The use of kaspi in the hospitality industry


Mikhlibayev Seitzhan Maratovich

Student of Eurasian National University,

 Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan

Nurbek Ayan Zhakanuly

Student of Eurasian National University,

 Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan

Karataev Didar Dautovich

Scientific supervisor, the teacher, the master of the department “Tourism”,

 Eurasian National University,

 Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan



Thanks to advances in science and technology in recent years, travel information has become easily accessible to consumers, and instead of joining travel groups, more and more people are choosing to travel independently. Moreover, given the changes in travel patterns, many international online hotel booking websites have quickly emerged, and online booking has become an important channel for hotels around the world to improve room-booking efficiency. Consumers are also using online booking sites to compare prices, read reviews and choose their ideal accommodation.

This article in generally is directed to mobile booking systems. We all know that the internet and mobile phones are getting more and more indispensable in our reality. Therefore, eventually everyone will transfer all of their money to virtual. We suppose that if Kazakhstan’s most popular bank app started to increase their capabilities in tourism sector by adding features such as: Kaspi News, Kaspi Travel- air and rails, we might try to integrate something called “Kaspi Hotels” or “Kaspi Accom”. Where you will be able to book a room in most of popular hotels, vacation rentals, homes, apartments, and other unique places to stay. Filter by price, review score, amenities, and other options that matter to you. Searching nearby hotels and a lot more else. Why do we think so? If you look to the local people, you are going to find out that there is absolutely no people, who do not use “Kaspi” app. Moreover, people who has money to travel uses third party apps thereby spending time and sometimes spending money for any kind of fees.

Case study

What are popular things in Kazakhstan that we know? Taking credits or paying in installments. Kaspi is far from newbie in these kind of things. Therefore, it would be perfect for every side: Bank gets money; client pays for the vacation by parts; easy access for comparing any characteristics of hotels, etc.

Main points:

  • User can like any hotel and saved it to check offers and amenities for later
  • User can check hotels if he is not sure about his travel dates
  • User can contact Front Office of the hotel if they face booking related issue
  • All payment mode on same page
  • User can select place to visit based on their priority, categorized them
  • All the required details should be presented on hotel details page
  • User can select check in – check out dates in just two clicks also can easily add or remove guests and room
  • Photos of hotel & rooms, amenities offered by hotel, about hotel, hotel rating, location, share with friends option, discount/offers, coupons and user reviews has provided on hotel detail page


Conclusion and Recommendation

The classification of mobile travel apps developed in the article allows classifying many travel-related apps described in scientific papers as available in Google Play Market and Apple Store. The category “Kaspi Hotel”, which combines the categories “Travel” and “Installment payment”, was determined as the most interesting from the scientific point of view and demanded in the market. The main difference of the presented application from the existing repositories is the extraction of information about the hot spots from various Internet sources, which allows the tourist to get up-to-date information and does not require downloading a database of attractions before the trip. The application consists of several services that come together to solve the tourist’s problem. The evaluation shows that the developed application is applicable to the area in question

As there are many problems in the tourism sector in Kazakhstan and simply allocating, money without a good plan does not work very well. Therefore pitching new ideas, especially digitally, is really a great opportunity to increase the desire and human attraction for tourism interest. With the fast-moving world, technology does not stand still, and who but the ideas of the young can help develop Kazakhstan’s tourism sector. We cannot be sure that one idea can change everything so quickly, but with small steps, we definitely have a chance. Airlines should consider using advances in ICT as part of their overall portfolio of marketing strategies if they want to become more competitive in the current market. They should use interactive and engaging features of online channels to encourage more people to try their airline booking apps on mobile devices. The proposed model can be used as a baseline model in future studies.



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