- What was their most successful single?
- international hit B) Good Vibration
- Pet Sounds
- first album
- the Beatles
- What was the greatest achievement of the band?
- they had 40 songs
- they have had 36 songs in the Top 40
- they are America’s greatest band
- they released five albums
- they have sold about 100 million
- What facts proved their popularity?
- the all used to surf
- they had 40 songs
- they are not playing now
- they could compete with The Beatles
- they released five albums
- What was as popular as the Beach Boys in California at that time?
- their international hit
- their single Good Vibration
- album Pet Sounds
- their first album E) surf culture
- How many members were there originally in The Beach Boys?
- five members B) three members C) eight members D) six members
- E) nine members
- What happened to them on the way to the final destination?
- her husband was very happy with his new satnav
- they had met their other friends
- their car had been broken
- they obeyed the satnav
- following the instructions they had lost their way
- What fact proves that the first part of the journey was fine?
- they wanted to see their friends
- the satnav took them to the door of their friends
- they saw their friends for the first time
- it was a planned journey
- they bought satnav to help
- What was the other problem they had during the journey?
- they couldn’t drink coffee
- they had left their dog in the café
- they didn’t have any problems
- they couldn’t meet their friends
- they had lost their
- What was the route of the journey? A) from Galicia to Tarragona B) from Galicia to Spain
- C) to Tarragona D) from Alicante to Galicia
- There was . . . serious fire in………. block of flats in Glasgow last
- a/the B) -/a C) a/a D) the/a E) the/the
- I wasn’t really sure, I guessed it, it was just a . . . in the
- pie B) shock C) stick D) shot E) ocean
- Young people . . . need to get more involved in
- himself B) myself C) themselves D) yourself E) theyself
- Find negative adjective which fits the following definition. Means unable to read or write – . A) immature B) inlitarate C) capable D) illiterate E) literacy
- Find phrases where the is pronounced as [€i]
- the end B) the sun C) the other way D) the cinema E) the worlds
- Match the idioms with its You are a pain in the neck. A) interesting person B) a difficult person C) an attractive person D) easy-going person E) painful person
- Replace the underlined words with an I can’t decide about that job in Paris.
- am in two minds B) would like C) dream D) am thinking E) make a decision
- Replace underlined word with its She is always obedient.
- misobedient B) disobedient C) overobedient D) inobedient E) notobodient
- Choose an appropriate ending for an adjective “good – ”
- tempered B) hearted C) skilled D) warmed E) headed
- Change the words in brackets with an appropriate
This film has been very (produced a lot) in recent years.
- produce B) productive C) productivity D) producing E) production
- The correct Last year I worked very hard at my Math and English. I spent all my time reading and preparing for my entrance exams. My motto was: . . .
- No pain, no gains
- A bird in hand is worth two in the bush
- Speech is silver but silence is gold
- Better short of pence than short of sense
- Look before you leap
- A motorbike is . . . a scooter. A) the most powerful B) most powerful C) as powerful D) powerful E) more powerful than
- Match the number with its writing 2 3/4 A) two and three four B) two and third fourth C) two third four D) two and three fourth E) two three fourth
- I love watching fireworks, but the noise sometimes makes . . .
- our B) me C) their D) his E) my
- . . . ‘s the doctor…….. daughter is in this
- she/her B) we/our C) he/himself D) they/their E) we/their F) it/its E) she/we
- I am afraid the box is……. to
- more heavy B) the heaviest C) most heavy D) too heavy E) heavier
- The overnight rise . . . Wall Street was not maintained. A) in B) on C) at D) for E) to
- 8×7=56. A) Eight seventh are fifty six B) Eighth times seven is fifty six C) Eighth seventh are fifty six D) Eight times seven is fifty six E) Eight to seven is fifty
- Layla gave up……. when she had a
- model B) modeling C) smoking D) to model E) smoke
- She … … me that she would be home
- beg of B) mentioned to C) assumed D) asked of E) argued with
- Find the sentence with the Complex
- Put on a thicker coat. I don’t want you to catch
- I am afraid to catch cold
- He was in love with another woman
- We want to invite you to the party
- Please, put on a thicker
- I had known about the job I would have
- mixed conditional
- second conditional
- first conditional D) third conditional
- E) zero conditional
- Who dresses … … in your family? A) the most stylishly B) stylishly than C) as stylish as
- D) most stylishly E) more stylishly than
- “I have found my keys!”
