Our neighbours

Lesson plan
Long-term plan unit:
Unit 8 Our neighbourhood School: “Kakhpak”

Date: Teacher name: Urazbaeva Malika

Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Our neighbours
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to differing points of view understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics provide basic information about themselves and others at discourse level on a range of general topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to
– predict the topic with support;
– listen and understand the main idea of the text;
Most learners will be able to
– predict the topic without support;
– understand the specific information of the text

Some learners will be able to
– share own opinion about the text
– prove the answers
Assessment criteria – esteem all opinions
– comprehend special facts from the topic
– give own attitude to the topic
Level of
thinking skills Knowledge, understanding, application
Middle order thinking skills
Value links respect, openness, civil responsibility, lifelong learning, transparency
Cross curricular links Self- education
Effective teaching Active learning, collaborative learning, differentiation
Planned timings Planned activities Resources
4 min

Organization moment Procedural questions
Teacher shows a picture (support) with a quotation (lesson hook) of Robert Frost, ask questions helping learners guess what this quotation means and predict the theme of the lesson


4 min


3 min

4 min

5 min

5 min

3 min

7 min

Teacher divides the class into 2 teams according to their position (seat) and explains the criteria of assessment (for all answers learners will get words- right answers- “necessary” words, for wrong answers- “unnecessary” words, but teacher doesn’t say which words are important and why students collect them. It will be known only at the end of the lesson )

Pre-listening (D) by support Modelling
Task1. Learners look at the picture and guess what the text will be about

Assessment criteria
– predict the situation
A learner
– looks at the picture
– gives predictions

Task2. Students read the words on the screen and match with their synonyms, e.g. 7-a
1. crockery
2. opportunity
3. house-warming party
4. spare
5. removal company
6. invite
7. lend a) give
b) extra
c) transportation firm
d) call
e) dishes
f) chance
g) a new home event
3 students from each team give answers in turn.
Key: 1-e, 2-f, 3-g, 4-b, 5-c, 6-d.
Assessment criteria
-match the similar words
A learner
– reads the words
– uses the example
– finds the right answer
– matches the words
Task3. While-listening (D) by peer support
Students read the sentences, listen to the text and then choose the right answer. True (T), False (F), Not given (N). Two students from each team share the teams opinion.
1. They don’t have anything to eat. F
2. The party is on Saturday. T
3. Their neighbor is the Fernandez. N
4. Their neighbor wants to bring a cake. F
Assessment criteria
– find specific information
A learner
– reads the sentences
– listens to the text
– chooses the right answer
– proves own answer

Task4. Post- listening (D) by task
Students answer the questions about the text. They should give a full answer.
1. Why did Maria and Andreas go to their neighbour’s house?
2. Who will come to a housewarming party?
3. What is the name of their neighbor?
4. What time will the party start?
Assessment criteria
– comprehend detailed facts
A learner
– reads the questions
– discusses in the group
– gives answers

Task5. Active learning
Teacher explains what students should do with the words teams got. The students make up a sentence (proverb) using only 6 words.
Answer: Better a neighbor near than a brother far.
The team which finds the right answer first will have a chance to choose the “side” of their discussion. (For, Against)
Assessment criteria
– find the correct answer using prompts
A learner
-reads the words
-discusses with others
-makes up a sentence
– gives the answer
Task 6. Eavesdropping collaborative learning
The teams discuss the proverb giving reasons. Each member of the team must give one proof at least. The team with more arguments is winner.
Assessment criteria
-share own opinion with others
A learner
-discusses in the group
-chooses suitable arguments
-shares own point of view with the class








3 min

2 min Reflection Self- assessment Students colour the right smiley

Teacher gives oral feedback to each student, the best 3 of them get pictures with motivation words

Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check
ICT links
Differentiation by task- to make the task clear pictures were used.
Differentiation by peer support- learners support each other in the collaborative learning
Differentiation by teacher support- teacher supports when it`s need and to explain the unknown words. The informative assessment is used. For every correct answer learners get cards with different words. At the end of the lesson they used them in creating a proverb which was for discussion. Tasks were shown by PPT
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my plan and why?
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?


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