Family relationships

Rsalieva Kulash Kiyasovna

Unit: 3 Values

School: K.Amanzholov

Date: 07.11.2019

Teacher name: Rsalieva Kulash Kiyasovna


Number present:10

Absent: 0

Lesson title

Family relationships

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

5.L2  understand an increasing  range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information

5.S4  respond with limited flexibility at sentence level  to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.R3  understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

5.UE6  use  basic personal and demonstrative pronouns  and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing anything on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives


All learners will be able to:

·        understand given dialogue and speaks with support

·         perform grammar exercise with support

·        understand given dialogue and answer the questions about family relationships

Most learners will be able to:

·        understand given dialogue and  present the poster.

·        using basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns

   Some learners will be able to:

·        make up a dialogue act it out

·         perform grammar exercise with unsupport

Assessment criteria

·        Uses basic personal and demonstrative and quantitative pronouns and completes the sentence

·        Analizes in the group and  present the poster.

  • The group work will be assessed by interviewer


Level of thinking skills

Higher order thinking skills  


Values links

6. Common history, culture and language


Cross-curricular links



Previous learning

Make sentences based on the given material


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



3 min

I. Motivation

1) Organization moment

II. Realization

Home task: Look the pictures and make sentences. Check the home task.


pens, pencils,



22 min





















































7 min
























3 min























8 min


They will watch a video about family relationships to open a new lesson. Then I give first task.

 Socrates Dialogue. Make up a dialogue act it out.

Two students will interview. Three pupils play the role of mother, father and child. The other students will divide into two groups. I will give some question materials into two groups and They will listen and watch by role-playing games and answer the questions and discuss into groups.

They will use /some, any/quantitative pronouns. SS

Interviewer:  Good morning! How are you?                                                            

Serik:            Good morning. I’m fine thank you?                                                          

Interviewer:  Welcome to our studio!                                                            

Serik:            Thanks.

 Interviewer:  Let’s talk about your family.

                   Please tell us about yourself and about your family?

 Serik:          My name is Serik. I am eleven years old . I want            to tell you about my family. I have got a mother, a father  and grandparents, a sister and a brother. First of all some words about my parents. My mother is a teacher of biology. She has got some interesting books about history. My father is programmer. He doesn’t read any poetry.

Interviewer:  Please tell us about your family relationships?

                     Why is family important for you?

Serik:            When we are at home and have some free time I play guitar and we sing together. My brother doesn’t like milk. He drinks two big glasses of water every morning. My grandparents are retired. Belonging to a family is highly important to each of us. Our family gives us the sense of tradition, strength and purpose. Family is very important in our lives. If I have some problems, I can consult my parents or relatives.

Interviewer:  Do you have any family traditions in your family?

Serik:            Yes We have. There are some family traditions in my family. We always have dinner together. My mother uses butter to prepare cakes. We love to eat her cakes. We have got some relatives.  They are  a nephew, a cousin, an aunt. I like them. I like my family very much.

Interviewer:  Thank you very much! Good bey!

Serik:             Good bye!


     The first group.

Does he have got any questions?

Does he have any questions

What do they watch on TV?

Who is invited to the interview?

Do they have any question on interview?

They have some questions on interview, yes?

Why is family important for you? 

The second group.

What are they talking about?

Do he have any brothers or sisters?

Does his father read any poetry?

Does his mother’s have any interesting books?

Why is family important for he?                                                           What does he do If his have any problems?                                                                                    Arе there  any family traditions in his family?                                    Why is family important for you?                                                    

Then they’ll analize in the group and  present the poster.  The group work will be assessed by interviewer and by teacher.                                                                            Descriptors                                                                                                                                                                               1. listening dialogue                                                                                 2. answer some questions and write use of /some, any/                                                                              3. present the poster                                                                                4. make up the dialogue                                                              5. the role play

Task2. The second task is executed like the first task.  Again, they will be divided into groups. They will find demonstrative pronouns.  And they answer orally. SS, TS                                                                                                        Son:            Mum, what is family relationships?                                                                                             Mother:      Family relationships is very important in our lives.                                                               We have got a lot of relatives. They are a grandfather, a grandmother, a nephew, a cousin and an aunt. (Then his father shows his family album)                                                     Father:       These are your grandparents. This is my brother and your uncle. This is your aunt and mother’s sister. These are your  nephew and cousin.  There are Anar and Galym.                                                   The group work will be assessed by family members and by teacher.

  Mum, what is family relationships?                                                                               Family relationships is very important in our lives.                                                               We have got a lot of relatives. ______ a grandfather, a grandmother, a nephew, a cousin and an aunt. (Then his father shows his family album). _____ your grandparents.  _____ my brother and your uncle. _______your aunt and mother’s sister. ______ your  nephew and cousin. ________Anar and Galym.

Descriptors                                                                                               1. make up the dialogue                                                                        2. find demonstrative pronouns.


Task 3

Look at the pictures and complete the sentence with                   quantitative pronouns /something, anything, nothing/.

1. I have got _________ in my eye. 


2.- Is there _________ on the table?

 – There is _________ on the table.


3. She has _________ in her bag.    


4. My teacher asked me __________.


5. Can I have _________ to drink.


6. I don’t know ________ about it.

Learners read what they have written. Feedback.

Descriptors                                                                                                 1. complete the sentence                                                                            2. read the sentences   

       Discuss about our history and culture, traditions.









National flag of Kazakhstan                                                                 Akorda the residence of the President of the Republic Kazakhstan Baiterek monument  in Kazakhstan                        National clothes of Kazakhstan                                                                    Kazakh national foods



ICT, pictures, poster, marker












































Album, Photographs



















notebook, pen


Smiles, Sticker



















2 min

 The pupils fills out the feedback page


What have I learned today?

Do you like the evaluation types?

What did you like or did not understand?

Give home task.
On the basis of the following questions, write an essay about your family relationships.
 1.How many members are there in your family?                               2.What do you tell us about your parents?                                                  3 Do you have brothers or sisters?                                                             4 Do you have any family traditions?                                                      5. Do you love your family?                                                                       6. How do you think, why family is very important in our lives?














Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

Perform a grammatical exercise with support: pictures  

More successful learners will be given dialogue

The students will evaluate their work and the work of their classmates in accordance with the certain criteria. Formative assessment: Feedback, with smiles.

When using ICT must be for the safety of energy



Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?



Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. 


Students will receive information about family relationships.

My micro teaching had a great impact on my planning. I understood that students should talk a lot through my micro teaching. For this purpose, I use smart teaching methods in my next lesson.

In my opinion, dialogue training creates free speech skills for pupils. In the future, I will plan with smart learning objectives.

The feedback from my colleagues and the trainer has helped me to plan my lesson

In order to develop my planning experience, I have to work hard in the future.


In this course  I have learned to use new teaching methods and will use them in future lesson

Summary evaluation



What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?


1: dialogue, new method (Socrates Dialogue, group works, dialogue)


2: ICT


What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?


1: Oral speech practice


2: ICT, role play


What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

I use the various techniques I learned in my next lesson






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