- She announced that she had found her keys
- She announced that she found her keys
- She announced she has found her keys
- She announced that she found her keys
- She announced she have found her
- Match the numbers with its writing: 5.
- twenty eight and five
- twenty eighth point five
- twenty eight point fifth D) twenty eight point five
- E) twenty eight five
- I don’t approve of them . . . late. A) to be B) being C) are D) be E) is being
- The correct reading of 235.
- two thousand two hundreds and thirty-five
- two thousand and two hundred and thirty-five C) two thousand two hundred and thirty-five
- two thousands two hundreds and thirty-five
- two thousand two hundreds and thirtieth-five
- Find the sentence with the Complex
- We want to invite you to the party B) She was heard to laugh heartily
- He was in love with another woman
- I am afraid to catch cold
- Please put on a thicker coat
- Choose verbs after which infinitive with to is followed by . . .
- enjoy B) refuse C) prepare D) dread E) aim F) manage
- Liz . . . us that we should come after
- asked B) demanded C) wanted D) agreed E) suggested to
- I never argue . . . my husband . . . money. A) with/about B) in/at C) of/for D) for/on E) to/for
- Find the sentence with the Complex Subject.
- The river is supposed to flow in this direction
- Do you want to make a speech?
- We have been waiting for you the whole day
- I tried to introduce him to my family
- There is no harm in letting you
- I drink hardly . . . I just don’t like it.
- some B) many C) a few D) a little E) any
- Find the odd word from the list below:
- friends B) braces C) tongs D) handcuffs E) leggings
- Don’t laugh . . . my I am doing my best.
- with B) at C) of D) for E) to
- I read the paper . . . the taxi on the way. A) in B) on C) at D) for E) to
- John sat down on . . . bench nearest to the monument. A) – B) an C) one D) a E) the
- “Would you like to come on a picnic with us?”
- He invited us to come on a picnic with them
- He invited us to have come on a picnic with them
- He invited us came on a picnic with them
- He asked us to come on a picnic with him
- He invited us to come on a picnic with they
- Jack hurt his arm . . .
- playing B) has played C) played D) plays E) is playing
- You wouldn’t treat me like this if you really liked
- third conditional
- zero conditional C) second conditional
- first conditional
- mixed conditional
- Find sentences with participle
- We hired a designed team based in Singapore B) I grew up in a car – making town
- The public square was lined with trees
- Tom’s a builder who works for himself
- The town in which I grew up made cars F) It was a record-breaking performance G) It was a long-lasting dispute
- She’s just moved from her flat . . . 38 Azalea Drive. A) to B) on C) for D) in E) at
- We go to … theatre about once … month. A) -/- B) the/the C) a/the D) -/a E) the/a
- Find the sentence with the Complex Object.
- There are oak trees on the bank of the river
- I didn’t like the film, it was boring
- I felt the blood rush into my cheeks
- I looked out of the window
- I felt somebody was coming
- Find the sentence with the Complex
- Please put on a thicker coat
- She was the best in her group
- We are sure to come to the heart of the matter
- I saw him entering the shop
- He was in love with another
- Have you seen this . . . invention?
- fantastic, German, new
- German, new, fantastic
- German, fantastic, new D) fantastic, new, German
- E) new, fantastic, German
- I was so tired; I … … slept for a
- mustn’t have B) could have C) couldn’t have D) can have E) couldn’t be
- Find the correct noun: A) slow B) rainbow C) how D) now E) new F) know
- Crew is often used for the staff of . . .
