What a strange place to live

Unit of a long term plan  Module 3. Earth and our place on it


School: 16

Date: 14;15th of November

Teacher name: Berdibekova I.K.


Number present:


Lesson title

What strange place to live

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

9.S6 link comments with growing flexibility to what others say at sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges;

9.R3  understand the detail of an argument in extended texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

9.W8 spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: read the text, protect a poster, pronounce new vocabulary and answer questions correctly with lots of support

Most learners will be able to: read, write and  answer the questions then  proofread work at text level with little or no support on a range of general and curricular topics;

Some learners will be able to: speak about the specific information and appropriate subject – specific topics with some support;

Assessment criteria

describe  an unusual house, read the text by using new vocabulary

Values links

“ Mangilik Yel” Thinking  creatively  and critically;

ICT links

Using videos and  interactive board 

Cross – curricular links

Geography, History, Russian language   

Previous learning

The natural world


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



10 min


1.      Org. moment:                                                                                              a) Greeting                                                                                                                       b) checking up home task  “Hot chair” Modals of deduction     

    Teacher checks home task by game “Hot chair”. One student should seat on a chair and others should give questions from previous lesson. If the student doesn’t know the answer the chair will be hot. Then another student should seat and in a such kind of should continue the lesson.  I think that everything clear for you. Let’s begin our lesson.                                               

 c) brainstorm : Video with several types  of  homes

1.      How do you think  what about this video?

2.      What kind of homes did you see in this video?  

3.      What kind of homes do you know?  

4.      Do we live in a such kind of house?      

Teacher gives some divergent  questions through the video.  

Divide into groups: 1st Tree house        2nd Fairy chimney            3rd Cottage 

         Now, today’s our new theme is What a strange place  to live? Open your student’s books’ on p 34.                                                                                                  

Excel 9 for Kazakhstan grade


10 strangest places actually live




Middle                   22 min

1 TASK  WRITING. Vocabulary bank or check these words

     Students  should  take  worksheets with some vocabulary for each group and learners should guess their meaning and exchange the worksheets with  other groups.

1st Tree house :

1.      Tree top

2.      Thatched roof

3.      Notch –   

4.      Mosquito –   

5.      Disease –  

6.      Nightfall –

2nd Fairy chimney:                         

7.      Chat –

8.      Fairy chimney –

9.      Nature –

10.  Upside –  

11.  Cone –  

12.  Carve     

 3rd Cottage:

13.  Cave –   

14.   Cosy –

15.  Courtyard – 

16.  Fairy – tale –  

17.  Rock   

18.  Surface –

Descriptor: A learner:

                         – write vocabulary to worksheet.

                         – speak with clear pronunciation and intonation;

For each task Teacher  evaluates  the learners BY GIVING  Formative assessment.                                                                                                          


2 TASK  READING. Ex: 1 p 34. Jumbled texts

 Teacher  gives the texts in papers to each groups, learners should read  the text, then give their opinions  what kind of house they’ve read about. And should  find to which group related  the text.

1.      for fairy chimneys’ about  tree house,

2.      for tree house about cottage ,

3.      for cottage the text is about fairy chimney.  

Descriptor: A learner:

                         – read the text with pronunciation and guess;


Teacher gives Formative assessment. 


3 TASK  SPEAKING. “Think, be together, share”  Students  should find as many words as they can  think of related to homes under each of the headings below and  describe their  home. Make a poster. Pupils should think about ideas about their homes and be together with their group mates, then share their ideas.

1st  Tree house

2nd  Fairy chimneys

3rd  Cottage

    Descriptor: A learner:

                         – making a poster about types of homes.

                         – speak  with clear pronunciation;          




Material                                                                                              rooms                                           stone                                                                                                     bedroom  

   Type                                                                                             furniture                                                    

    Flat                                                                                                sofa

     Special features                     adjectives                               appliances                                                        

      fireplace                             expensive, cosy                          fridge


  GIVING  Formative assessment.                                                                                                          





























Making posters











End                       8 min







To consolidate the lesson Teacher gives some questions and students  should answer them.

1.      What are the tree houses of  the  Korowai people  made of ?

2.      How do the Korowai people get into their  houses ?

3.       Where are the “Fairy chimneys”?

4.      Why do people enjoy living  in the “Fairy chimneys”?

5.      Have you seen such kind of homes in our region?

6.      Do we need such kind of homes?

Formative assessment “Well done”, “Good job”, “Excellent” and so on.

Reflection: Sandwiches

1.      write on your stickers positive opinion about what did you like on this lesson.

2.      write on your stickers what should we improve.

3.      write on your stickers I liked but in the future …








Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

– Learners do tasks on reading, writing and speaking with supported pictures, worksheets and watching video on whiteboard;

– Some learners  speak  about the unusual types  of homes by getting support with key words and cards.

Formative assessment:

 Teacher gives formative assessment to learners for each task.

Learners’ Self-assessment: “ Sandwiches”

1.      write on their  stickers positive opinion about what did they  like on this lesson.

2.      write on their stickers what they should do  to improve.

3.      write on their  stickers “I liked but in the future…”

To follow the safety instructions in classroom activities.


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?



Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. 


Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?






What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?








What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?








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