Seasons and 12 month
Unit of a long term plan: 6. Explorers and Inventors | School: №15 | ||||
Date:27.02.2020 | Teacher name: Kelmenbetova Assel | ||||
CLASS: 3 Б | Number present: | absent: | |||
Lesson title | Seasons and 12 months | ||||
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme) | L2 understand an increasing range of supported questions which ask for personal information S3 begin to describe past experiences on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics R1 recognize, identify and sound with support a growing range of W4 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information |
Lesson objectives | All learners will able to:
· Pronounce the names of seasons and months: April, March, May, June, July, August, September, October, November .Winter, spring, autumn, summer. · Write words and sentences correctly. Most learners will able to: · Work in groups and answer the questions · Match the corresponding adjectives with the correct season Some learners will able to: · Complete the sentences and speak with necessary words |
Level of thinking skills | Knowledge, comprehension, application | ||||
Assessment criteria |
Language objective | Learners can:
· Can talk about the seasons and months · Can ask questions about seasons and months Key words and phrases: November , December, January, February Useful classroom language for dialogue writing: Discussion points: What is your favorite season? Can you say with……..? Is your favorite month …..? Writing prompts: Wall gallery pictures about seasons and month |
Values links | communicative abilities | ||||
Cross-curricular links | Art, Music | ||||
Previous learning | My last birthday | ||||
Planned timings | |||||
8 min
Teacher’s greeting.
Hello. How are? I`m good. I`m great. I`m wonderful I`m tired. I`m hungry. I`m not so good What season is it now? What is your favourite season? Why? How do you think what theme of our lesson today? Children make a circle and find the sticker with seasons and divide into 2 groups. First group cold seasons. Second group warm seasons. Let`s review our last lesson. Lead in: (I) learners revise some key words from previous learning showing the cards. |
Resources | |||
8 min.
3 min
3 min
5 min
5 min
3 min
1. Let`s read poem! Our motto!
Spring is green. Summer is bright. Autumn is yellow. Winter is white.
2. Prasentation Today we are going to learn some new words and speak about the weather in different seasons. Look at the blackboard. Look at this picture? This picture season Repaet after me ok children. The topic is lesson today! Seasons and 12 month Speak about ‘Seasons and 12 months’. Teacher presents new words. Summer – жаз Winter — қыс Spring — көктем Autumn — күз January — қаңтар February – ақпан March – наурыз April – сәуір May – мамыр June – маусым July – шілде August – тамыз September – қыркүйек October – қазан November – қараша December – желтоқсан Winter – қыс Spring – көктем Summer – жаз Autumn – күз 3. The learners looking 4 pictures of the seasons and answer the teacher’s questions and guess the theme of the lesson. What can you see in these pictures? What season do you like? Descriptor · a learner · name a fact · gives an opinion
4. Children you be given posters. On this posters, each group draws its own seasons. Children need to sew up their poster. Teacher: What season is drawn on your poster? What is painted here? Introducing with outcomes of the lesson. At the end of the lesson you will be able to ask and answer simple questions to get information about topic about “Seasons and weather” using active vocabulary and common adjectives Summer. It is hot in summer. We can swim in the river. Spring. It is warm in spring, We can see the first flowers Autumn. It is cool in autumn. The trees are yellow. We go to school. Winter. It is cold in winter. It is snowy. We can ski and skate. We can play snow balls. The winter moths are December January February The spring months are March April May The summer months are June July August The autumn months are September October November Descriptor · Describe seasons · Talk about the picture
5. Warm up. Show video Head and shoulders knees and toes 6. Children task collect the words. Teacher have a task for you. Here Teacher have new words and have a nite.
7. Months must be set for the seasons. Match the words in bold in the season. Descriptor · set months to seasons · uses appropriate layout
A learner uses appropriate adjectives according to the task |
cards and pictures
Cards ABC Worksheets
35-45 min |
Children evaluate lesson. 3 penguins colour: green, yellow, red. | Pinguin
Additional information | ||
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? | Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? | Health and safety check
Differentiation can be used at any stages of the lesson.
Differentiation by support: group work, individual work Differentiation by task : differentiate for less able students and for more able students Draw a picture with your favourite season and describe it( for less able learners) My favourite season is…. I like it because……. Describe a picture and write 7 sentences( for more able learners) Assessment according speak and describe seasons
Peer-assessment (Checklists) in individually work
Teacher asks learners to read the text “ The seasons and months” and answer the question. . Then to pronounce new words. Learners repeat. T-S (Self assessment) Teacher give cards with words: excellent- if they haven`t mistakes , good- if they have 1-2 mistakes, try again- more than 3 mistakes.
Peer assessment (Pyramid reception) in group work (Peer assessment) Pyramid reception according assessment criteria understand some information in the text |
Health saving technologies.
Using physical exercises and active activities. Point rules in the group |