- an ambulance B) a plane C) a school D) an engineers E) a hospital
- . . . women usually talk more than . . . men. A) a/the B) -/a C) the/a D) the/the E) -/-
- She was . . . ashamed to admit her mistake. A) too B) enough C) as … as D) the most E) more
- Among my family members, my mum is . . .
- good B) as good as C) better than D) more better E) the best
- I generally get my salary . . . the fifth of the month. A) on B) to C) of D) in E) at
- There is . . . Dr. Kenneth Perch on . . . phone. A) -/the B) a/a C) the/- D) a/the E) the/a
- 7/9 A) seven and ninth B) seven ninth C) seven and nine D) seven nine E) seventh nine
- Look at that . . . window. A) broke B) is broken C) broken D) to break E) has broken
- 1234567891011 /my saw with Bill car he new when green was envy/
- A) 8421756109311 B) 8942751011631 C) 5281014793611 D) 8245631011917 E) 2351879101164
- . . . love watching fireworks, but the noise sometimes makes . . .
- you/us B) we/our C) I/me D) we/us E) they/their F) she/her G) he/him H) I/my
- My sister . . . a motorcycle and
- used to own B) would have own C) was owning D) used to owning E) would own
- Find the sentence with the Complex
- We knew that he is very brave
- We knew him as a brave person
- He is known as a brave man
- I’ve known him since my childhood
- We knew him to be very brave
- I caught a later train because I . . . a
- have to see B) would see C) must have seen D) had to see E) could see
- Are you talking now about . . . John Smiths who led . . . Labour
- -/the B) -/a C) the/the D) a/a E) the/a
- He is thought . . . a very good singer. A) was B) to be C) had been D) is being E) have been
- I don’t approve of them . . . late. A) be B) to be C) are D) being E) is being
- If it was snowing, we . . . at
- would have stayed B) stayed C) would stay D) have stayed E) stay
- The manager let us … early on A) leave B) coming C) to come D) leaving E) will leave.
- Find the participle construction sentence from the list
- Realize there was no one at home and left the parcel in the shed
- Realizing no one at home and left the parcel in the shed
- I realize there was no one at home so I left the parcel in the shed D) Realizing there was no one at home I left the parcel in the shed
- E) I left the parcel in the shed because there was no one at home
- Find the correct sentence with for – to – infinitive
- It is not interesting for me
- It is important to take care
- It is very important for children to play outdoors
- I have been waiting for you three hours
- I don’t ask for any help
- 3% of adults have false teeth.
- sixty two point third percent
- sixty two three percent
- sixty two and three percent D) sixty two point three percent
- E) sixty second point three percent
- He drives . . . carefully than his A) much B) as…as C) more D) most E) the most
- We visited the village . . . my mum was born. A) that B) those C) what D) where E) their
- Andrew came round to my flat . . . he
- as quickly as B) quicker C) quickly D) more quickly E) most quickly
- 1/6 A) one six B) a sixth C) sixth D) sixth one E) one sixth
- I don’t like rats, and you? – … A) I don’t like too B) Neither I do C) So do I D) Neither do I E) So I do
- There were tears streaming down … side of her A) all B) some C) every D) each E) any
- The play is likely . . . by
- to have written B) to have been written C) wrote D) to write E) to be written
- I … with my parents if I didn’t have to A) have lived B) would live C) will live D) am living E) live
- I’ve lost . . . earrings last week. A) her B) my C) his D) our E) theirs
- Find the sentence with Gerundial
- My electric shower is not working
- He admitted sorry to keep you waiting for a long
- The children are making such a noise
- A child should start to learn a language at primary school
- I regret being unable to help you
- 3. A) ten point three B) three tenth C) ten and three D) ten third E) ten to three
- She gave me a …
- small, square, metal, jewelry
- jewelry, metal, small, square
- metal, small, square, jewelry
- small, metal, jewelry, square,
- square, small, metal, jewelry
- A new route … between Moscow and
- is creating B) has created C) will create D) has been created E) create
- Was it really necessary? You … tell the police, you know
- couldn’t have to B) didn’t need to C) mustn’t have to D) wouldn’t E) can not
- Don’t worry; the exam will be over … a couple of hours. A) to B) for C) at D) on E) in
- She bet that Peter wouldn’t be on A) promised B) believed C) asked D) wanted E) predicted
- The castle was built … the 14 century. A) during B) out C) at D) by E) over
- Take your things to the cash-desk to pay for
- pay in cash B) cashier C) cash pay D) check in E) check out
- Менің туған күнім жылдың бірінші айы.
