Love in the supermarket


Алимова Асиля Мадиевна

The theme of the lesson: Love in the supermarket

Aims: By the end of the lesson SWBAT  make a role-play complaining in a shop and restaurant


– to practice reading for specific information

– to work on vocabulary connected with shopping, to practice communication.

– to bring up goodness and the politeness in interaction to enlarge their truth.

Visual aids: interactive board, slides and pictures.
Outline of the lesson
I. Organization moment.
a) Greeting
b) Checking student’s presence
III. Brainstorming

Write 5 things that you like to do

5 things that you don’t like to do


  1. Check – up of homework

T: Imagine you were asked to appear on the programme. Look at the list of jobs that other contestants trained to do. Which ones would/ wouldn’t you like to learn to do? Why?


  1. Presentation

According to the theme we are going to speak about ” shopping ” .And I draw a chart, tell me the words which we can connect to this.

Presenting new vocabulary:

A supermarket is a large shop which sells food, drink, and cleaning materials for the house, etc. They are often owned by big companies.

A  market is a place, often outside, where people can buy and sell things. There are usually a lot of individually owned ‘stalls’.

A chemist and a pharmacy are the same things: a shop which sells medicine, etc.

A shopping  centre is a place where there are many shops together (sometimes outside a town).

A department store is a large shop divided into departments, which sell a lot of different things.

A shopping centre is the same as a shopping mall but mall is American English.

A library is a place where you can borrow ( but not buy) books to read.

A bookshop is a shop where you can buy books.


  1. a) Lets match these words with following

Department store


street market

shopping centre



  1. Practice
  2. a) Match the shops and pictures of what you can buy there.







travel agent’s

shoe shop







  1. b) Match the words and definitions or pictures

bargain, basket, customer, discount, manager, receipt, refund, sales, shop assistant, trolley, shop window, till

1 _______________  a time when shop sell things at lower prices than usual.

2 _______________   something that you buy for what you think is a good price.

3  _______________  a place at the front of a shop where you can see the products.

4 _______________  a price of paper which shows you have paid for something

5  _______________  a reduction in the price

6  _______________  a person who works in a shop.

7  _______________

8  _______________  money that is paid back to you when you are unhappy with

something you buy

9  _______________


10  ______________  a person who buys things in a shop

11  ______________  the person who is in charge of a shop, hotel

12  ______________


Interview another student with the questionnaire.


What kind of small shops are there near where you live?

What kind of shops do you most like going to?

What are your favourite shops for ….?

  1. Clothes
  2. Shoes
  3. Books and music
  4. presents


Do you ever shop in … ?

  1. street markets?
  2. Supermarkets
  3. Shopping centre

What do you enjoy buying?

What do you hate buying?



Read the short story and look at the pictures and guess the last word


  1. b) Now complete the speech bubbles with A-K



  1. a) Will you marry me?
  2. b) I’ll see you around. Bye.
  3. c) Yes, I will.
  4. d) I work in advertising.
  5. e) I don’t think you’re really my type
  6. f) Do you need any help?
  7. g) Do you know how many calories there are in a bar or chocolate?
  8. h) Thanks. My name is Olga.
  9. i) I’m a student. What do you do?
  10. j) Olga, I’m falling in love with you.
  11. k) A you saying I’m fat?
  12. c) Ok I’ll play the tape and let’s to check your answers/ I’m sure that you finish with the speech bubbles correctly filled with the lines of dialogue.


Read the text “Making a complaint is it worth it?”


  1. A) Pre-reading. What would you do

If you have a problem with something you’ve bought, or with the service in a shop, do you usually complain?

What to? If not why not?

  1. B) While -reading. Read the article about complaining and number the paragraphs in order 1-7
  2. C) Read the article again in the right order and complete the chart.


  Mr Thomas Mr Oakley
1. What did he complain about?    
2. What was the problem?


3. How did he try to solve it?

4. Why wasn’t he successful?

5. Who did he wrote to?    
6. What happened as a result?    


  1. D) Post-reading. Match the highlighted words or phrases with their meaning.

1.___________________ a shop or office which  is part of a larger organization

  1. __________________ employees
  2. __________________ things that are for sale
  3. __________________ available in the shop
  4. __________________ things that other people do for you, repair your TV
  5. __________________ money or things you give somebody because you have treated them badly
  6. __________________ a written promise from a company that it will repair something if it breaks in a certain period of time


  1. E) Now read the last part of the article. Complete the tips with a phrase from below. Which two tips do you think are the most important?


Top tips for complaining

  1. ________________ when there’s a problem and give the company a chance to sort it out.
  2. _________________ , and ask to speak to the manager. He/ She is the one who can compensate you
  3. _________________ – note the date, time, and name of the person you’ve spoken to, and what was agreed.
  4. _________________. Getting angry won’t help at all.
  5. _________________ – if a company apologized and makes a genuine effort to compensate you, be prepared to meet it halfway.


Listening and speaking

  1. A) Listen to a part of a radio consumer programme where people are talking about bad service, and answer the questions.


The taxi

1.Why did the man get annoyed?

  1. What did he ask the taxi driver to do?
  2. What happened in the end?


The hotel

  1. What problems were there with the woman’s room?
  2. What happened when she told the receptionist?
  3. What did she tell him to do? Did he do it?


The restaurant

  1. Why did the man ask the waitress to change his ravioli?
  2. Why wasn’t he happy with the bill?
  3. What happened in the end?


  1. B) Watching the video
  2. C) After watching the video answer for this questions
  3. Who’s best at complaining in your family? Why?
  4. Can you remember a time when you ( or someone in your family) complained…?

to a taxi driver

to a hotel receptionist

to someone else

  1. What happened?


  1. Production

I want to divide you into 4 groups. Take one picture and your task to prepare role- play complaining in a shop and restaurant then I am returning to the chart

  1. Test

(Testing students understanding of new theme by Quizzes online testing)

  1. Home task:

Your home task will be do Unit 6 A Work book

XII. Evaluation


You all were active today. An excellent mark…
XIII. Saying good bye


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