Unit 2. Natural Disasters. Theme. Prediction and prevention of natural disasters


Teacher’s name Zhuldyzbay Gulbakyt Duisenbekkyzy
Theme of the session Unit 2. Natural Disasters.

Theme. Prediction and prevention of natural disasters

Title of the module/discipline Standard curriculum of technical and vocational education in the discipline “Foreign language” of the agrarian technical direction
1. General information

Course, group

Type of session/activity

Course 1

Group Ag-23о    Data:

New session

2. Goals and objectives Ø  Write an argumentative statement based on the text using active vocabulary;

Ø  express one’s point of view on the topic;

Ø  use rubrics and digital reference resources to check meaning and extend understanding.

3. Learning outcomes Ø  accept general and detailed information;

Ø  analyze the text, determining the ways of expressing the author’s relationship to the written text, giving a fully substantiated answer to the problematic question, referring to the text and expressing one’s opinion on the topic;

Ø  use previously acquired knowledge of geography

(CLIL, interdisciplinary communication).


Ø  Жалпы және толық ақпаратты қабылдайды;

Ø  мәтінді талдайды, жазылғанға авторлық қатынасты білдіру тәсілдерін анықтайды, мәтінге сілтеме жасай отырып және тақырып бойынша өз пікірін білдіре отырып, проблемалық сұраққа толық дәлелді жауап береді;

Ø  география бойынша бұрын алған білімдерін қолданады

(CLIL, пәнаралық байланыс)

4. Required resources Interactive board, handouts, using videos& pictures, word wall platform
5. The outline of the session 90 minutes


Time Teacher’s actions/

Student’s actions


Assessment criteria Resources
Lesson 1
Beginning of the lesson

2 min

Organization moment

Organization of motivation for learning activities.


Task. Write down your wishes and expectations on colored paper. Then share them with your group mate.


Teacher greets the students, distributes them differently colored papers, Students write their expectations on papers (personal aims) and share their thoughts with the peers.


Differently colored A4 format papers (green, yellow, red, blue)

Warming  up activity

5 min


“Push and Pull”



Task. Come to the board with your partner. Stand in a line from both sides.


Listen to teacher’s instruction and be able to push and pull by correct match as fast as you can


Teacher tells word phrases (in Kazakh) to students

Students listen to a teacher carefully, push and pull phrases correctly 

Live longer

Inherit diseases

Gene editing

Faulty genes

Genetically modified

Designer babies

A source of information

Do business

Social media

Study at university


The aim: To develop Ss listening skills and reading comprehension skills.

Efficiency: By thinking quickly Ss improve their problem-solving skills.

For the correct Push and Pull teacher motivates the Ss with the Feedback:


2. Introduction of the theme and its objectives.


Teacher introduces the theme of the lesson and its objectives.

After teacher informs the students that they are going to use “Educational charge” (Appendix 1) for evaluating their progress during the lesson, focuses on each criteria and explaining the points which might be unclear to the learners.


T divides Ss with the help of program “Cast lots” group generator written names on them.


A learner

–    Listen to a teacher

–    Find word phrases;


Piece of papers































Appendix 1






Cast Lots http://castlots.org/razdelit-na-gruppy/

Pre learning



7 min










Introduction of new words

10 min


“Word wall platform”

·         Listen to me carefully and draw the picture

“Draw three houses on the right in the middle. Each house has four windows and a door. On the roof of one of the houses there are two people and a dog. Draw two trees on the left in the middle. At the top of the picture draw some clouds. The clouds look grey and it’s raining a lot. In the sky there is a helicopter. Around the houses there is water. The water touches the top windows of the house….”


·         Look at your pictures

·         What is it?

·         Give the title to your picture

Look at the interactive board and write down the new words.





forest fire



volcanic eruption


The teacher introduces new words to the students using an interactive board.


T prepares Tarsia figure cut on paper beforehand and brings them in copies.

Then explains how to form the cut figure correctly.

The first group who will be able to match up the words with their definitions win.


Aim: involves asking questions to help Ss find out the new theme of the lesson, explore the text at a deeper level, including defining new words, analyzing the components of a story reactivate prior knowledge and being able to talk about the text.

Efficiency: to familiarize students with new vocabulary from the text and develop their predicting skills. To encourage higher order thinking skills.