- My birthday is the fourth month of the year
- My birthday is the second month of the year C) My birthday is the first month of the year
- My birthday is the third month of the year
- My birthday is the last month of the year
- I don’t mind … overtime during the A) working B) doing C) locking D) being E) having
- Choose sentence with correct question tag:
- You know that man, don’t you?
- Mike hasn’t been to Rome before, has he?
- You are going out with him, don’t you?
- You won’t tell any lies, don’t you?
- We’ve met before, haven’t we?
- Choose sentence with correct question tag:
- We’ve met before, haven’t we?
- They didn’t have enough evidence, did they?
- The police have arrested someone, hasn’t he?
- You won’t tell any lies, don’t you?
- You didn’t know he was a criminal, did you?
- Alice met him at a party and they made . . .
- observed B) parted with C) saw D) came up to E) noticed
- The best things about weekends are . . . to
- not to be B) not to go C) not staying D) not going E) not to stay
- I . . . Ann that we were free on Thursday
- expected B) checked with C) assumed D) said E) offered
- You ought to be ashamed of . . . A) yourself B) themselves C) himself D) myself E) herself
- If Tom hadn’t gone to university, he wouldn’t have met A)0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 E) mixed
- They are said . . . to a new flat. A) to moving B) move C) to moved D) moving E) to have moved
- 2x+3y-2=𝟑𝒛?
- Two X plus three Y minus 2 equals three Z divided by four X
- Two X plus three Y minus 2 equal to three Z to four X
- Two X plus three Y minus 2 equals to three Z and four X
- Two X plus three Y minus 2 is three Z to four X
- Two X plus three Y minus 2 equals three Z over four X
- He doesn’t play golf now . . . he used
- much more B) as many as C) so much as D) as much as E) so much that
- He rushed out of the He was shouting at the top of the voice.
- He rushed out of the room and shouting at the top of the voice
- He rushed out and was shouting at the top of the voice
- Rushing out of the room and was shouting at the top of the voice
- He rushed out of the room and was shouting at the top of the voice E) Shouting at the top of his voice he rushed out of the room
- I noticed that the door was I decided to go in.
- I noticed the open door. I and decided to go
- I noticed that the door was open. I decided to go in. C) Noticing that the door was open I decided to go in
- I noticed that the door was open so I decided to go
- I noticed that the door was open. I decided to go
- Choose verbs after which Gerund is followed by . . .
- demand B) hurry C) enjoy D) deny E) insist F) manage G) detest
- Find the participle construction sentence from the list
- Waving their scarves and shouting the fun run into the pitch
- The fun waving their scarves and shouting
- Waving their scarves and shouting, the funs running into the pitch
- The funs waved their scarves and shouted on the pitch
- The funs run into the pitch and waved their scarves and shouted
- Determine the function of the Infinitive in the sentence. To understand the rule better I read it several A) as a subject B) an adverbial modifier of result C) as an attribute
- D) as an parenthesis E)adverbial modifier of purpose
- I can’t do that job as well, I’ve got enough on my . . . as it
- way B) handle C) lock D) pie E) plate
- Match the abbreviation with its meaning: PTO. A) personal testing system over C) put it right D) please take it out E) practice teaching skills
- Choose the odd word from the list
- kinship B) leadership C) partnership D) worship E) friendship
- “When are you leaving?” my parents asked
- My parents asked me when are you leaving B) My parents asked me when I was leaving
- My parents asked for me when I am leaving
- My parents asked me when were you leaving
- My parents asked to me when I was leaving
- “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”
- Never look at gift – horse in the mouth
- Too many cooks spoil the broth
- Many hands make light work
- All that glitters not gold
- One swallow doesn’t make a summer
- Choose the appropriate ending of an adjective “warm – ”
- headed B) out C) weather D) hearted E) eye
- Choose the odd word from the list
- childhood B) manhood C) neighbourhood D) priesthood E) brotherhood
- Choose the odd word from the list below. A) scales B) tights C) tweezers D) metros E) pincers
- I found the book very easy and pleasant to read.
