Hello! My name is …
Килина Марина Анатольевна
Theme: Hello! My name is …
Aims: to present the vocabulary on the topic “Welcome”
To teach students to greet each other and introduce themselves in English.
To promote the formation of students’ interest in the subject.
To develop speaking skills.
The procedure of the lesson:
- moment
T: Hello, children! Sit down!
1.T: Hello, my name is … children repeat all together : Hello, my name is …
Students repeat after me in chorus and individually.
- The main part of the lesson
Repeat after me
T: Hello, my name is Olga Sergeevna.
Class: Hello, my name is Olga Sergeevna.
S1: Hello, my name is ______. …
3.Pair work.
S1: Hello, my name is ________.
S2: Hello, my name is ________.
4.The teacher asks students to stand up and performs the action and then asks them to sit down in the same way. Then the teacher asks students to stand up and greet other students.
5.The teacher greets each student in the class like this:
T: Hello, my name is Olga Sergeevna. What is your name?
S1: My name is _______. Hello.
Repeat all together: What is you name? S1,2,3….
6.Pair work.
S1: Hello, my name is _________. What is your name?
S2: My name is _______. Hello.
7.Look at the blackboard: we can say “What is” or “what’s” and “name is” or “name’s”
- H/w. Reflection.
Make badges with names and learn phrases.
The lesson is over! Good-bye!