Niyetzhan Ainur
Secondary school №59
Literature plays an important role in teaching four basic language skills like reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Reading will never lose its relevance, as a kind of intellectual activity, as a means of spiritual and moral education and as a source of aesthetic pleasure. Therefore, the use of the grandiose possibilities of the book in the study of a foreign language is conditioned.
This report discusses the issue of organizing work with texts in literary reading lessons using effective technologies.
KEYWORDS: working with text, reading, analysis, techniques, assimilation, meaningful information search, presentation, efficiency, inference, book, experience, material, activity.
Success in learning is associated with the ease and speed of assimilation of the material. The condition for this is the presence of such qualities as: good memory, developed attention and imagination, language and speech-thinking abilities.
By teaching my students, I only create the conditions in which they themselves learn. “A modern lesson is a lesson in which the maximum of a child and a minimum of a teacher, a lesson in which children work more, and the teacher only directs their work.
My experience suggests that a student assimilates 10% of what he hears, 50% of what he sees, 70% of what he says, and 90-100% of what he does himself. Therefore, for myself, I highlighted several aspects of a modern lesson: the interaction of students with each other, a teacher-coordinator of acquiring knowledge; a lesson in which each student learns with interest; a lesson that should be based not on obedience, imitation and repetition, but on an independent search for truth, on the analysis and synthesis of different points of view, own observations and experiments; a lesson that should be focused on the development of the creative abilities of students, on the use of modern technologies. Techniques for working with text in the lesson for different types of reading (viewing, introductory and studying).
Working with text is one of the main tasks in any lesson. It is not enough to simply ask students to open the book on the right page, read the material and answer the question. This will lead to the lack of the required result and a senseless waste of time in the lesson.
The same type of activity within a lesson can be structured in different ways so that it becomes not only productive, but interesting and motivating for students. For reading to be productive, students must take an active position, carrying out a variety of mental operations. When working on a text, it is important to take into account the types of reading that have different goals.
Types of reading:
View reading is the most superficial kind, giving the most general idea of the content and meaning of the text. The end of result is a decision whether to read the text or not.
Techniques for working with text, used for viewing reading:
- Analyze the subheading as well as predict the topic of the text.
- Analyze subheadings if they are present in the text.
- As an additional task, you can view drawings and times highlighted highlights in the text.
- Get acquainted with the structure of the text.
- View the first as well as the last paragraph of the readable text. Acquaintance with the table of contents.
- Use text annotations.
I begin the study of a new text by reading the author’s surname, the children give a summary of his work, then we read the title, consider the illustrations. We express our assumptions about the theme of the work, about the characters, content, development and actions. The children read the key words, which are isolated from the text in advance and are written by me on the board, I set the children the task of checking and clarifying their initial assumptions .
An introductory reading is more detailed than a viewing. This type is characterized by the extraction of basic, but not additional information from the text being read. As a result, students determine if there is enough information in the text or if it needs to be re-read or analyzed. Techniques for working with text, used for trial read:
- Students read the text paragraph by paragraph.
- It is important to focus on the nouns, the first and last sentences of each individual paragraph.
- Highlighting important information.
- You can determine the main thing while reading the text.
- Arrangement of graphic signs adopted by the students themselves:? – I do not understand or! – it is interesting.
I’m working with text, use annotated reading. The commentary should be short and dynamic. During reading, children mark incomprehensible words. After reading these words, they are discussed: is it possible to understand the word from the context or is the help of an explanatory dictionary needed.
Study reading is the most detailed type of reading. The purpose of this type is not just a thorough study, but also penetration into the meaning of the text, a detailed analysis of the text. The end result is aimed at understanding all levels of the text, as well as the perception of various information presented in the text (factual, conceptual and subtext). Reading goals are achieved using a variety of techniques for each type of reading.
Techniques for working with text, used for studying reading
- Highlighting the semantic parts of the read text.
- Predicting the content and meaning of subsequent parts of the text, based on what you read.
- Highlighting keywords of the text as you read.
- Replacing the semantic parts of the text with their equivalents.
- Revealing details as well as subtextual information contained in text.