- interesting B) relaxed C) boring D) readable E) worth
- Give the opposite of the word “consequence”
- significance B) cause C) convince D) effect E) support
- The head teacher requested that all staff . . . present at the meeting.
- are being B) have been C) are D) being E) be
- We . . . to receive the machine parts
- suggested B) expected C) assumed D) warned E) threaten
- If I fail my exams, I’ll take them again next year. A) 2 B) 1 C) mixed D) 0 E) 3
- There was a……………….. rug on the floor.
- woolen, soft, wonderful
- soft, wonderful, woolen
- soft, woolen, wonderful
- wonderful woolen soft E) wonderful, soft, woolen
- Find the words which are differently pronounced in this
- nothing B) sold C) money D) cost E) done
- Choose verbs after which both Infinitive and Gerund are followed by
- hesitate B) mean C) regret D) decline E) remember F) stop G) forget H) deny
- Jane usually goes to work . . . bike or . . . foot. A) for B) by C) with D) on E) of
- If the water is boiling, it means the food…………. nearly ready.
- being B) is C) was D) have been E) would have been
- We finished the work . . . , . . . spite….. all difficulties. A) in B) of C) in time D) at E) at
- … our plans we’ll speak… them later. A) except for B) about C) instead of D) as to E) due to
- I’m surprised Jack … … … the job. A) wasn’t offered B) hasn’t offered C) did get offered
- D) was offered E) will offered F) didn’t get offered G) weren’t offered
- Choose the wrong sentences from the list
- Who are you inviting to the meal?
- Who are coming with you in the car? – “Jane, Amy and Alex”
- “Who do you want to be when you grew up?” – “An astronaut”
- What do left in the fridge?
- Which of the children are in the choir?
- Choose the correct sentences following the rules of Sequence of Tenses
- He phoned me to invite me to the party
- He was asked to write a new play C) I knew that she had been ill
- The speaker said that the people want peace
- At ten o’clock telephoned again, saying that he had changed his mind F) It was also recommended that Dan had got married
- G) He said that he left Moscow years ago
- Find sentences with Absolute Participial
- As the rain had ruined my flat, I had to buy a new one
- As it was Sunday, the library was closed
- the letter having been written, he went out to post it
- As the professor was ill, the lecture was put off
- An election leaving the surface, the metal becomes positively charged
- We can use in Reported Speech the verbs:
- like B) warn C) ask D) say E) wonder F) help G) want to know
- That girl will get into trouble if she . . . her uniform.
- didn’t wear B) isn’t wearing C) hasn’t wear D) wears E) doesn’t wear
- Determine the function of the Infinitive in the sentence. To put it mildly, it was not very A)as a subject B) an adverbial modifier C) an parenthesis D) an attribute E) an adverbial modifier of purpose
- I haven’t any other living relations … this cousin … mine A) for B) beside C) at D) of E) besides
People are very careless with money. One occasionally hears that pet dogs or even small children have eaten dollar bills. Goats are supposed to be particularly fond of them. Many people have lost their homes in fires which have also destroyed precious bundles of money hidden in mattresses. In this regard, banks are a great blessing because people no longer have to hide money in places where it can be easily destroyed or stolen. However, accidents still happen – as I found out to my regret recently.
I gave my wife an old pair of jeans to wash and went out to work in the yard. My wife usually goes through my pockets before washing anything but for some reason she didn’t think of it this particular time. As I was racking leaves in the front yard, I suddenly remembered that there was a fifty dollar money order in one of the pockets of the pants.
I have given to her to wash. I dropped my rake and rushed into the house. But it was too late. My wife told me that my pants had been in the washing machine for ten minutes already!
