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THE IMPORTANCE OF USING GAMES IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. Game technology in the process of foreign language teaching.
Abstract: this article is devoted to the importance of using games at teaching English as a second language. Games can play a range of roles in the language curriculum. Traditionally, games have been used in the language class as warm-ups at the beginning of class.
Students often are very enthusiastic about games, but precisely for that reason, some older students may worry that games are too childish for them. Teachers need to explain the purpose of the game in order to reassure such students that there is such a phenomenon as “serious fun.” Also, older students can be involved in modifying and even creating games. Furthermore, adults have long participated in games on radio and television, not to mention the fact that popular board games, such as Monopoly, are played by adults. As with other learning activities, teachers need to pay careful attention to the difficulty level of games. Part of the appeal of games lies in the challenge, but if the challenge is too great, some students may become discouraged.
In recent years public practice in science concept of the game is interpreted in a new way, the game extends to many areas of life, the game is meant as a general scientific, serious category. In Russia, the didactic value of the game proved more Ushinskii. Disclosure of the concepts of playing educators, psychologists different schools can identify a number of general provisions:
- Game is an independent view of developmental activities for children of different ages.
- Children play is the most free form of their activity, which is perceived, studied the world, opens a wide scope for personal creativity, activity, self- knowledge, self- expression.
- Game- the first stage of the child, the primary school of his behavior, and equitable regulatory activity of younger schoolchildren, adolescents, young people, changing their goals as they mature students.
- Game is practice development. Children play because evolve and develop, because they’re playing.
- Game- the freedom of self-discovery, self- relying on the subconscious mind and creativity.
- Game- the main sphere of communication between children; it solved the problem of interpersonal relations, human relations experience is gained.
Game- a powerful incentive to master a foreign language and effective technique in the arsenal of foreign language teacher. Using games and the ability to create speech situations cause learning readiness, desire to play and socialize.
The game gives students the opportunity not only to express themselves, to act, but also the opportunity to experience and empathize.
The game provides an emotional impact on students, activates, reserve abilities of the individual. It facilitates the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, contributes to their actualization. Educational game exercise helps strengthen, consolidate, monitor and adjust the knowledge, skills, training and teaching creates clarity in the study of particular material. It creates the conditions for an active mental activity of its members. Game task containing a training mission, stimulates intellectual activity of students, teaches predict, investigate and verify the correctness of decisions or hypotheses. It is an indicator for student success in mastering the academic discipline, representing one of the forms and reports, and self- control students. Educational game fosters a culture communication and creates the ability to work in a team and with the team. All this determines the function of educational games as a means of psychological, social, psychological and pedagogical influence on personality.
Psychological impact of the game is shown in the intellectual growth of students. Educationally and psychologically judicious use of the lesson provides its development needs mental activity. And that leads to intellectual activity, mental and cognitive independence and initiative of students.
Due to an increasing demand for the game of creative activity, finding ways and means updating existing knowledge and skills. The game creates intransigence templates and stereotypes. It develops memory and imagination, influences the development of emotional and volitional side of personality, teaches to manage their emotions, to organize their activities. The game is able to change the attitude of students to a particular phenomenon, the fact issue.
The psychological impact of games on different people differently, it is determined by the individual characteristics of the person.
The game by the nature very close to real- life situations, and sometimes inseparable from them. Game thanks dichotomy- the fictional and the real problem of the efforts to resolve it- allows you to simulate the socio-cultural context, to play different courses of action, adjust, and then play again. That life is difficult if not impossible to fix (or intercultural conflict shock), the game can be played again, producing strategies needed to avoid this conflict.
The game focuses on a group activity that fully meets the needs a modern technique. It also can be easily transformed into different forms of individual activity, allowing each student to try yourself in a particular role and show individual abilities.
Due to the nature of the sign game provides opportunities for the development of communication skills. The need to comment on their own and others actions that interact within a group object, disagree, to express their opinion is the basis for the development of verbal skills and communication strategies is necessary for initiation and maintenance of intercultural dialogue.