- Determination of the belonging of the text to a specific functional style. Drawing up questions that are problematic, both during and after reading the text.
- Drawing up a plan or graphical diagram that will help to identify the structure of the text, as well as the relationship of its individual parts. Students love that what kind of task.
- Recycling the text, creating new texts based on the read. Writing a commentary is the final stage of work on the text for a student reading.
Success in learning is associated with the ease and speed of assimilation of the material. The condition for this is the presence of such qualities as: good memory, developed attention and imagination, language and speech-thinking abilities. Every student has all these qualities, and the teacher is required to use such organizational techniques in the lesson that would help the child develop these qualities and at the same time create the most favorable conditions for everyone’s learning in the lesson.
One of the most successful forms of work for solving the above-mentioned task is the group activity of students at the final stage of mastering oral foreign language communication when working with text. This type of activity is effective, promotes the development of positive motivation of students, interest in the content of the subject and ways of its cognition.
Groups of students can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous in abilities and interests. I prefer to form heterogeneous groups, as this allows students with weak abilities:
easy and fast learning of the material, (due to joint cooperation with strong students);
promotes the growth of motivation for learning (the child chooses from the proposed set of tasks in the text those with which he can really cope, given his abilities);
rationally distributed tasks in a group and the joint activity of children gives a sense of satisfaction from the knowledge they receive;
strengthens interpersonal relationships of children.
In order for the work with the text to be effective and efficient, it is necessary to teach students:
to choose keywords, phrases in the text; make wildcard tables for performing lexical and grammatical tasks; to make support cards that will help the children at the stage of preparation for the statement on the content of the text; to teach the techniques of semantic processing of the text (guessing by context, by similarity with the native language, relying on word formation, selective translation, working with a dictionary, the ability to analyze); teach to highlight the main idea of the text and essential facts, omitting secondary information; to teach how to draw up a scheme for constructing an answer, a plan of utterance; drawing up denotational maps. (Denotational maps and graphs can be constructed deductively (from the topic of the text to the denotations revealing it) and inductively (from the general list of denotations of the text to their grouping, then to the topic).
From the very beginning of training, when working on a text, it is necessary to achieve expressive reading. It is impossible to apply the same technique for a long time, since this causes indifference to the development of certain skills and abilities. The new attitude to work allows you to activate each student. For example, when teaching expressive reading skills, you can offer the following tasks: read the text perfectly; read it as a gift to the class; read the text in a certain situation (a situation is given that must be sustained when reading), for example, you are reading a text for a girl who is learning English (attention to pronunciation).
The teacher should always remember that the process of understanding the text is a certain sequence of actions that can be controlled using a variety of methodological techniques, relying on previously formed skills and abilities to work with foreign language material. In order for the student’s attention to be stable and focused on a certain text, the content of the read must correspond to the age of the child, be accessible, interesting, that is, it is necessary to observe the principle of text selection. The texts must contain unfamiliar words, the meaning of which can be guessed from the context, as well as new material, since the training should be developing.
Based on the purpose of working with the text (in this case, a complete understanding of the text), it is recommended to use exercises that serve to check the content of the text as a whole. With their help, students make a semantic choice, conduct a meaningful search for certain information, pose problematic questions that help to make the transition from prepared speech to unprepared. These exercises can begin with the words:
Choose – ( the right title of the text; the right answer; the suitable idea; the right ending of the text; the right equivalent.)
Restore – (the text; the plan of the story…).
Find …( the description of the place, the main hero,…)
Match …(the verbs, the nouns, …)
Arrange …( the sentences (the parts) in the right order).
Complete ..(. the sentence, the main idea…)
Finish …( the text…)
Answer …
Make up short summary.
The listed methods of working with text are basic, but far from the only ones. Their use is largely determined by the teacher himself, his desire to work creatively and look for new effective ways to solve problems in the classroom. The choice of certain techniques also depends on the level of preparedness of students and their learning motivation.
I believe that in order to work with text to become productive, it is necessary: to carefully build the lesson’s algorithm, think over its course to the smallest detail, clearly set tasks for students, focus on the level of students’ preparedness and their educational motivation; do not forget about a differentiated and personality-oriented approach.
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