Interesting world

Isaeva Albina Abdiamitovna

Unit of a long term plan     Fantasy world

School: K.Amanzholov

Date : 26.10.2019

Teacher’s name: Isaeva Albina Abdiamitovna

Grade: 5 а

Number present:

Lesson title:  Interesting world

Learning objectives

5. W 2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph  on a limited range of familiar  general and curricular topics

5 R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5 S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5. UE16 use conjunctions so, if, when, where, before, after to link parts of sentences on a limited range of familiar  general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge, understanding,  application

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

·         Read the text and understand the main idea with the help of dictionary

Most learners will be able to:

·         Complete the sentences with if , answer the questions on the text

Some learners will be able to:

·         Explain how to use conjunctions  and give their own examples, to find the most important information from the text


Assessment criteria

Understand the main idea of the text, use conjunction IF correctly 

Value links

Introduces updating of the education system

Cross curricular links


Previous learning





Planning  timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




5- 6 min

Teacher and pupils greet each other, and pupils will be acquainted with the lesson objectives.

                     Warming up

Task 1

W:Teacher shows some famous places pictures and asks: What can you see on these pictures? Do you want to go there? Why? What do you want to see there?

Then learners will be divided into two groups, by picking up two pictures: New York and Ireland.

I: Differentiation task, Teacher asks Students to describe any picture if they like to.

FA – If a student gives good description of a city, Teacher gives a TICKET to him/her to the described city.




5 cities pictures: Astana, London, Rome, Dubai, Paris






New York and Ireland cards


5-6 min.
































5-7 min.






15 min.


































































7-10 min



Task 2

W: Teacher gives students uncomplete sentences and asks them to look carefully into the structure and complete the sentences.

If I go to Astana, I will go to ———– (where)

If I go to London, I will see ———- (whom)

If I go to Paris, I will buy ——- (what)


Teacher: W:  What can you say about highlightened words, which tense is used, what auxiliary verb is used? If Students do not understand the structure, teacher gives more support and clarifies:


Verbs in time clauses and conditionals follow the  Main same patterns as in other clauses except:

·         In clauses with time words like when, after, until we often use the present tense forms to talk about the future:

 I will come home when I  finish work.

They are going after they have  had dinner.



·         In conditional clauses with if or unless we often  use the present  tense forms to talk about the future:

 We will not be able to  go out if it  is raining.

IF Kazakhstan wins tomorrow they will be champions.

I will come tomorrow unless I have to finish my homework.


Task 2

Musical dictation.

I: Students listen to the song with if and when clauses and complete the sentences.


Task 3

G: Teacher gives two texts about famous places in the world for each group to continue the lesson. Students read the texts and translate  them with the help of dictionary.


  Two very different places with the same names

     Hollywood, USA (population  167,000)

  Hollywood in the USA is part of the city of Los Angeles. Hollywood is a fast and noisy place. The studios here are famous, and sometimes there are film stars in the cafes and restaurants. Their houses are very big. There are also some very expensive shops in Hollywood- a big from Gucci is 1,000 dollars.


Hollywood, Ireland (population 100)

Hollywood is a small, quiet village in Ireland. The houses in the village are small and there aren’t any famous people here but it’s a nice place. There aren’t any big shops or restaurants, but there are some interesting places near the village, and the city of  Dublin is 42 kilometres  from here.



Task 4.G:  Teacher asks groups to say some key points on the pictures and texts they have read and do “Association” activity.


Pair work: Students are given three Questions  on the  texts. They should answer these question  using conjunction  If.  


1. Is Hollywood, USA part of Washington?

2. Is it a village?

3. Is it a quiet place?

4. Is Hollywood, Ireland a big place?

5. What’s  near the village?

6. Is it near a city?



1. Read the text.

2. Choose some key points from the text and write them on flipchart.

3. Choose your partner and answer the questions using conjunction IF.


For example: If it is Hollywood in USA, it will be part of the city Los Angeles.

If it is a village, it will be  a small, quiet village in Ireland.  

If it is a quiet place, it will be a Hollywood Ireland.

If it is a big place, it will be fast and noisy place.

If it is a near city, it will be Hollywood, USA.

If it is a near the village, it will be Hollywood Ireland.


FA –  Teacher gives STAR to that group whose Associated card was done properly (full information, without mistakes), all pairs display their works on the board and teacher looks through the works and gives feedback to every pair.


Task 5. Two truths and a Lie- Each group should write three sentences about their text. Two sentences will be true, one false. Groups read their sentences to each other, and group members will try to decide which is the false one.

FA – Teacher  gives smiles for each group according to their answers!



Written sentences with highlightened verbs

































Papers with sentences from the song with ——




Ex. 2  P. 28






































3 min


Stickers are on the teacher’s table. Students have to come and take one sticker showing their results today. Teacher observes.

I liked and understood the lesson.

I didn’t, I need some more practice.


Score stickers

Additional information



Differentiation– How do you plan  to give more support? How do you  plan to challenge the more able learners.


Assessment– How are you planning to check learner’s learning?


Health and safety  check ICT links

After task 1

I: Differentiation task, Teacher asks Students to describe any picture if they like to.

After task 2

If Students do not understand the structure, teacher gives more support and clarifies herself


Using descriptors, giving Ticket to the City, giving Stars, giving smiles and oral feedback



·         Work with the Smart board no more 10 minutes





1. Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?



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