I stopped the machine and pulled them out as quickly as I could. I nearly tore of the pockets as I frantically searched for the money order. Finally, I managed to find the soggy bits of paper which have once been a fifty-dollar money order. To my great disappointment, I discovered that all of them were bleached pure white.
- Why do you think the fifty-dollar money order were bleached pure white?
- they were perfectly cleaned
- all of them were not in his pocket
- the fifty dollar money order were fake
- the fifty dollar money order weren’t in the machine
- he found the soggy bits of paper
- What accident did the character of the story remember?
- his dog has eaten his money
- he had his money stolen
- he had stolen on a bus
- how his money was stolen
- he had left the money in the pocket
- Why did he immediately stop the washing machine?
- he didn’t want his jeans to be washed
- his wife asked him about it
- he didn’t want to work in the yard
- he believed to get his fifty dollar money order
- he wanted to repair the machine
- Where do people prefer to keep their money?
- in mattresses B) at homes C) in banks D) in the pockets E) on the shelves
- Why did his wife go through his pocket before washing anything?
- she had a way of doing it B) she knew about fifty-dollar money order C) she wanted to find some money there D) he asked her to do so E) she was looking for money
It was our last year in school and most of us were planning to go to university or try to find a job. Our class decided to have a party and luckily the school let us use the school hall. We put up some colourful decorations and our parents made some food, which was all so delicious.
Everybody dressed up for the occasion – it was so funny to see all my classmates in fashionable party clothes. First, we watched the video by one of our classmates, with photos of us all from previous years – my friend Chloe said it was so sad and started to cry! Then the head teacher came and made a short speech, wishing us all good luck and she told us not to be very noisy.
After that, an impressive local band played some great music and we danced until 9 o’clock. It was very amazing! Some of my friends went to Sam Carter’s house after party but I was very tired, so Chloe and I walked home. It was a great night!
- What did the head teacher tell them to do?
- not to be very noisy B) to wish good luck C) be lucky D) to go home E) to finish school
- What did she find funny?
- her friends B) the food C) the party D) head teacher’s speech E) classmate’s party
- What did they have the party?
- at her place B) in the theatre C) at friend’s house D) at the disco E) in the school hall
- Why did Chloe start to cry? A) because she missed previous years B) she didn’t like the video C) because of her dress D) she didn’t like the party E) she wanted to go home
- Why didn’t she go to the party at Sam Carter’s house. A) she was tired B) the music was impressive C) she was happy D) she wanted to see Chloe off E) she didn’t like the party
It was the strongest murder trial I have ever attended. They named it the Peckham murder in the headline, although Northwood Street, where Mrs. Parker was found murdered, was not actually in Peckham.
The prisoner was a well-built man with bloodshot eyes. An ugly man, one you wouldn’t forget in a hurry – and that was an important point. The persecution intended to call four witnesses who hadn’t forgotten him and who had seen him hurrying away from the little red house in Northwood Street.
At two o’clock in the morning Mrs. Salmon, who lived at 15 Northwood Street, had been unable to sleep. She heard a door shut and so she went to the window and saw Adams (the accused) on the steps of the victim’s house. He had just come out and he was wearing gloves. Before he moved away, he had looked up – at her window.
Henry MacDougall, who had been driving home late, nearly ran over Adams at the corner of Northwood Street because he was walking in the middle of the road, looking dazed. And old Mr. Wheeler, who lived next door to Mrs. Parker, at number 12, and was woken up by a noise and got up and looked out of the window, just as Mrs. Salmon had done, saw Adam’s back and as he turned, those bloodshot eyes. In Laurel Avenue he had been seen by yet another witness.
- Why did the prosecution intend to call the witnesses of the case?
- They hadn’t forgotten the murderer
- They had known Mrs. Parker very well C) They had seen the murder
- They had known the murderer
- They lived with the victim
- How do you think an accused might be punished for the crime?
- through death penalty
- could be acquitted C) by sending to prison
- paying a fine
- by life imprisonment
- Who was the fourth witness of the murder?
