Treasure and numbers

                                                             Lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan: 1 Treasure and Heritage

School: 16

Date: 08. 11. 2019

Teacher name: Esirkep Aigul



Number present:


Lesson title

Treasure and numbers

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

(Subject programme)

4.UE2 use cardinal numbers 1 – 1000 and ordinal numbers 1 – 100.

4.L4 understand an increasing range of short supported questions on general and some curricular topics

4.S5 pronounce an increasing range of words, short phrases and simple sentences intelligibly

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

say cardinal and ordinal numbers

identify an increasing range of short supported questions

Most learners will be able to:

describe something’s place and what kind of thing they see using short phrases in simple sentences

– do the sums and say them correctly

– give instructions and directions of some places  to their partners

Some learners will be able to: 

-give detailed information about their treasure which they have found

– give a feedback to their peers on their work   


Assessment criteria

          Do the sums and call out them correctly

          Give precise instructions and directions to each other

          Follow them appropriately

          Deduce author’s message from the text

Values links

Respect and cooperation values are instilled through a group discussion 

ICT skills

Using SMART board

Cross-curricular links


Previous learning

Game about autumn holiday


Planned timings

Planned activities

















2        min


§  Organizational moment.

§  Procedural questions

§  Setting the lesson objectives

§  Asking homework. At previous lessons they had “Legend” unit to read a text about legends of Kazakh tradition. This text is not long, so they should understand the meaning of it and ready to answer questions given by me



Questions to each learner






          5 min
























    10 min

















     13  min



















Brainstorming “Who is the quickest?’’

1.      (G) The game “Who is the quickest?”

Teacher divides the class of 4 to each group and gives a box with numbers in it. Then she says each number one by one asking to add and count total sum at the end. Which group finds those numbers which are called out by the teacher first and sums correctly and quickly that group will win.

2.      (W) “Guess it!” task. Teacher asks them to guess the topic of the lesson. If they don’t guess she gives hints why they have added numbers and why winner group has been identified at the end. They should know that treasure will be achieved if they do maths tasks quickly and correctly. They need to know what treasure stands for.

3.      (I) Number practice. They learn a hundred and a thousand difference and sound precisely. Then they match numbers with words




4.      (I) “Help Captain Parrot” activity Collaborative learning. Gist questions to promote thinking

Teacher handouts a map with numbers for finding a treasure of Captain Parrot. Learners work individually to know ability of summing and pronouncing numbers correctly.


Differentiation: less able students do sums in written form, more able ones describe a map using their imaginations, e.x: “Captain starts at this point and sees the number…. And goes further, then turns right or left to catch number …. ”

Descriptors for two tasks:

          Work in a group and individually

          Match the words with numbers

          Pronounce numbers precisely

          Get involved in these task actively

          Describe a map using their  imagination


Assessment: Teacher assesses each learner due to the descriptors shown above in the form of appraisals. Also she gives a feedback to any errors during accomplishing both tasks.

5.      Grammar aspect. Teacher recalls “there is/ there are” construction with prepositions. Firstly she shows the following prepositions to them and gives examples using them. F.ex: There are instruments near his bag. There is a stone on the left side of the tree.

Cardinal and ordinal numbers. Explain how these two types of numbers form and practice with them. Cardinals 1,2,3,4,5- Ordinals first,second, third, fourth, fifth.

(_W) Grammar practice exercises. Teacher displays a picture for description on which students do grammar exercises. Differentiation: More able students are asked to prepare questions according to the picture using  interrogative pronouns, cardinal, ordinal numbers, while less ones write simple sentences on picture illustrations. 


Assessment:  Teacher and leaders of each team gives feedback any common errors that were noticed during pair discussion: verbal feedback

Differentiation: Teacher monitors and makes notes of common errors. Peer support– in group discussion and listening task more abled learners help less abled with translation of words. By resource– for unfamiliar words teacher allows learners to use dictionaries





Box, numbers

















A map

































Reflection. Method  Five fingers ”.

In the beginning  of the lesson learners are introduced to Descriptors. They  reflect each other at the end of the lesson through two stars and wish in oral form. In order to make changes according to the perception level of learners insufficient aspects of the lesson will be assessed.  In order to motivate learners after each their answer a teacher gives formative assessment in oral form. Reflection through “ Five fingers”

1   finger – difficulties during the lesson

2   finger –  what do you like during the lesson

3   finger – your mood

4   finger – what do you do today?

5  Finger – what do you learn today







Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

Differentiation –  by task


Differentiation: Teacher monitors and makes notes of common errors. Peer support– in group work more able learners help less able ones with saying numbers. By resource– for looking up some words while making up sentences to the picture a teacher allows learners to use dictionaries


Feedback on the work

Group with the motivation words, with the self- assessment tickets


Reflection. Method  Five fingers ”.

Assess teams’ work by nominations like “The quickest guygrammar master” and “the best speaker

Health saving technologies.

Using physical exercises and active activities.




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