Home gardening in the USA

Тайшықова Айгүл

The 22nd  of February
Сабақ тақырыбы:  Home  gardening in the USA

Оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің міндеттері

а) білімділік  Оқу шыларға жаңа сабақты  түсіндіре отырып, мәтінмен

жұмыс жасауға үйрету.

б) дамытушылық Оқушыларға жаңа тақырыпқа байланысты  фонетикалық

жаттығулар оқыта отырып, тілді қорларын дамыту.

с) тәрбиелік Оқушыларды адалдыққа, шыншылдыққа, өз отанын сүюге


Мақсаты    Жаңа сабақты оқушыларға тереңірек, кең көлемде түсіндіру.

Сабақ әдісі   сұрақ – жауап

Сабақ  типі  аралас сабақ

Сабақ  түрі  жаттықтыру

Көрнекілік  суреттер, қима -қағаздар

Пән аралық байланыс   қазақ тілі

The plan of the lesson

  1. Organization moment
  2. Checking up the home task

III Phonetic drill

  1. New theme
  1. new words
  2. to explain a new theme
  3. brainstorming
  4. doing the exercise
  5. conclusion
  1. Giving  marks
  2. Giving home task

I.Organization moment

Stand up, children!

– Good afternoon children!

– Who is on duty today?

– Who is absent today?

– What date is it today?

– What day is it today?

– What month is it now?

– What season is it now?

  1. Checking up the home task

What was your home  work?

Ex. 6

III Phonetic drill

Rain, rain go away

Come again another day

Little Johny  wants to play

  1. New theme

Today we have new theme. The new theme is  ‘’Gardening in England’’

Children look at the board.

а)New words

Plant                               [ pla:nt],v               отырғызу  (ағаш)

Water                             [‘wo:tә], v              су құю, суғару

Whitewash                     [‘ wait,woS], v        ақтау, ағарту

Prune                              [ pru:n],v                кесу, бұтау   ( ағашты)

Vegetable                       [ ‘vedзtәbәl],n       көкеніс

Garden                           [ga: dn ], n              бақ

  1. b)to explain a new theme

Read the text, find the new words in the dialogue and pay attention to their meanings.

Omar meets his friend Mike in the street on Monday.

Mike: Hello.

Omar: Hello. How are you?

Mike:  I’m fine, thanks. What about you?

Omar: I’m fine, too.

Mike:  I phoned you at 2 o’ clock yesterday, but you weren’t at home.

Where were  you ?

Omar:  We were in he garden.

Mike: What were you doing there?

Omar:  My father was planting trees. My mother was watering the flowers.

Mike: And what about you and Asel?

Omar:  Asel was whitewashing fruit trees and I was pruning dead

Mike:  And what were you doing after lunch between 2 and 3?

Omar:  I was watering flowers.

Mike:  I see you like working in the garden.

Omar:  Yes, I enjoy working in he garden.

Answer the question

  1. Do you have a garden?
  2. What do people usually do in the garden?

video – Gardening in England

Ex.6 True or false?                                                     T                     F

  1. Mike phoned Omar yesterday?                        —          —

2.Omar and his family were in the garden.         —          —

3.Omar’s  father was  planting  flowers.             —           —

  1. His mother was  whitewashing the gate.          —           —
  2. Omar was pruning  dead branches.                   —          —
  3. Omar enjoys  working   in the garden.              —          —


Look at the picture. Study the picture. Write down all the ideas that to your mind.

  1. doing the exercise

Write about what Omar’s family was doing on Sunday.

His father ………………………………………….

His mother ………………………………………….




Find the words.

ADNERG- garden                ORWFLE  –  flower

EETR- tree                            GEEEBATLV

  1. Giving  marks

Your marks are  ……………

  1. Giving home task: I give your homework. Ex.13 p 112

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