Grammar theme: Type of sentences –Сөйлем түрлері Lexical theme: Healthy lifestyle – Салауатты өмір салты
Unit of a short term: Healthy lifestyle | College:Esik college of humanitarian and economics | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Date: | Teacher name: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Group:301 | Number present: absent: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lesson title | Grammar theme: Type of sentences –Сөйлем түрлері
Lexical theme: Healthy lifestyle – Салауатты өмір салты |
Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to | Educational: to learn grammar theme Types of the sentences, to study new words connected with healthy lifestyle and to practice for talking to be healthy
Білімділік: Ағылшын тіліндегі сөйлем түрлерімен танысу. Салауатты өмір салты тақырыбына байланысты жаңа сөздер үйрену. Тақырыпқа байланысты сөйлеп үйрену. Developing: To increase skills in speech, reading, writing. To train pupils’ logical and critical thinking. To develop creativity, imagination, cognitive interest, and initiative, the ability to analyze and express their opinion, the ability to engage in questioning, the ability to request additional information Дамытушылық:Сөйлеу, жазу, оқу қабілеттерін дамыту. Студенттерді логикалық және сын тұрғысынан ойлауға үйрету. Шығармашылықпен ойлауға, білімге қызыгушылығын ояту, өз пікірлерін айта білуге, талдауға, сұрақ қоя білуге, іздене білуге үйрету Bringing up: to study pupils’ in the team working abilities, to bring up the interest to the health and take care about their health Тәрбиелілік:топта жұмыс істеуге үйрету, өз денсаулығына кутім жасауға баулу |
Lesson objectives | All learners will be able to:
– They will memorize the types of sentences – Understand specific information about healthy lifestyle; – They will learn some new words; Most learners will be able to: – Read the text and understand it; – Will learn the most of the new words ; – Make some phrases about healthy lifestyle and bad habits Some learners will be able to: – Listen to the text and understand it; – To retell about the healthy lifestyle ; – To compare good habits and bad habits – They will be able to use the types of sentences; |
Assessment criteria | Develop assessment criteria accordance with the lesson objectives | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Values links | learn to listen to each other, learn to work with group | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Values (self-knowledge) | Righteous behavior – Дұрыс әрекет
Қасиеті: Дұрыс ой –адамның дұрыс әрекетке бастайтын таза және асқақ ойы болу керек. |
Cross – curricular links | Kazakh, Russian, Рhysical training | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Previous learning | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Plan | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Planned timings | Planned activities | Resources | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 m
3m |
Organization moment
Greeting / Opening conversation Brainstorming: Epigraph on the table: “If you don’t do what’s the best for your body, you’re the one who comes up on the short end” –Julius Erving Если вы не делаете то, что лучше для вашего организма, вы тот, кто близок к концу –Юлиус Эрвинг Егер сіз өзіңіздің денеңізге жағымды нәрсені жасамасаңыз, сіз аз өмір сүретін адамсыз How do you understand the mean of this saying of Julias Erving? Descriptor: Students will discuss Студенттер Эрвистің нақыл сөзін талқылайды
Today our lesson’s value is righteous behavior, to do righteous behavior we must have right thought. Right though includes into righteous behavior’s qualities What do you think of when you hear the word “ health”? Descriptor: Ss will give definition to the word “Health” Студенттер «Денсаулық» сөзіне анықтама береді The theme of the lesson and planning it What shall we do for today? We are going to deal with the very important problem. What problem is it? What are we going to talk about? Descriptor: Ss will answer T; Yes, we are going to talk about healthy life style, good and bad habits. We know that health is the greatest wealth. Relaxing Nature Sound – Тыныштық сәті Before beginning our lesson, let’s create a good mood, a relaxation time
(Audio)- Sit straight, close your eyes, sit and feel at ease, listen to the nature song It was Nature Therapy, We have relived fatigue, stress, negative energies and activated brain potential. Do you like nature? Is it useful for our health? Why? Answer the question, beginning the word Nature is …….. ( a beautiful picture, life, a song, fresh air, inspiration)
How do we evaluate our work? You evaluate yourselves by fruit and vegetables that you given
-excellent -good -satisfactory
Listen to me. This is a box. Choose and take out of the box a card. These cards will define your groups. There are punctuation marks in these cards. Please choose one of them. Now let’s divide into three groups by your punctuation marks in your hands. Take your sit. And what do you think, why have I chosen the punctuation marks to divide you into groups? Топқа бөлу үшін мен неліктен тыныс белгілерін таңдадым? Ss will answer –Студенттер жауап береді T: Yes, The grammatical theme of our lesson is The type of sentences and lexical theme is “Healthy lifestyle” I’ll put punctuation marks in front of you. (they will sit)
Slide in 3 languages
Box, cards
Interactive board
Interactive board
-excellent -good -satisfactory |
7 m
