Building a modern lesson using active teaching methods

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Building a modern lesson using active teaching methods
Keywords: teaching, active teaching methods, learning process, active principles, teacher, lesson, student
The increasing needs of modern society require the reform of the system of general education and specialized schools. The activity of a teacher should be aimed at the creation of a highly developed personality who will be able to find a way out of any situation and solve any task. That’s the reason of using active teaching methods is considered appropriate. It is during this period that there is a transition from the traditional system of education to the formation of a new person.
For a modern teacher, a significant concept is the general scientific literacy of a student, which reflects his ability to solve a problem at the intersection of sciences. That is, he has to not only apply the knowledge gained while studying a certain subject, but also form an answer based on his own experience and life observations, as well as combine scientific information from various sciences.
Achieving this goal of forming a fully adapted person is simply impossible without the support of the learning process on active principles and teaching methods. Only they are able to activate the cognitive activity of the student and set him up for the maximum possible assimilation of the presented material. The teacher should carefully approach the formation of the methods used and clearly represent their relevance at each stage of training.

The use of active teaching methods at the present stage
Some information from history, which is contained in the free Russian and foreign encyclopedia, states that the history of pedagogy developed as a comparison of two views on what role a student should play in the educational process. According to some assumptions, the student should act as an object of pedagogical influence and have a passive role. On the other hand, the student must act as an equal participant in the learning process and play a major role in it.
An active learning method is a method in which the subject takes an active part in the learning process. If earlier, with the traditional method, the main role during the lesson was assigned to the teacher, who had to present the available information. In turn, the student had to learn it by simple perception. Today, the main role belongs to the student, and the teacher only controls the learning process and corrects it if necessary.
The activity of the method lies in the fact that the subject of training must independently identify the main essence and comprehend the truth as a result of interaction with other participants in the process. The main active teaching methods at the present stage are the following: project method, group discussions, business game, brainstorming, training, basket method, analysis of practical situations. These concepts are familiar to every modern teacher and are actively used during their work with the subjects of learning. Moreover, the key to success is a variety of methods. That is, the construction of each specific lesson according to a certain principle according to a didactic goal. It is possible to combine known principles during one lesson.
As the basis of active learning, some parameters are used, which were studied by Professor Pidkasisty P.I. According to his statements, methods have the opportunity to act in a variety of forms, techniques, actions, the application of which depends on the personal preferences of the teacher.
The expression of Gubina S.T. contains a similar interpretation of intensive methods, however, focuses on the highest level of involvement of students. At the same time, the author argues the features of these methods, while literally the same argumentation can be seen in other literature sources.
Interactive technologies have firmly entered the life of a modern schoolboy. Their use at this stage is explained by universal computerization. However, no curriculum, even the most thoughtful, will replace the presence of a teacher and his direct communication with the student. It is simply impossible to foresee exactly how the subject of learning will behave during the study of new material. The activity of the teacher should be aimed at correcting the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

In order to choose the right system of methods and principles to be used during the lesson, the teacher should be clearly guided by the set didactic goal, which is characteristic of each specific lesson.
However, each lesson should be characterized by the active participation of the learning subject in the discussion of the presented material, its careful analysis and analysis. It is in this case that the information will be perceived at the highest possible level. The student must clearly understand what is being said in the lesson and be able to freely operate with the knowledge, skills, and skills acquired. For the full activation of students during the lesson, it is recommended to use various methods of active learning in a comprehensive manner.

List of used literature

1. Active learning / encyclopedia “Tradition”
2. Kolokolnikova Z.U. Technology of active teaching methods in vocational education: textbook. – Krasnoyarsk: Siberian Federal University; Institute of Natural Sciences and Humanities, 2007
3. Pedagogy: textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutions / edited by P.I. Pidkasistogo. – M., 1996
4. Smolkin A.M. Methods of active learning – M., 1991
5. Kolechenko A.K. Encyclopedia of pedagogical technologies: A manual for teachers. – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2006. – 368 p. Республикалық білім порталы

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