LESSON: Unit 3. My school Around the school

Шымкент қаласы

№28 жалпы орта білім беретін мектебіI

Ағылшын пән мұғалімі:Дариева Жазира Мырзаханкызы


  LESSON: Unit 3. My school

Around the school

School: 28  
  Date: 24.10.2019 Teacher name: Darieva Zh.M.  
  CLASS: 2 a Number present: 14 absent:  
  Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to 2.R3 recognise initial letters in names and places

2.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

2.L3 recognise with support a limited range of basic common personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly

2.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

  Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:  
  ●       listen to teacher’s instructions and do the task

●       Describe the objects of the classroom and describe the color of objects.

  Most learners will be able to:  
  ●       recognize with support places and classroom words  
  Some learners will be able to:  
  ● do all task correctly with no T’s support  
  Language objective











Learners can:

●learn to understand and respond to short, basic, supported and unsupported classroom instructions. Learners develop the ability to ask and answer questions using appropriate word stress and intonation in order to find out about a limited range of personal information and classroom routines. Learners learn to express themselves using basic modals

  Assessment for Teaching Criteria based assessment

Assessment criteria:

Give classroom instructions or commands using imperative forms


A learner

 gives command to classmates;

 follows instructions correctly.

Self-assessment: Traffic lights (sweets)

  Previous learning Numbers, colours, shapes and names of classroom objects  
  Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities) Resources  
  Start (Beginning of the lesson)

15 min










































Middle (of the lesson)

20 min









Warm up activity

1. Teacher greets the students and presents the aims of the lesson.

Good afternoon, Good afternoon, Good afternoon to you.
Good afternoon dear teacher. We are glad to see you.

Spell of success:

We are clever, we are nice. We are very, very nice.
We are clever, we are wise. And success will come to us.

2.Dividing the class into 3 groups:                                                                      1. Group – CIRCLE                                                                                        2. Group- TRIANGLE                                                                                    3. Group-  RECTANGLE

3.Look at the blackboard and say, what theme do we have today.                                                                                    Slide -1.                                                                                                                                   Yes, we speak about school. We speak English, read, write, transcribe, count, do sums, sing, repeat numerals, verbs and school things and subjects.

4.Teacher demonstrate objects of the class room using projected visual images. And say only names of objects one by one. Then learners should repeat it with teacher. Then teacher asks them from the pupils                               Slide-2.                                                                                                    What is it? – It’s a ruler                                                                         What is it? – It’s a book                                                                            What is it? – It’s a rubber

5.T. gives out worksheets with task and explains how to fill it.



6.  The game “Stairs”                                                                         Learners must write one word at a time in order to get a ladder, wins the team who finish faster. Example …                                                         It

It is

It is a pen

It is a red pen

It is a red pen in

It is a red pen in the

It is a red pen in the pencil-case

7.Physical exercises

T. says the poem and Ss repeat it and say the poem together and act out

One, two.

How are you?

Three, four.

Knock at the door.

Five, six.

Crosses and tix.

Seven, eight.

Sorry, I’m late.

Nine, ten.

Say it again!


















Work-sheet #1





8.T. gives out task and explains how to do it. Learner must write their names and count how many letters are in their names.                                                    SALTANAT-8                                                                                                           BAGDAT— 6   etc.

9.The task “FRIENDLY TEAM”                                          Learners given the worksheets with the small and big animals. They look at the animals and must solve problems in Maths  correctly ,  then color the  animals by solutions.






















Work-sheet #2




▪         T. gives instructions on how they should behave themselves while they are checked.


School song.

11. “All about me!” the summary list.

Teacher gives to pupils the summary lists for each levels. Ss are given worksheet number 3 with tasks and at a given time they should finish it following T’s instruction correctly. Learners must write about themselves and another teachers will check .





Work-sheet #3

  End (of the lesson)

5 min

                  Reflection  Self-assessment: Traffic lights  (sweets)

     Students must  attach words to the poster.                                                                       Ask students to look at lesson objectives they set at the beginning of the lesson and think and say what they did well in the lesson and what needs improvement.

Traffic lights sweets  
  Additional information  
  Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links
  ▪         Weaker Ss work with T’s support

▪         Stronger Ss work on their own





▪         When T. asks to revise covered material and Ss work with worksheets Ss will be safely arranged and seated in front of the monitor away from electrical outlets and cables.

▪         While doing individual tasks Ss will develop their responsibility, accuracy and independence.

▪         White board is used no more than 5 minutes


Were the lesson objectives / learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use  the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions  from the books on the left about your lesson.








Summary evaluation                                                                                                                                                             What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lessons (consider both teachings  and learning)?



What have learned from his lesson about this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?


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