Presentation –Жаңа сабақ
Grammar theme: Types of sentences Грамматикалық тақырып: Cөйлем түрлері Vocabulary and pronunciation We have some new grammar words . Look at the board Punctuation marks – Тыныс белгілері :
Before beginning our lesson, I want ask you about types of sentences in Kazakh? Хабарлы сөйлем не? / Сұраулы сөйлем?/ Бұйрықты сөйлем?/Лепті сөйлем? Good, Now look at the board
Types of sentences in English There are four common types of sentences in English. Each sentence type has a different purpose Declarative sentences– to make statements Declarative sentences are the most common type of sentence. Declarative sentences are used to make a statement. We can use declarative sentences to state a fact or an opinion. Interrogative sentences – to ask questions Imperative sentences-to give commands, suggestions, warnings Exclamatory sentences-to express strong emotions with statements
Lexical theme: Healthy lifestyle Лексикалық тақырып: Салауатты өмір салты Vocabulary and pronunciation- Visual- Explanatory Strategy (Түсіндірмелі көрнекілік әдісі)
Descriptor: Students will write the translation of new words themselves looking at the transcription and the pictures Студенттер жаңа сөздердің аудармасын суретке және транскрипцияға қарап өздері жазады Marking – бағалау |
1 м
5m |
Task 1
1. Misleading sentences 2. What type of sentences? 3. Punctuation party Descriptor: 1. Ss will put marks of sentences in correct places 2. Ss will find what sentences they are 3. Ss will put marks of sentences Студенттер тыныс белгілерін орнына қояды, қандай сөйлем екенін анықтайды, сөйлемдерге тыныс белгілерін қояды Marking -бағалау Task 2- Strategy – Ақпараттағы ақаулық Read the text “ Healthy lifestyle” and translate Descriptor: Teacher will give the students text passage with translation of unknown words and they will read and translate it. Студенттерге мәтін үзінділері беріледі, олар оқып аударады Marking – бағалау
Тask 3 –Strategy –Speakers Answer the questions 1. What does the word “an active lifestyle” mean? 2. What can you say about bad lifestyle? 3. What have you to do to be healthy? Descriptor: Ss will write answer on the sticker by given question and will stick saying them on the poster. Every person in the group must answer. Студенттер стикерге жауап жазып, оны оқып постерге іледі Marking – бағалау
Task 4 –Listening. Strategy- Listen, Understand, Do Listen and try understand this conversation between a mother and a school nurse – “Advice from a school nurse” Descriptor: Ss will listen to the text and will try understand and perform tasks on the computer. Студенттер мәтінді тыңдап, мәтінге байланысты тапсырмаларды компьютерде орындайды. Marking – бағалау
Warm up: Now your eyes are tired. Let’s do physical training for our eyes Look left, look right Look up, look down. Look around Look at your nose Look at me Close your eyes. Open. Wink and smile
Task 5 – Strategy – Rope for washing things -Kip жаятын жіп You should / You shouldn’t (used rope, clothespin, basket for dirty clothes, pictures of dark and bright clothes ) Descriptor: Ss will write good habits with the word “ should” on bright clothes and will hang on the rope with clothespin and will write bad habits with “shouldn’t” on dark clothes and will throw on a bucket for dirty clothes Студенттер ашық түсті киімге жақсы әрекеттерді кір жайғыш жіпке іледі, қара түсті киімге жаман әдеттерді жазып, кір салатын шелекке тастайды. Marking – бағалау |
2m |
Task Strategy – Feedback
Descriptor: Ss will make up Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory sentences using lexical theme Студенттер лексикалық тақырыпқа байланысты хабарлы, сұраулы, бұйрықты, лепті сөйлем құрастырады. Marking – бағалау Reflection –Video – Now look at the screen So today we have spoken about different problems concerning health. Now I want you to make a conclusion with the following video and make up health rules for you. Your friends, parents for everybody who wants to be healthy and happy. Descriptor: Ss will watch video and Teacher will begin with the phrase OUR HEALTH DEPENDS ON and Ss will finish the sentence by adding the necessary words Студенттер бейне баянды көріп, «Біздің денсаулығымыз ………………….байланысты» деген сөйлемді толықтырады Marking -бағалау Home work: Make a topic on the theme “Health lifestyle” T: I want to finish our lesson with good wishes in three languages. Think and write your wishes, then wish them each other Descriptor: Students will write desires and read them aloud. Студенттер тілек жазып оқиды T: Now, evaluate yourselves, who how works. T: At last let’s sing Ss will sing a song “Healthy eating”-«Пайдалы тамақтану» әні |
Additional information | |||
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? | Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? | Health and safety check
Differentiation can be achieved through the selection of activities, identification of learning outcomes for a certain student, provision of individual support to learners, selection of learning materials and resources based on the individual abilities of learners (Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Gardner). | Use this section to record the techniques that you will use to assess what the learners have learned during the lesson. | Health saving technologies.
Using physical exercises and active activities. Rules from the Safety Rules book which can be applied in this lesson. |
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. | ||