- Henry MacDougall
- Wheeler
- Salmon
- a person from Lauren Avenue
- Adams
- What was special about the appearance of an accused?
- he was too ugly to forget him
- he was handsome
- he was good-looking D) he had bloodshot eyes
- E) he was an important person
- Where did the murder take place? A) at Mrs. Salmon’s home B) in South London C) in Northwood Street D) in Reckham E) in Lauren Avenue
- . . . if you . . . some
- Lets you father know _ have B) Let you father know _ have
- Let you father know _ will have
- Lets you father know _ shall have
- Lets you father to know _ have
- She is a girl of . . . appearance. A) wonderful B) pleasant C) dear D) silly E) small F) shy
- G) big H) nice
- 45 (time) A) fifteen minutes past eleven B) fifteen to eleven C) zero point forty-five D) a hundred forty five E) ten point five F) eleven forty-five G) a quarter to eleven H) one point forty-five
- The correct question to the sentence: He has been waiting for his friends for half an
- Had he waiting for his friends for have an hour?
- Had he been waiting for his friends for have an hour?
- Have he been waiting for his friends for have an hour?
- Has he have been waiting for his friends for have an hour? E) Has he been waiting for his friends for have an hour?
- What has he been doing for half an hour?
- For how long has he been waiting for his friends yet?
- Have been he waiting for his friends for have an hour?
- Subjunctive
- What will you do if you fail your exam?
- I wish I had done my homework last night
- If you do that again, I’ll punish you
- I wish I knew his address
- If I find time, I’ll try to help you
- If I lived in Atlanta, I would visit some museums
- If we had hurried, we wouldn’t have missed the train
- If we hurry, we’ll catch the bus
- Find the works of the great English writer William Shakespeare. A) Alice in Wonderland B) King Lear C) Romeo and Juliet D) Pride and Prejudice E) Merchant of Venice F) Treasure Island G) Oliver Twist H) Brown Wolf
- Correct
- It is a sun bright today
- She had blue eyes and friendly smile
- We’ve got a new teacher
- Jane is a glad girl
- She looks after sick children
- He bought a Japan sport car
- He is looking for his loosing children
- There were three blacks dogs
- I wish you . . . so I am tired of always waiting for you!
- hadn’t always arrived
- didn’t always arrive
- would have arrive
- wasn’t always
- will not always
- wouldn’t always have arrived
- wouldn’t always arrive
- are not always
- Beauty in nature is seen Nature is full of colours. Plans, animals’ colours
help them hide from their enemies.
- It helps to fly
- Animals must be protected
- It makes them beautiful
- help is necessary
- Animals must be colourful
- It teaches them to look for food
- It helps them to hide from animals
- It is necessary for their life
- Aigerim usually gets to school..foot. A) on B) by C) at D) of E) away F) with G) from H) down
- Please invite … you like to the reception. A) one B) anywhere C) something D) anyone
- E) anywhere F) somewhere G) nobody H) anything
- Hollywood is so competitive that it seems like a . . . world, doesn’t it?
- shark eat shark B) dog eat dog
- crocodile eat crocodile
- cat eat cat
- wolf eat wolf
- The same This time next week, Joyce will no longer be here?
- This time next week, Joyce will left
- This time next week, Joyce will leave
- This time next week, Joyce will have left
- This time next week, Joyce will be leaving
- This time next week, Joyce would leave
- Complex Subject:
- Aiman Musakhodzaeva the best musician in Kazakhstan
- Being the best musician Aiman Musakhodzaeva is popular
- Aiman Musakhodzaeva is the best musician
- Aiman Musakhodzaeva is said to be the best musician in Kazakhstan
- Aiman Musakhodzaeva was the best musician in Kazakhstan
- If he … a car accident yesterday, he … in hospital
- hadn’t had/wouldn’t
- hadn’t had/wouldn’t be
- wouldn’t had/wouldn’t be
- hadn’t/wouldn’t be
- hadn’t be/wouldn’t had
- British food has a … reputation in
- most popular B) worst C) gooder D) best E) bad
- You know I don’t like fish very much. – … do I. I hate the very smell of
- either B) nor C) neither D) and E) or
- Do you expect her to . . . that terrible shock really
- get back B) get in C) get along D) get over E) get on
- I listened to the weather It … nice at the weekend.
