
4. the listen You teacher. must to – _________________________
5. mustn’t run. You – ____________________________________
A learner
– knows the right order in the sentence
– arranges the words to make sentences
Assessment criteria:
1 correct sentence -1 point
Excellent job! – 5 right sentences
Good job! – 3-4 right sentences
Try again! – 1-2 right sentences
Task 3 Listen to audio. Answer the questions.
1. What is audio about?
2. Which school is he studying?
3. Which class does he study?
4. What subjects are studied deeply?
A learner
– listens to audio
– reads the questions
– answers the question
Assessment criteria:
1 correct question -1 point
Excellent job! – 4 right answers
Good job! – 2-3 right answers
Try again! – 1 right answers
Task 4 Differentiated tasks. Listen to audio.
Level A
1. Individual work- matching pictures
A learners
-reads the words and pays attention on picture
-matches the words with pictures
Assessment criteria
5-6 words-Excellent job!
3-4 words- Good job!
1-2 words- Try again!
Level B
2. Group work- complete text
A learners
-reads and understands the sentences;
– completes the text
Assessment criteria
5 correct sentences- Excellent job!
3-4 correct sentences- Good job!
1-2 correct sentences – Try again!
Level C
3. Pair work
Listen to audio once again and make up dialogue with your own opinion.
A learner
• listens to audio more attentive
• makes up your own dialogue
Assessment criteria:
Excellent job! – 5 right answers
Good job! – 3-4 right answers
Try again! – 1-2 right answers
Physical training
Task 5. Group work. Describe a picture.
A learner
– looks at the picture
– knows the right order in the sentence
– describes the picture correctly;
Assessment criteria:
Excellent job! – 8-10 sentences
Good job! – 5- 7 sentences
Try again! – 2-4 sentences
Handout 2
Handout 3
Handout 4 XVBCI54Io
Handout 5
5min Feedback.
At the end of the lesson learners reflect on:
Whаt they learned;
What remained unclear for them;
What they need tо continue working on;
Teacher gives comments about learners work and awards learners. Students will choose one and put on the board their stickers.
Home work! Write an essay “My dream school”
A learner
– uses topical vocabulary
– knows the right order in the sentence
-writes an essay “My dream school”
Assessment criteria:
“Excellent job!” – 10-12 sentences
“Good job!” – 8-9 sentences
“Try again!” -5-6 sentences Stickers
I know and understand
I can speak
I need a help
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you
plan to give more support?
How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check
learners’ learning? Health and safety check
Differentiation can be achieved
through giving the differential
tasks on presenting new
vocabulary; differential home
task. Learning materials and
resources are based on the
individual abilities of the
learners (audio-visual material,
handout , cards)
Answer keys with assessment criteria
Peer assessment based on assessment table with descriptors (for each student) Using physical exercises and active activities.
Handout 1
School is my home,
School is my life,
School is my future,
Every day and night.
There is only one rule,
To study at school,
Never give up,
And only early, get up!
Handout 2
1. must quietly. You speak -You must speak quietly. You drink. or mustn’t ______________________________
3. phone. your mustn’t You use – _________________________
4. the listen You teacher. must to – _________________________
5. mustn’t run. You – ____________________________________
1. You must speak quietly.
2. You drink mustn’t or eat.
3. You use mustn’t your phone.
4. You the listen must to teacher.
5. You mustn’t run .
Handout 3
a bus
break times
library book
school competitions
Handout 4
My school’s name is Ryan International school. It is one the —- ——— in my city. It is 2 km away from my house and I —————- in a bus with my friends. I —— in grade 6 and I love to go to school because I learn many things over there and I can also —- with my friends in break time.
My school’s name is Ryan International school. It is one the of the best schools in my city. It is 2 km away from my house and I go to school in a bus with my friends. I study in grade 6 and I love to go to school because I learn many things over there and I can also play with my friends in break time.
Handout 5
Describe a picture