Summative & Formative Assessment in Updating Content of Secondary Education
Казиева Гульнар Сериковна
( This coaching session was conducted at the Workshop for Teachers of the City of Aktobe)
Theme:” Summative & Formative Assessment in Updating Content of Secondary Education”.
Objective: -to show the need for new approaches to evaluation criteria for creating a new educational environment for the effective performance of students;
Tasks:1.-to consider the category of evaluation as a necessary activity in teaching and teaching of students;
- -to distinguish forms of evaluation the ability to identify and justify different types of assessment;
3.-to provide methodological assistance to teachers in their professional development;
- Introduction
- The word of the coach.
Gulnara:(cлайд № 1)I.-Good morning, dear colleagues!
-To change destiny, you need to change your attitude to life, to work, to
To change behavior, you need to change your way of thinking. Thus,
Getting rid of the old worldview, you can attract positive life changes.
Are you ready for this? Allow me to wish us all a good, fruitful work on the coaching session.
Dear coaching participants, glad to welcome all of you on coaching, please put one personal item in the chest. ( the coach pulls out the personal belongings of the participants and puts them on the tables according to their number).
Dear participants, we ask you to divide into groups according to personal things, laid on tables in a free order.Today we’ll discuss our problems, our weak points, our professional knowledge skills. Dear colleagues, before we continue our work, we suggest that you determine the theme of our coaching yourself. ( suggested to watch the video)
Do you guess the theme of our coach?(video about assessments)(слайд№ 2)
Task #1.Brainstorm.
The epigraph of our coach will be the words of F.Nietzsche:” Living –means evaluate” Житьзначитоценивать.”(5 мин)
( слайд № 3) Let’s start the coaching. The theme of the coaching “Assessment for and of learning .As you know, we have 2 forms of assessments: -Formative&Summative assessmentsin Updating Content of Secondary Education.(слайд 4)( 3,5мин)
Thepurpose of the evaluation is to improve the results, not just measure them.
Today we’ll discuss some typesof assessment which we use at our daily lessons. I’d like you to put your attention to assessment in a secondary school, because as for me it’s very difficult to give marks to secondary school children. Do you agree with me?
Task #2. Dear teachers take a poster & draw a butterfly. You may colour your butterfly, so do what you like.( Flash-training покаучителярисуют)( 5мин)
(Teachers assess their work)
The figures are estimated: 1.This is a self-assessment.
- Put yourself the assess (scores) for the collective drawing.
- Change your poster and assess each other. (Scores)What assessments did you use? Formative or summative?
Tell me please, Is the assessment of your group coincided with the assessment of your colleagues?( 2мин)
- Realization of meaning:
Nadya:(5слайд)1.I would like to start with the Assessment
Philosophy Judy Arter and Bill Savard:”We believe that assessment
can do more than merely document student achievement. We believe
that assessment, if approached properly, can nurture the very achievement that we are trying to document.”
2.(6 слайд)Answer the questions
- What do you understand by assessment?
- Why do we need to assess?
- Who affects the assessment?
( 7слайд)
As you have already been divided into 3 groups, work in your group and the following questions:
- How do we Assess learning?
What do we want our students to know/be able to do?
- How do we know they have learned it?
How do we Use those assessments for learning?
- What will we do if they are not learning it?
What will we do if they already know it and successful?
- Method:( Following Vienna)-Кругивена( 8слайд)
The first group you should name formative assessment features.
The second group should tell the summative assessment features.
The third group should tell common features for Summative and Formative
Assessment.(5 мин)
(флэш-тренинг пока учителя обсуждают)
- Can you tell me the advantages of new form of assessment? ( 9слайд)
So, dear colleagues! The problems of evaluation and its objectivity is acute both for teachers in the practice of teaching, and for students to assess the success for their education. It is important for the teacher how, with the help of the assessment, the interest in the subject cannot be extinguished, but, on the contrary, it can stimulate the student to advance in relation to himself. Evaluation should become an instrument in the hands of the teacher, who will direct, discover new opportunities for the student on the path of cognition.
III. Reflexion:
Conclusion: We have spoken a lot of about different assessment in Updating Content of Secondary Education& now let’s sum up our discussion. I’ll give you sheets of paper; you should take tickets out the door!( 10слайд)
-What I worked on today?
-What I needed help with today?
-What I learned today?(2 мин)
Nadya:(11слайд )We see that you are tired. Let’s relax!
We have a surprise for you. Let’s watch the flash training. Thank youfor your active work!!!!( 3 мин)