A learner:

–          – listens to teacher’s instruction:

–          -draws the scene

–          -knows the theme of the new lesson







A learner:

–          – listen to teacher’s instruction:

–          -knows the types of natural disasters

–          – writes the new words








A learner:

-read the definition

-matches the pieces of a figure

-make a standard Pyramid figure.






Group assessment

A big white paper















Appendix 2


















Pre-reading stage

7 min





Task. Watch the video “Water, water, everywhere” and answer the questions.


–          How many people evacuated in 2017?

–          What is the climate of the local region of Kazakhstan?

–          In which regions of Kazakhstan floods often occur?


Аfter watching the video, students give answers in accordance with the information shown in the video.


A learner:

-answers the questions.


While-reading stage

13 min


“QR code”



“Comprehension questions” activity


Individual  work



Task. Read the text. Do the task with QR code and scan.


True/false –sentences

1. More than 7,000 people were evacuated from their homes across seven regions of Kazakhstan in April 2017 because of flooding. (True)

2. Kazakhstan experiences significant floods in 2010, 2014, and 2015. (True)

3. The primary cause of recurring floods in Kazakhstan is the melting of winter snowfall due to sharp increases in temperature or heavy rain. (True)

4. Extreme weather events like heat waves can lead to mudslides in Kazakhstan. (True)

5. A dam was built in Kazakhstan’s capital city,

Nur-Sultan, to prevent flooding when the River Ishim bursts its banks. (True)

6. The flooding in Kazakhstan has not caused any injuries to people. (False)

7. Floods and mudslides have damaged houses made from adobe, leaving some people homeless. (True)

8. Moving floodwaters and mudflows have carried away some people’s vehicles. (True)

9. The cost of repairing roads, bridges, power lines, and buildings after the floods in Kazakhstan was minimal. (False)

10. Emergency teams in Kazakhstan save livestock during floods by moving them to higher ground. (True)

The aim: To develop Ss listening skills and reading comprehension skills.

Efficiency: By thinking quickly Ss improve their problem-solving skills.


SWSN. For the student with special needs (students with visual impairment)

For a visually impaired student, the teacher offers a handout with text printed in bold and large print. Also the student is provided with laptop with a special version for visually impaired and all the visuals and assignments in digital format.


More than ——–people were evacuated from their homes across seven regions of Kazakhstan in April ——- because of flooding. There were also significant floods in —–/——and——. Kazakhstan’s location combined with its climate means it has a lot of snowfall in winter and sunshine in the summer. It is the melting of the winter snowfall caused by sharp increases in temperature or heavy rain that is the cause of the recurring floods.

Answer key:7,000/20172010, 2014/2015


A learner

– marks the sentence.






















Self assessment
















A learner:

–          Fills gaps

–          Knows the dates

Appendix 3






















Post-reading stage

13 min





“Write a summary”



Group work

Task. Give the general information on the topic  using a notebook.



The teacher provides notebooks for each group and asks to give main information


A learner:

writes general information;







Group assessment

“Research work”


25 min


Functional literacy

Task. Work in three groups. Make a research work on the theme “Earthquake in Turkey-2023”. “Forest Fire in Kazakhstan-2023”. “Tsunami in Japan – 2011” Make a presentation of 5 slides at least.


Questions for research work:

–       When did it happen?

–       What states offered their assistance?

–       how many people were victims?

–       what is the cause of the accident?

–       How much did the accident  in Turkey(Kazakhstan, Japan) cost the country?


The teacher gives a task for Search information about the accident  in Turkey, Kazakhstan and Japan.

(20 minutes for preparation + 5 min for presentation)


A learner:

–   collects the information;

–   defines the quantitative data of the earthquake, forest fire, tsunami;

–   prepares slides;

–   presents research work;

self and group assessment


5 min


“One sentence summary” method


“Tik tok”

Effective learning tool


Make up one sentence that summarizes the whole lesson.

Students are to put final points in the “Educational charge box” and pass them to the teacher.





Write down your impressions from today’s topic and put stickers to Tik Tok box.


Home task: Virtual Reality


A learner

makes up one sentence summary.






A learner:

–   writes impressions.











Appendix 4


“Ladder of success”


3 min


Task. Look at the picture “ladder of success” and color your level of knowledge for today.



The teacher knows how much students understood the new lesson



A learner:

–   defines own level;

–   reflects on the lesson;



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