
                       Unit 2 School: K.Tokaev
Date:   11.10.2019 Teacher name: NurpeisovaNazgulDauletkhanovna
Grade:5 Number present:                      absent:
Theme of the lesson: Animals
Learning objectives 5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5.S6  communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Success criteria ·        nametheanimalstheyknow

·        learn at least 3 new words from animal related vocabulary

·         read and understand main facts about animals

Value links L\s will work together as a group\pair showing respect and being polite with each other
Cross curricular links biology
ICT skills PPT
Previous learning Animals
Planned timings Planned activities Resources
Beginning Learners are presented the Los.

Checking of the home task.

PPT 3 slide
10 mins Make a circle/ let’s wish to each other f/e: Good luck, Be attentive, Be strong, Be quite, Be kind!….

Now children. Are you ready to start our lesson? Yes, of course. Today we have an excellent chance to hear different voices. Let’s listen! Now do you hear? What kind of hear? What is it? It’s a dog. Yes,it’s a dog. The dog is barking.

Take your seat. Look at the board. Do you know such an animals? What kind of animals do you know?

















  Animals can divided in 3 groups:

Pets   Domestic Wild

How translate domestic animals?

Look at the board. PetsPetsare animals that live with people. We feed them, walk them, cure them and take care of them. We love them very much. They are our friends.

Domestic animals are any animals that depend on a human for food, water and shelter, they live on the farm.

Wild animals are any animals that don’t depend on a human for food, water and shelter, they live in the forest, jungle, desert, river and ocean.

Now I want to divide into 3 groups . Come to me take your sheet .

And you’re the 1st task. Choose any riddles and you should to read the riddles for other group and you must guess this animal.

Riddles-othergroups to read The 2nd task is call ’’Do you remember?’’   let’s


what characteristics of the animals do you know? Do you remember them? Let’s remember, what characteristics of the animals do you know?  Nice , strong….I’ll give you sheet of the papers and write down the characteristics. I’ll  count from 1 to 10. Begin. Stop it class. Now change your papers others and add some words. Good. Let’s count. How many words you write. Count. Well done!








5 mins











10 mins










5 min





Each team counts how many words they have written  and everyone evaluates:

Well done ! good , try

Look at the board / can you make up the words from the 1st letters. Who can help me. Write me down the 1st letter.








The song  5 little monkeys

The next task I’ll give you sheet of papers you should find sounds of animals on pictures.

New vocabulary

.Learners are introduced with the new vocabulary first and then they practice pronouncing them in chorus or alone.

Vocabulary practice

. The next task I’ll give them

Look at the board. let me introduce with proverbs about Animals

your stickers on the sheet







End 1min At the end our lesson give me your reflections about our lessons and stick  your stickers on the sheet/ I was very glad to you and all of them I want to say Our lesson is over! I want to say: Thank you very much! You worked hardly and active, all children worked. You are the best my pupils!

Learners give feedback to each other. This might be done in oral form.

Learners reflect on their learning:

-What has been learned –What remained unclear

-What is necessary to work on

H\T: to learn the words, complete the Worksheet 2 up to the end.


Additional information


























-how do you plan to give more support?


how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Animals and check ICT links

Video, Ph.Training , dialogues, PPT

Differentiation can be by task, by outcome, by individual support, by selection of teaching materials and resources taking into account individual abilities of learners . Health promoting techniques

Breaks and physical activities used. Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.

Summary evaluation What two things went really well(consider both teaching and learning)?




What two things would have improved the lesson(consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/ difficulties that will inform my next lesson?




















ФИО                              Нурпейсова Назгуль Даулетхановна


Область                        Алматинская


Район                            Каратальский


Город                             Уштобе


Школа                          средняя школа имени К.Токаева


Должность                   учитель английского языка


Тема материала Animals.






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