Weather 2

Lesson : Module 5 Hot and Cold School : №27
Date: 24.01.2020 Teacher’s  name: A.K.Alpysbayeva
CLASS: 4“V“ Number present: 10 absent:
Lesson title: Weather 2
Learning objective s(s) that   this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme) 4.L4   understand a limited range of short supported questions on general and some curricular topics

4.S4 respond to questions on an increasing  range of general and some curricular topics

4.S7 contribute a growing  range of suitable words, phrases, and sentences including giving opinions during short pair, group and whole class exchanges

4.R6   understand with some support, some specific

information and detail in short, simple texts on a growing  range of general and some curricular topics

4.W4   write with support short basic sentences with appropriate spaces between words

4.W7   spell most  familiar high-frequency words accurately when  writing independently

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

recognise and use some target language correctly and show comprehension of some written and spoken  familiar words in simple sentences To talk about weather and natural disasters.

Most learners will be able to: recognise and use most target language correctly and show comprehension of most written and spoken familiar words in simple sentences To talk about weather and natural disasters.

Some learners will be able to: 

recognise and use target language correctly with clear pronunciation and good comprehension of written and spoken familiar words in simple sentences To talk about weather and natural disasters.

Assessment criteria Learners achieve objectives,  if they can:

-Listen to  the text and define the theme of the lesson

-Read and understand what the dialogue about is

-Write  short sentences about  the weather

-Pronounce words, phrases and simple sentences intelligibly

make up sentences into coherent paragraphs using basis connectors

 Previous learning Learners will need to be familiar with  the words  of the theme weather 1
 Cross-curricular links  Interpreting information
ICT skills  Listening, using videos  & pictures
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with  your planned activities) Resources
Beginning the lesson


(3 minute)

























































Lesson Opening & Warm-Up


Ø  Greet learners. Have them take their places

Ø  Warm-up.

Teacher asks students  do the actions  and repeat the words.

Ø  Divided into 2 groups

Ø  Teacher introduces lesson objectives to the students.

Ø  Teacher introduces assessment criteria to the learners.

Ø  Lead in.


Checking up home-work F.T  (You had to learn  the words about weather ) P69 PB


Learners listen to the text (about weather)

-So, what is the theme of our lesson?

-Our new theme is “Weather“

Task 1.Introduction of  new words

Flood  |flʌd| – cу тасқыны

Storm- |stɔːm|-дауыл

Thunder  |ˈθʌndə|-күн күркіреуі

Lightning |ˈlʌɪtnɪŋ|  -найзағай

Avalanche   |ˈavəlɑːnʃ|- қар көшкіні

Tornado  |tɔːˈneɪdəʊ|-қатты құйын

Hail |heɪl|  -бұршақ


Descriptor : A learner  should pronounce  the  words correctly  and repeat  after  the  teacher         


Inclusive  work : Card  with tasks


Make up the sentences  using  the new words:

afraid of ..,   is  coming…  ,  dangerous.,  fall from the sky ..

in the mountain

Descriptor :

A teacher should explain the meaning of phrases

A learner  should make up the sentences   with these phrases

Assessment  criteria (Peer assessment)

A learner  should make up the sentences   with these phrases  correctly (1point)






Task 2. Reading. Group work.

Open your books at page 74  and read the dialogue.

1-st gr. Read the dialogue 1,2. 2-nd gr. 3,4.



A learner  should    read  correctly

A learner  should  match  the dialogues to some of the words in       Ex.16


Assessment  criteria (Peer assessment)

A learner  should read   correctly   and match  the dialogues to some of the words in  Ex.16    (1point)                    


II. Explanation of the grammar material.

“Can” modal verb



Descriptor:   A learner  should    practise  the  grammar   material

A learner  should  do   the  task from  the  card


Assessment  criteria ( Self assessment)

    A learner  should  choose   the  right answer   correctly      (1point)


Warm-up (Snowflakes)


If you have  finished   to read   let`s do the tasks.


Task 3. Make  a poster

  1st  group     “ Summer“

  2nd group    “ Winter


A learner   should  make  a poster.

A learner   should   imaginatively  draw a picture on a given topic.

A learner should  compose sentences using new words  and phrases

Assessment  criteria (Peer assessment)

A learner   should  imaginatively draw a picture on a given topic.

A learner should  compose  sentences using new words  and phrases       (5 points)

























































































Coloured pencils, papers,

Felt pens,
























“Magic  leaf“

Descriptor:  Flower s`  leaves  are given out to children,
on the leaves  are words , a learner  should  remember   the  words  and  translate  in English      












End (3 minute) Reflection“Steps  to success “

So, let’s see our results. Take your “stickers ” and stick them on the steps of our success stair. Please, comment your choice.

Homework :  Ex. 19  p.75

Success Stairs,





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