Global issue Grade 10


Lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan  2 Natural Disaster




Date: Teacher name:
CLASS: 10 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Global Issues (Natural disasters)
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme) give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general and curricular topics use familiar and some unfamiliar paper and digital reference resources to check meaning and extend understanding use infinitive forms after a limited number  of verbs and adjectives use gerund forms after a limited variety of verbs and prepositions  use some prepositional verbs and begin to use common phrasal verbs on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics


Lesson objectives All students will be able to:

-give their opinion about Global issues;

– make up sentences using gerund or infinitive on curricular topic ;

– Listen and understand others speech;

Most students will be able to:

–        Discuss in a group and share their ideas about the natural disasters and Global issues

Some students will be able to:

–         Give an opinion and  feedback to other groups’ fishbone diagram

Level of thinking skills Application/analysis
Assessment criteria Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions. Support a talk with peers while agree, disagree and discuss the order of actions and causes, consequences.
Values links Being environmentally conscious/friendly, actively providing solutions to global problems.
Cross-curricular links Geography, self –knowledge, ecology,  Natural study
Previous learning Learners knew names disasters and differences of usage  gerund and infinitive structure;
Planned timings  Teacher’s planned activities Students’ planned activities



Assessment Resources



2 minutes





3 minutes







2 minutes

Organisation moment

–       Greeting. Teacher greets learners







Teacher shows photos from interactive board and  asks students to say common similarities of them.




Teacher gives additional explanation to students opinion about Global issues.



Method “Listen and Guess”

Teacher turns on radio podcast about on of the Global BBC news.


Teacher checks their ideas by asking probing questions, like:

1.     What can you say about this News?

2.     What kind of influence has  this disaster to our everyday life?

3.     How can we protect ourselves from them?




Warm up

« How do you like your neighbour?”

Students stand in a circle and announces “I like my neighbour because….” eg.


Students say their  warm words and praise to the next students.















Students think and say   common similarities of pictures.

Students name the given problems.


















Students guess What about listened podcast. Define the type of problem and say  about  actual problem in short.


Students give answer for given questions.


Students give answer and tell their opinion on given questions.











































5 minutes







8 minutes









10 minutes


















12 minutes



Teacher asks clarifying questions to prove the concept behind the students argument:

-What does it mean Global Citizenship?

-Are you citizen Of Kazakhstan?

-Are you a Global Citizen?

-How can you prove it?


Task 1  Individual Work

Method «Dumb video»

Teacher switches on News report without sound and give tasks to give New life to that dumb Video-Reportage.


Role Play of Reporter

Teacher asks students to play the role of reporter and do their speech.


Task 2 Group work

Waking up motivation of learners:

“Imagine you are…”


Todays our motivating phrase for learners

“Imagine You are World Minister…”

Teacher invites pupils to participate in conference, main department of UNESCO in France, Paris.

Teacher is a secretary of  General-director, Audrey Azoulay. General director gives task to appoint World Ministers  to solve Global ,controversial issues.

Teacher explains leaners the rule of Conference.

– make up project.

– take active part in each task

Students will have chance to get certificate for

1000000$. It’s good chance to put money into protection of our Nature.


Task 3  (Pair work)    

Fishbone strategy (Groups offer own project)

Teacher, Secretary of UNESCO  World Ministers gives tasks to World Ministers to solve Global problems with Fishbone diagram.



Teacher mixes names of natural disasters in the black box.


Differentiation for less able students: T gives necessary lexis on the theme Global Issues

















Students watch the video News about Natural Disasters without sound and do their own reportage to given News On TV.












Students choose papers from the teacher’s desk written appointed the cabinet of Global Ministers.


Students discuss in conference Global issues and ways of solving them.



Groups take any one problem from the Black box to solve that problem. If learners can solve the problem they move that problem into the box “Happy end”.


Students discuss in a group and share their ideas about consequences, effects and find solutions of the problem. Pair Ministers present their own projects.









Expert Envoy

Other Ministers ask questions and tell their opinion  according solved Problem.


Differentiation for more able students: Students use models of expressing the ideas. Example:

English Russian Kazakh
From my point  of view С моей точки зрения Менің көзқарасым бойынша
In my opinion По моему мнению Менің ойымша
I found out that И я выяснил, что Мен анықтадым….
Generally I like your idea, but В целом мне нравится ваша идея, но Жалпы сіздің ойыңыз ұнады, алайда






Students praise each other






AFL- Self assessment







AFL of experts: 2 stars, 1 wish

















































A learner:

– works in a group;

-clarify the problem;

-expresses his thoughts about it;

– presents consequences after the disaster;

-discusses the ways of solving their chosen problem;

-presents  group poster by defining outcome;



















Sheet of papers with tasks








List of verbs






Sheet of papers models of expressing the ideas



3 minutes


In summary section used method

“Map summarizing”





What do you say to all people of the World?

What kind of feeling do you  have after our English lesson?

You may say and stick heart-shaped Sticker on the map of the World.

Students say their feelings to Mother-Earth after English lesson and stick heart-shaped Sticker on the World map.    
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check

Differentiation for less able students: T gives necessary lexis on the theme Global Issues

Differentiation for more able students: Teacher gives models of expressing the ideas.


Task 1:  AFL- Self assessment


Task 2:  Self assessment (Praising themselves)


Task 3: Group assessment by stand up and change places

(assessment of experts 2 stars, 1 wish)


Using physical exercises and active activities.

When Ss do different activities they move safely under the teacher’s control.




Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?



Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. 
Summary evaluation



What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?






What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?






What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?








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