Transferring the task of teaching a foreign language in the task of foreign language
Communication in the process of joint activity that has personal significance for each participant in this activity, we create the conditions for a strong jump in the level of motivation of language learning, speech and communication.
In our opinion, the technique of using gaming techniques in teaching foreign languages developed mainly in didactics of early learning(for preschool, elementary school age). Application of game technologies for learning a foreign language is effective not only at school age, but also in relation to an adult audience. Should pay attention to games, implying elements of competition between individual teams, intellectual games (crossword puzzles, bingo, puzzles) and, especially, the role- play.
Insufficient development of the problem of using gaming technology and underestimation of their use in high school training, which we stated above, requires, in our opinion, serious attention lingvodidaktov. We are talking about the possibility of the integration of methods of techniques training, university, didactics.
Effect game is based on such a mechanism as involuntary memorization memory. In the game, students are scored unconsciously that did not seek to remember. In this sense we can speak of the dependence on memory activity, during which it occurs. The game is the very activity that creates emotionally stimulating interest and contributes to involuntary memorization.
Didactic game used in teaching, is a situation that simulates reality for training purposes.
According to ST Zanko, learning games are a synthesis approaches (synthesis barriers, psychological emancipation) and circuit simulation problem situations, including conflict, in which participants perform their assigned social roles, in accordance with the objectives. Widely particed training simulation game, but the game also used exploratory nature, the result of which must be a real transformation projects, research and conclusions on controversial approaches.
Educational game fosters a culture of communication and creates the ability to work in a team and with the team. All this determines the function of educational games as a means of psychological, social, psychological and pedagogical influence on personality.
Psychological impact of the game is shown in the intellectual growth of students. Educationally and psychologically judicious use of the lesson provides its development needs mental activity.
Application games promotes communicative active character education, psychological orientation lessons on the development of pupils by means rechemyslitelnoj activity studied language, optimization of intellectual activity of students in the learning process, the complexity of learning, development and intensification of its group work forms. Obviously, the formation pf speech skills should go in conditions as close as possible to those which may be encountered in the natural communication, and the learning process should be based on the solution of problems by means of communicative language material. Means of pedagogical management of educational activities communicative task with which the teacher invites and involves students in creative activities.
Superiority over other games training aids is found in the fact that it is able to provide not only the individual, but also a steam room, and a collective form of group work in class, allowing each student to maximize learning time.
The game gives you the ability to navigate in real- life situations by playing repeatedly and pretend as if in his fictional world. Gives psychological stability. Relieves anxiety, which is so high right now, and is transmitted from parents to children. Generates a positive attitude toward life and dedication in fulfilling this goal.
On this basis, we can say that gaming technology teaching methods aims to teach students to be aware of the reasons for its teachings, its behavior in the world and in life, to form their own goals and programs of independent activity , finding ways and means updating existing knowledge and skills. The game ……………
It develops memory and imagination, influences the development of emotional and volitional side of personality, teaches to manage their emotions, to organize their activities.
Social and psychological impact of the game reveals itself to overcome the disease speaking ( communication ) in a foreign language and in shaping the culture of communication, in particular the culture of dialogue.
This game requires the ability to make independent decisions, evaluate their actions, the actions of others, encourages analyze their knowledge.
The beneficial effects of games on the formation of a responsible attitude to learning activities. Increased demands on himself. Develop professional skills of the future specialist, formed methodical skills.
The main requirements for the game and the conditions of its implementation are:
Psychological requirements. Educational game should have relevance and have personal meaning and significance for each of the participants. As well as any activity, game activity in the lesson should be motivated , and students should feel the need for it.
Pedagogical requirements are as follows: using the game as a form of (means, methodical technique) training, the teacher must be sure the appropriateness of its use, should define the goals of the game in accordance with the objectives of the educational process. Educational games should be the system, which implies a certain consistency and their gradual complication. In this case you must consider the group members. Pedagogical requirements imply the entanglement of the optimal conditions of the game in the learning process.
