Seasons and months


Lesson: Seasons and months

School: “Beineu secondary school“ CSS

Date :  

Teacher: Dina Shonaeva

Class : 5

Number present: 10

absent: 0

Learning objectives(s) that this  lesson is contributing to

L2 understand an increasing range of supported questions which ask for
personal information

S3 begin to describe past experiences on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics

R1 recognize, identify and sound with support a growing range of
language at text level

W4 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

Lesson objectives

All learners will able to:

         Pronounce the names of seasons and months: April, March, May, June, July, August, September, October, November .Winter, spring, autumn, summer.

          Write words and sentences correctly.

Most  learners will able to:

         Work  in groups and  answer the questions

         Match  the corresponding adjectives with the correct season

Some learners will able to:

         Complete  the sentences and speak with necessary words

Language objectives

Learners can:

         Can talk about the seasons and months

         Can ask questions about seasons and months

Key words and phrases:

November , December, January, February

Useful classroom language for dialogue writing:

Discussion points:  What is your favorite season?

Can you say with……..?

Is your favorite month …..?

Writing prompts:

Wall gallery pictures about seasons and  month

Previous learning

Vocabulary words about sport


Planned timings

Planned activities ( replace the notes below with your planned activities)





10 min.

a)     Greeting .Talk with duties

b)    Dividing into two groups

1group – warm season. 2 group – cold season

Brainstorming. “Draw a season“





Criteria – based assessment









1.“Gallery pictures“

No pronunciation  mistakes

One pronunciation mistakes

Two, three

pronunciation mistakes


2.“Picture map“

Find all months

Find several months

Find two, three months


3. SQ3R

All tasks done

Several tasks done

Three tasks done


4.“Picture shapes“

Was able to complete the tasks earlier than the given time

Was able to complete the tasks later than the  given time


Couldn’t complete the task on time, was very slow


5.“EXPO`s tickets“

Answer all questions

Answer several questions

Answer three questions


5 flowers or 4 flowers,1 petal=“Very good“

4 petals, 1 flower  or 3 petals, 2 flowers = “Good“

5leaves or 4 leaves 1 petal =  “Average“

Picture cards and word cards


6 min.





4 min.





7 min.




4 min.

Activity 1.  “ Gallery pictures“. Start by asking simple questions like “Look at the gallery pictures? What can you see? “ The first gallery is summer. There are 3 months: June , July, August

Finish by showing learners month word cards. Learners look and read aloud. Do the same for the other 3 seasons

Activity 2. “Picture map“ game.


























Activity 3. SQ3R strategy. Read the text about “ Happy all year round“

S – Survey, Q – Question, R – read, R – recall, R – review  

Activity 4. “Picture shapes“. 1 group – put pictures with descending seasons. 2 group – put words with ascending months.






Gallery pictures, semantic map






5 min.

Warm – up activity.“ Use a picture dictionary“. Learners must write which is holidays` month.

Nauryz holiday, New Year, Children Day, Fool`s Day, Independence Day, Capital Day, Kozy Korpesh Bayan Sulu….


pictures of holidays


5 min.







4 min.

Activity 4. “ EXPO`s tickets“ game.

Answer the questions

1)    Which is your favorite season?

2)    Which month is your birthday in?

3)    Which is your favorite month?

4)    Which is the hottest month of the year in your country?



Hard! I still need a lot of help.

Okay! I need a little more help.

Easy! I get it! I can do this by myself.





EXPO layout

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links. Health and safety check ICT links Values links

“Cinquain“ method


I used my lesson for assessment Criteria – based assessment. Using flowers, petals, leaves were successful idea. It was true and real.

Art, geography.

Interactive board, worksheet,


Were the lesson objectives /learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn today?
What was the learning atmosphere like?
Did my planned differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

In my opinion the lesson objectives/learning objectives

were workable. The strategy SQ3R  was curiosity for


In my view that my learners learned about the names of seasons and months. Learners were able to write words right.

Learners were given answers for display question.

In drawing seasons and using a picture dictionary were active for the learners. Learners did these activities with pleasure and learning atmosphere was splendidly.

The level “C“ learners had worked with “Cinquain“ method .The method helped to learners enlarge their vocabulary.

I stuck to timing. I would be add to my plan video about seasons and months.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well?

         Speaking for myself “Picture shapes“ and “EXPO`s tickets“ games were good where learners spoke more.

         Using a picture dictionary and SQ3R strategy were developed learners cognitive skill.

What two things would have improved the lesson?

         I think that my lesson was less reading and I must give task for reading.

         I believe that I would pay attention to the dialogue.

What have I learned about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

I know I will have to work with text. I must improve  free speaking in English.



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