Lesson plan grade 4 Help the planet 1
Сабырханова Таңшолпан Маратқызы
№180 жалпы білім беретін мектеп
Қысқамерзімді жоспар
Lesson plan
Unit 6: Healthy world | |||
Teacher name: | Sabyrkhanova T.M. | ||
Date: | 05.03.2024 | ||
Grade: 4 Б | Number present: | absent: | |
Lesson title | Help the planet 1 | ||
Learning objectives
| read and understand short uncomplicated fiction and popular science texts with some support; use adverbs of time and frequency: sometimes, often, always, never to indicate when and how often, start using simple adverbs of the manner well, badly, use basic adverbs with the common –ly suffix to describe actions |
Lesson objectives
-reads and understands short uncomplicated fiction and popular science texts;
-use adverbs of time and frequency: sometimes, often, always, never |
Plan | |||
Stages / Time | Teachers actions | Students actions | Assessment criteria | Resources |
Beginning of the lesson
Warming-up 5 min
Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 3 min.
Organization moment :
1.Greeting. The teacher checks who is absent today. Division into 2 groups (origami cards)
Ask about the weather. Warming up Where are you from? How old are you? What color is it? How many students are there in class? What day of the week today?
Checking homework: Let’s sing.p.91, ex.23 The teacher plays the video-song of homework.
Lead – In The teacher shows a model of the polluted planet Earth. Asks leading questions: What is it? What do yo see on the planet? Who can help our planet? How can we help our planet? Let’s clean up our planet together! The teacher writes the topic and read lesson objectives. Introduces assessment techniques
Give points for homework
Pupils greet the teacher.
They come to the table and take a card. Divide into two groups and sit down in their places
The aim: To develop pupils speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere
The pupils sing a song in chorus.
Answer the leading questions.
Pupils determine the topic of the lesson
(The planet is polluted with rubbish. Pupils must score all the points in the lesson th cleanse the planet of rubbish) |
The teacher to assess learners for their ability.
“Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Good job!
Descriptor: -learn by heart a poem – pronounces all the words correctly Total: 2 points
The teacher to assess learners for their ability. “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Good job!
Origami cards
The model of the Planet Earth(polluted)
Middle of the lesson
Presentation part. 32 min
Vocabulary work The teacher shows new words and reads.
Vocabulary task: shows the pictures on the active board and asks to name it.
Reading The teacher shows the text on the active board.
(Group work) Activity 1. Play game “Clean and green”. Explains the rules of the game.
Physical education minute
(Individual work) “The wheel of Fortune” Exercise 2. Choose the right variant: True or False.
Grammar theme: adverbs of time and frequency: sometimes, often, always, never Жиілік үстеулері оқиғаның жиілігі туралы мәлімет береді.
Орын тәртібі: Subject + adverb + verb + …
Ең маңызды жиілік үстеулері: always, never, often, sometimes
(Group work) Grammar activity
The teacher gives to groups handouts and explains the task. 1 group: Complete the sentences: Sometimes, never, always, often, always 1. I _________ go to bed before 11 pm 2. I _________ been to London 3. We _______ play football on Sundays 4. I _________ go to the gym 5. I _________ clean up my room on Sundays
2 group: Complete the sentences: Sometimes, never, always, often, always 1. I _______ wake up at 6 o’clock 2. I _______ play tennis on the weekend 3. I _______ read in bed at night 4. I _______ been to Spain 5. I _______ help my mum to cook (Individual task for underperforming student) S.Bagnur 1. Matches adverbs with translations
Pupils listen to the teacher and repeat after teacher. Then write into vocabulary copybooks.
Pupils name the pictures
Pupils read the text one by one.
Pupils in groups receive handouts that shows on the active board. They must sort the rubbish from the room into the right rubbish bin.
Pupils show the video and repeat a song and dance
One by one they spin the wheel of Fortune. Read the sentences and choose the right variant
Pupils listen to the teacher and write down into copybooks.
Each group completes a task. Everyone reads the correct answers and checks.
She matches adverbs with translations(she can use a dictionary) |
The teacher to assess learners for their ability. “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Good job!
Descriptor: – read and understand the text using new vocabulary
Descriptor: -correctly names the rubbish -choose the right rubbish bin Total: 2 points
Descriptor: –choose the right variant Total: 1 point
Descriptor: – complete the sentence using adverb Total: 5 points
Descriptor: – matches adverb with translation Total: 5 points
PPT pictures
Handouts 1
https://1c7951e0f713f82c10d 3- 9c5e6fbd2c9d828eb37b6bf03 99bddd6.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/ clean-green/index.html online game for classification of rubbish Handouts 2
The wheel of Fortune
PPT copybooks
Handouts 3
Handouts 4 |
End of the lesson
5 min |
Learners provide feedback answering the following questions: Did you like the lesson? What have you learned today? What do you not understand?
The teacher evaluates pupils for lesson. Counts how much trash a pupil collected in his bin.
Home task: Make sentences using adverbs of time and frequency: sometimes, never, always, often |
Pupils write their answers on the trees, butterflies and flowers. Then decorate the planet with them.
– 2 points – 2 points – 1 point – 5 points
Bins with rubbish(pictures) |