Here’s our top 10 simple games to implement in the ESL classroom…
- Last Man Standing
This is a game which gives students the time to think and encourage peer learning. As they hear other students speaking, they will pick up on some words. Have all the students form a circle and stand at the center with a ball. All you have to do is name a category (food, places, hobbies, etc.) and pass the ball to one student. Let them toss it to another student as they name a word related to the theme. If they repeat a word or can’t say any more words, they need to sit down. The last man/student standing wins the game.
- Charades
This is a popular game which is similar to Pictionary. This is a great game to get your students to move. First, you have to write down a couple of words on paper. Make sure most of the students know them. Divide the class into two teams and one person from each team will choose a paper and act the word out. A team receives a point for every correctly guessed word.
- Pictionary
Pictionary is like a charade, but your students will draw, instead of acting the words out. You can use the cards from the actual board game for this activity, or make your own!
Similar to charades, you also need to divide the class into two teams. One person from Team A come up to the front and draws a card/word. The student must convey the word to his or her team using only drawings. There are certain rules such as students cannot use words, symbols or hand gestures. Each student should have a time limit of 3 minutes. The first team to get 10 points is the winning team.
- Board Race
Board Race is a fun game that is used for revising vocabulary. Here’s what to do:
Divide the class into two teams and give each team a colored marker. Draw a line down the middle of the board and write a topic at the top. The students must then write as many words related to the topic in a relay. The first person will write the first word and pass the colored marker to the one next in line. Score each team with one point for each correct word. Unreadable or misspelled words are not counted.
- Taboo Words
Looking for a game which can help your students practice synonyms and descriptions? Try Taboo Words – suitable for more advanced learners. Divide the class into two and have the two teams sit on opposite sides of the room, facing each other. Choose one person to sit in front of their team and stand behind the students and hold a piece of paper with a word on it
The team has three minutes to get the one in front to say the word on paper. They can’t say the word; they can only mention synonyms and descriptions of the word you’re holding.
- Hangman
A favorite game among teachers, Hangman can be used at the start of the class to warm up the students and get them active. This is especially good for young students.
First, think of a word and write the number of letters on the board using dashes to show many letters there are. Then, ask students to suggest a letter. If it appears in the word, write it in all of the correct spaces. If the letter does not appear in the word, write it off to the side and begin drawing the image of a hanging man.
You have to continue this until the students guess the word correctly, your students will win. If you complete the diagram, you win.
- 20 Objects
Time to test your students’ memories and vocabulary! Gather 20 objects that can be found in the classroom and lay them all out on the desk. Show them all to the students and then cover everything with a blanket or a sheet after one minute.
Ask the students to write down as many items they remember on a piece of paper. Write a list of the items on the chalkboard and allow students to self-correct.
- Hot Seat
This game is similar to Taboo Words. You can write the name on the board and one student will guess the word. The rest of the class must guess the word by describing it.
- Chalkboard Acronym
First, you have to write a word vertically on the board. Each student must come up with a word starting with each letter of the vertical word.
You can change the rule and require the words to be related to the acronym.
- Categories
This game is a great way to fill up the last few minutes of the class. Ask the students draw six columns on their paper and write a category at the top of each column. You can choose categories that fit your topic. You can include food, names, cities or countries, furniture, verbs and clothing.
Then, choose a random letter and write it on the board. Ask students to write down a word for each category that starts with that letter.
To bring real life into the classroom we may teach a subject with flashcards or picture. However, if we bring realia students will be surprised and thrilled and will never forget this lesson. This is what the use of realia in the classroom is all about: the use of real life objects that students can touch, feel, and even smell to effectively teach ESL components. Actually, realia is appropriate for any level of students, for beginner until advanced. This might be attributed to the fact that at this level, most students master a wide range of vocabulary in the target language and all of the structures. They also note that at lower levels, the use of authentic materials may cause students to feel de-motivated and frustrated since they lack many lexical items and structures used in the target language.