Types of holidays
Lesson Plan
Unit:6 | Holidays and Travel |
Teacher’s name: | Dauletova Gulanar |
Date: | 06.02.2023 |
Grade: 6 А | Number present: absent: |
Theme of the lesson: | Types of holidays |
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: | understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics curricular topics; give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics; use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups |
Lesson objectives: | All learners will be able to: Use listening and speaking skills to solve problems and cooperatively in groups;
Most learners will be able to: Understand specific information; Some learners will be able to: present information using digital tools. |
Part of the lesson/Time | Teacher’s activity | Student’s activity | Assessment | Resources |
Beginning of the lesson
Warming-up 5 мин.
Organization moment :
1.Greeting. Good afternoon Students How are you? 2.Ask Homework students look at pictures and find types of health problems using the word wall platform.
Students greet the teacher
Good afternoon Teacher We are fine Students mark their homework using the word wall platform 1. She’s got a sore throat 2. He’s got a stomach ache 3. She’s got a headache 4. She’s got a cough 5. She’s got an earache 6. He’s got a toothache 7. She’s got a temperature 8. She sneezes 9. It feels sick
Feedback with the method: “hot air Balloon ”.
“You are right” “Great!” “Good”. |
Homework With Word wall platform
https://wordwall.net/resource/21186499 |
Middle of the lesson
“brainstorming” method
New lesson
4 min
Teacher shows the travel ship to the students and asks questions
look at the thing in my hand. what do you see? how do you think? where did it come from? Teacher shows the new words using the canva.com platform Listen and repeat. What are these words/phrases in your language. Sunbathe Take photographs Send postcards Swim in the sea Buy souvenirs Sit by the pool Stay at a hotel/in a tent Go sightseeing Visit museums Go to the beach Go skiing Eat local dishes Relax Play in the snow Enjoy nature |
Students answer the teacher’s question
This is a ship. May be from the sea Students find the theme of the lesson by “brainstorming method”
The aim: build a general comprehension to start the new theme. Efficiency: know the topical phrases and define the meaning of the phrases. Ss say and discuss in mother language
“You are right”
“Great!” “Good”. |
Excel 6. Student’s book.
Page 65, Ex. 1
Slides Canva.com
https://www.canva.com/design/DAFY4eRRjZ8/sfAnXO70akGMOqle8dUjaA/edit |
Video 4 min |
Teacher shows students the types of holidays through a video
Watch a video types of holidays Teacher asks students questions What types of holiday did you see in the video? |
Students answer
Beach Holiday Skiing Holiday Safari Holiday Walking Holiday Cruise Holiday Sightseeing Holiday |
“You are right”
“Great!” “Good”. |
Excel 6. Student’s book.
Page 65, Ex. 1
Individual work. 5 min. “Learning app” |
Look at the pictures and match them with the words below.
Differentiation: All Students understand the task and less able Ss work with the help of dictionary and more able Ss do the task correctly. This task differentiated by the time management.
students watch the active holiday in the picture and mark the correct answer. Find out what it means by looking at the picture
Ss understand the instruction and match the pictures and words.
Aim: infer meanings of unfamiliar words. Efficiency: identify specific details. |
-read the phrases -tell to the class. Feedback with the method: “hot air Balloon ”. “You are right” “Great!” “Good”. |
Excel 6. Student’s book.
Page 65, Learning app
https://learningapps.org/display?v=psdq2piqc23 |
Pair work
Speaking 6 min |
The teacher gives students a situational task
Which of the following do you like doing while on holiday? two students talk to each other on the phone and tell each other what they are doing during the holidays |
Students say that they have active holidays during their holidays
Aim: deliver an effective oral presentation. Efficiency: reflect on and evaluate learning and performance, and set goals for progress. Differentiation: For the less able Ss Teacher shows examples: I like beach holidays. I usually go to the beach, sunbathe and swim in the sea. |
Feedback with the method:
“hot air Balloon ”. “You are right” “Great!” “Good”. |
Excel 6. Student’s book.
Page 65, |
Individual work. “Fill in” 5 min.
Learning app
Fill in the correct verb from the list. Visit Stay Take Send Swim Relax Eat Go Sit This year, Jenny is going to spend her holiday by the sea. During her holiday: She is going to ….. 1)…. in the sea all morning 2) …. local dishes 3) …. photographs 4) … by the pool 5) …. at a hotel by the sea. She isn’t going to … 6) …postcards to her friends 7) … sightseeing 8) …. Museums Jenny feels so tired, so during her holiday she just wants to 9) …… and enjoy the sunshine. |
Ss fill the sentences and read to the class. Aim: understand and apply the conventions of academic writing in English. Efficiency: write effective and coherent paragraphs.
Differentiation: Less able Ss work with more able to build the general comprehension. Fill the sentences with the help of strong Ss. |
Descriptor: – understand the text -fill the sentences Total: 1point Feedback: “hot air Balloon ”. Great you can fill the sentences correctly and say without mistakes, but you forgot to use the topical words. |
Whiteboard Work Book Excel,6. Exercise 3. page 44
https://learningapps.org/watch?v=pnn9r9vyj23 |
Group work.
“Discussion with the poster” 10 min |
Teacher asks Students to say about their last holiday like Jenny
Teacher divides the students into three groups Almaty, Miami, Paris |
Ss discuss the theme and step by step try to say about their dream places.
Aim: deliver an effective oral presentation. Efficiency: present information using digital tools. |
Feedback “hot air Balloon ” .with the method:.
“You are right” “Great!” “Good”. |
End of the lesson.
Individual work: 2 min. |
At the end of the lesson, students reflect on their learning. Ss write feedback to the lesson using the “tik tok” method
Aim: define how many Ss understand the theme.
Efficiency: produce accurate grammatical forms. |
Feedback: “hot air Balloon ”.
a student who has completed tasks well rises to the sky Very well, you define the words and collocations.
Board Tik tok cards