- will be B) is being C) ‘s going to be D) will going E) will go
- Verb which is used with both countable and uncountable
- weather B) advice C) knowledge D) luck E) glass
- We ask them when … A) will they coming back B) d they come back C) they are coming back D) did they come back E) are they come back
- Ben though that Ann … to her favourite
- was listening B) is listening C) listened D) had been listening E) has been listening
- … only one lady and five gentlemen in the
- There is B) There has C) There have been D) There were E) There are
- The tourists stood outside the palace admiring its beautiful
- between B) opposite C) near D) inside E) in front of
- I think the strikes will……………. some changes in
- bring back B) bring up C) bring about D) bring down E) bring out
- Match the abbreviation with its meaning:
- Full board of interests
- Free Business inquiry
- Interest rate
- Federal Board of Investors
- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- The price of petrol … about 15 % this year. A) has been rising B) has been risen C) was risen D) is rising E) is risen
- “I’m planning to buy a new car”.
- Jan said me that he was planning to buy a new car
- Jan told o me that he was planning to buy a new car C) Jan told me that he was planning to buy a new car
- Jan told me he planned to buy a new car
- Jan told me that he is planning to buy a new car
- It’s been the … day in London for 35 years. A) hottest B) most hot C) as hot as D) more hotter E) the most hottest
- We … … … the hotel if we hadn’t seen the signpost. A) had found B) would find C) found D) would have found E) have found
- What do you know about . . . ? A) his B) your C) their D) them E) my
- You mustn’t look directly … the sun during the eclipse. A) to B) in C) of D) at E) on
- You are right …, but I am still not convinced. A) should be B) have to be C) would be D) may be E) must be
- In general, I like … dogs, but I don’t like the dogs that live next door to A) the/the
- a/the C) the/a D) -/the E) -/a
- Compile the correct word order to make an affirmative sentence. my fell Jim completely story for / A) 341652 B) 342615 C) 635142 D) 135264 E) 324651
- Did she … you what happened? A) tell B) say C) asked D) told E) said
- Because she had to go … home, she couldn’t only stay for two weeks. A) during B) over
- of D) at E) back
- You … … … the weekend if you had come with us. A) had enjoyed B) would have enjoyed
- C) being enjoyed D) will enjoy E) have enjoyed
- We are going to … barbecue with … Simpsons. A) a/a B) a/the C) the/- D) the/a E) -/a
- … unreasonable decision. A) an B) a C) one D) the E) –
- That’s not … Stephan Fraser I went to … school
- a/a B) a/the C) -/- D) the/a E) -/a
- Choose the line of irregular nouns. A) men, geese, teeth B) sofa, apple, grass C) noise, paper, blood D) information, pyjamas, pianos E) cloud, poultry, catle
- Choose the correct sentences following the rules of Sequence of
- He phoned me to invite me to the
- He was asked to write a new play C) I knew that she had been ill
- The speaker said that the people want peace
- At ten o’clock he telephoned again, saying that he had changed his mind F) It was also remembered that Dan had got married
- He said that the left Moscow 5 years ago
- I was sure him to change
- Useful Innovative text – Ice-cream What was the reason of Kristy’s idea to create a
frozen dessert? She thought of children’s health
- What is the main idea of the text? – It suggests different people innovative ideas.
- What was his idea of using a phone app? – A) to get information about bars and rest
- What was the difference between desserts and ice-cream? – D) frozen desserts are healthy food
- What was Guy Jeremiah’s innovative idea? – E) to clean the planet from useless bottles
- The first bicycles … in the 1800 in Europe. A) were introduced B) was introduced C) were interesting D) introduced E) have been introduced
- Smoking is permitted … forbidden