Hello! It’s me
Оситашвили Надежда Ясоновна
Theme: Hello! It’s me.
Aims: to form the concept of English, to develop pupils’ in 4 skills : reading, speking, writing and listening
The lesson procedure
- moment
- Greetings
- Announcing the topic and purpose of the lesson
- – children , we continuou to learn English language and today at the lesson we’ll learn what countries speak this language, and learn how to greet each other in English. Look at the map of the world. English is native to residents of England, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. (Show the location of these countries on the map).
- Phonetic drill
- Children , Wise Crow will help us to learn English! Mr. Wise Crow! He flew to
- us from England, from London, where these birds are treated very carefully and honored for longevity and wisdom. Mr. Wise Crow is very smart. He will help us in mastering complex English sounds. Mr. Wise Crow invites us to walk around London (ei /, / ei /, / ei /. Now it’s your turn, guys. Repeat the sounds behind the Wise Raven. Now you. Repeat after Mr. Wise Crow, please: ei /, / ei /, / ei /. Very good, guys. Well done, children!
- The main part of the lesson
- Listen to what our heroes say. And, now, guys, let’s translate each sentence and Hi! I’m Anar, I’m a girl.
– Hi! I’m Olga, I’m a girl.
– Hi! I’m Alibel. I’m a boy.
– Hi! I’m Misha. I’m a boy.repeat for the guys.
- Let’s repeat this dialogue using our names
- Let’s learn a song
We say hello, we say hi!
Hello and hi, hello and hi!
- Warm – up
Hands up! Hands down!
Shake! Shake!
Stand up! On the tiptoes
Turn around. Step aside,
Step left, step right!
- Evaluation
Children, today you have learnt about what countries are spoken in English and that English is an international language. Let’s remember the words that we learned in the lesson (teacher, hello, hi, a boy, a girl). And now let’s say goodbye: Goodbye!