France Grammar: modal verbs
Cабақтың мақсаттары:/Aims of the lesson
Білімділік/Educational: to check pupils` knowledge from English Kazakh and Russian through playing games, doing different tasks
Дамытушылық/ Developing: Оқушылардың өзара сөйлеу және басқаның айтқанын тыңдау оқу жәнежазу қабілеттерін дамыту /to develop students’ speaking and listening and reading skills
Тәрбиелілік/Up-bringing: to bring up the pupils lovers of language and teach to be attentive to call students to be kinder, stronger, cleverer
Expected result: At the lesson pupils will be able to:
- use new words in speech
- give their own opinion about travelling
Сабақтың түрі\Type of the lesson: аралас сабақ/mixed lesson
The method of the lesson: teaching speaking
Пәнаралық байланыс/Сonnection with other subjects: қазақ француз және орыс тілі/Kazakh French and Russian languages
Visual aids: slides, text, pictures, cards, money coin
Сабақтың өту барысы/ Procedure:
- Ұйымдастырукезеңі /Organization moment:
Good morning girls and boys take your sit how are you? What is the weather like today? To tell about your post cards the theme Our dream vocation
- A) Checking up the absentee and speaking about the weather
- B)Make a funny circle and then express your good wishes to each other.
- Checking up the home work postcard about travelling
III. phonetic drill sounds [i] [i:] tik-ti:k did-di:d pit-pi:t
Come to tea
Come to tea with me
Come to tea with by the sea
If you are free Come to tea with by the sea
Will you agree If you are free Come to tea with by the sea
iV. New words:
earn money-
get visa-
know English-
complete application
check passport-
- brainstorming
Earn money get visa complete application know English tur agent
Travel to France |
So pupils today we have travelling lesson Travell to France What do you know about France?(4-5 оқушыдан сұраймын)
If you would like to travel to France first of all you should write application for getting visa (in France act shengen visa)(every pupil will complete application after application we divide you into 3 groups Pupil who travel to France by plane by train and by bus and get money )3 team get coin -3mark 2 team-10 euro-4 1 team get- 50 euro
- write application (get money)
Get Visa (get money) write family and name and the country where we was born and country where we travel
- Dividing into 3 groups counting your money
- By plane by train by bus
- Audio lesson dialogue at the airport аудио тыңдау диалог әуе жайда
- 3 groups advertise your turagent GO TO FRANCE
(плакаттарға өз тур агентсвосын жарнамалау агентствоның аты тиімділігі)
- Grammar modal verbs (Russia) (get money) if you are going to travel in foreign countries first of all you should speak in English because it is international language
- Today we have grammar modal verbs
- What is modal verbs?
- What kind of modal verbs do you know?
Can – істейаламын could – істейалатын едім
May-мүмкін might-
Must қажет use must when you think it is necessary or very important to do something
The windows are very dirty I must clean them
We must go to the bank today. We have not any got money
Must in present or future
I must go to the bank now
I must go to the bank tomorrow
For the past (yesterday last week ) we use had to + inf (had to go had to do)
I had to go to the bank yesterday (it is necessary for me to go to the bank)
We had to walk home last night . there was no bus
Musn`t I must not do it = it is important not to do it. It is a bad thing to do
I mustn’t hurry I must not be late
You must not walk on the grass (do not wall on the grass!)
Have to (had to)қажет it is necessary for me to do it. I am obliged(обязан) to do it
I`ll be late for work tomorrow I have to go to the dentist
You have to pass a test before you can get a driving license
The past (yesterday last week ) is had to
I was late for work yesterday I had to go to the dentist
In question and negative we use do does in present in past did
Do not have to do – it is not necessary to do it
I am not working tomorrow , so I do not have to get up early
Joy does not have to work very hard. He is got an easy job
Have to= must
Use must when you say what you think is necessary , when you are giving your opinion
Usually have to is possible
It is fantastic film You must see it
Use have to (not must)when you are not giving your personal opinion
Jill won`t be here this afternoon. She has to go to doctor(this is not my opinion –it is a fact )
In many countries , men have to do military service. (this is not my opinion-it is the law in those countries)
Should керек көрсен болады сөйтсен болады
Ought to керек
Doing exercises 27.1 use must +one of these word (ауызша)
27.2 put in must or had to
So we go to Austria
After Austria we go to France So I am guide
VIII. New theme: Our today’s theme is “france”. At first to speak about our france we need to learn modal verbs and their equivalents to speak in English correctly.
So image I am guide
To see video about France (Франция туралы видео көріп кішкене вертуалды саяхат жасау)
Dear guest I wanna to tell you about country of fashion make up sweets and love France
Video about France
- kaxot quiz about France
- music
- home work to write information about political system history of France famous foods of France